Are you having a CREATIVE BLOCK?

April 21st, 2010
ok recently a thread was started on lack of motivation (that had an unfortunate end). I know I have had days like this already and have yet to hit 100... I am assuming everyone gets this creative hurdle during this journey. I thought I would see if I could find something to help me and others doing this project. And guess what, ten minutes, no ten seconds of searching I found this nifty PDF that I think will help spark ideas. So download it, save it. and use this in your hour of need.

I hope this helps at least one person.

365 days of ideas
April 21st, 2010
Thanks Jeff.

I think this will definitely help when I'm feeling a little lost!!!
April 21st, 2010
Just what I needed. Thanks for posting.
April 21st, 2010
I think someone posted this a while back, but always good to be reminded.

Might have a scan of this again to get some ideas

April 21st, 2010
Certainly no shortage of ideas there....and a quick look through the "Browse" for any day will give some more ideas!
I too was sorry that the person who started the other topic just signed off. Presumably 365 didn't "do it" for her. Pity. There's an interesting community here and lots of suggestions and comments to encourage and to help improve. Even just studying how other people do photographs is an education in itself.
I'm still finding the project fun and seldom short of ideas. It has opened my eyes to colour, angles, simplicity, design....and so much more. Loving it!
April 21st, 2010
Thanks - this has given me some great ideas - I am new to this and have been wondering how I will keep it up for 365 days.
April 21st, 2010
Excellent, Jeff. I must say that every day is a creative block for me. To resolve, I clear my mind, hope in the car, and point it in any direction until I find something. For whatever reason, it works.

I try not to look at what I am going to shoot "as-is". I envision it "as I want it to be". Sometimes successful, sometimes not. But you don't know unless you try.
April 21st, 2010
I've had some days that I was at a loss for a shot, but that was back in the winter when I didn't feel like leaving the house. If I'm not involved with a theme or challenge (which automatically gives you some focus -no pun intended) then (like Chris said) going for a ride, taking a walk, or heading to the park or some museum always provides opportunities and/or ideas. This .pdf should help too...anxious to take a peek at it!
April 21st, 2010
I am so glad you posted this as I am stuck, mainly because of the weather lately..rain...rain...rain. Starting in May I decided to work on beginner techniques one each week, so that should be motivating as well.

I guess I should also get off my butt and get a battery for my car and get it registered so I can hop in my car and find something like Chris does. It will also help me get to know my way around my new town in which I live.
April 21st, 2010
Thanks Jeff!
April 21st, 2010
Very cool. Thank you!
April 21st, 2010
This is great, Jeff - thanks for sharing!
April 21st, 2010
thank you
April 21st, 2010
Very nice! Thank your sharing! :)
April 21st, 2010
What helps me when I'm in a slump is to just take pictures of random stuff wherever I am - mostly im in those slumps at home.... this will usually get some creative juices flowing and at the very least i'll end up trying different things that I normally wouldnt do , be it POV, settings, comp, etc....
April 22nd, 2010
Kathleen - this project might be a wonderful opportunity for you (and us) to explore your new town!

My challenge is a bit different. I'm self-employed and work long hours at my desk at home. I don't even have an interesting commute (or fellow commuters) and some days, don't even get outside for anything more than bringing in the newspaper and mail. My business is on the upswing right now, and the hours are getting longer... prepare to be bored, people. ;)

And thank you, whoever (on the other thread) mentioned the extra bit of "performance anxiety" that can kick in, especially when one has had a couple of better pics and/or some positive reinforcement. It IS trickier, some days, to post something I know is less-than-stellar, knowing it's not my best work; but if this is truly meant to be a representation of 365 days of my life, I can't be expected (or expect myself) to do my very best work on each and every one of those days, right?

A little perspective goes a long way, sometimes.
April 22nd, 2010
Since moving to Glasgow I've lost my mojo a bit. Less green things to take pictures of D: Buuuut I am discovering that my eyes are opening up to the world of urban photography, so I'm hoping the quality of my pictures won't suffer too much. Certainly I'm finding places along the bus route to work that I want to take pictures of! I will just have to put in more effort, that's all. Stay motivated, guys, we can do this!
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