Hello Louise And Ken

April 17th, 2011
It seems like it has been forever since we've heard from Louise. I know they had been traveling, and they have the new Grandchild. I suspect Louise drops by on occasion to check out some of the postings. So if she stops by, hopefully she'll see the post and know we are thinkning of them. I posted a copy of her last post for those of you who do not know them them. If you see this Louise, we miss having you around, and just want you to know we have been thinking of you, and wishing you all well.
April 17th, 2011
Yes Louise I've been wondering as well. like Rick says we miss you and Ken. hope all is well with you..please drop in even if only for a short while.
April 17th, 2011
@digitalrn Thank you Rick. I've been wondering too.
April 17th, 2011
@bruni I just sent Louise an e-mail as I have one of her two e-mail addresses. unfortunately the one I have she doesn't check all the time that is if she still has it.. if it is no longer in service I'll be getting a failure-notice. Lets just see what happens.
April 17th, 2011
I was just thinking about them the other day. I miss hearing about all of their wonderful adventures and hope that all is well.
April 17th, 2011
The are peeking in! She commented just the other day on one of my pics.
April 17th, 2011
I knew she was, but I think what happens is when she does, maybe she feels guilty and feels she needs to do more and doesn't have the time. Well, we'll see if we can coerce her to come out and say hello.
April 17th, 2011
I miss em too! Mommers, where yoooooooooo?
April 17th, 2011
i wrote a comment on her last photo entry , and she commented on my 365th photo, same day (April 14th) , but she did not mention anything about what shes doin lately ... but i hope shes fine ..♥

April 17th, 2011
waiting for this years adventures of dill! hiya louise!
April 17th, 2011
ditto to all previous comments - miss you Louise!!!! :D
April 17th, 2011
Hello Louise & Ken, I am fairly new at 365 and still trying to figure out the tricks of the trade. I love the picture of the cat! If the others are missing you so am I. Hope you return soon!
April 17th, 2011
Miss you! So much to tell you!
April 17th, 2011
I've noticed their absence, too :-) Hi Louise! Hi Ken!
April 17th, 2011
Hello, Louise! Count me as one who misses your photos. Hope all is well and you are having a wonderful time travelling or visiting your beautiful grandson...
April 19th, 2011
OMG...You know how to make a girl tear up (as in "That was really touching")! That is so sweet of you all! Bruni gave me a nudge today (Monday 18th) to tell me there had been a thread, but I completely missed it at the time. Yes, I DO look through photos a couple times a week, but don't often leave comments as I feel guilty for not taking part more. It must be said, *All is Well* with Ken and me, but all I photograph at present are garden flowers and squirrels. HOWEVER, very shortly we're returning to Chicago to see our now-6-mo-old grandbaby and joining friends on a trip, so maybe I'll soon feel I have something to offer again. You all make me smile, and Ken read this over my shoulder, too...that was so dear of you all. OK...I'll put up a little of what I have and get my feel wet again. Of course you know I've missed you, too! *xox*
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