How often have you felt like quitting?

April 21st, 2010
Just curious. :)
April 21st, 2010
I've never considered quitting as I don't see it as a chore. Some days I do lose the creative edge and just throw up a photo of something which I haven't considered, processed and am happy with, but in general it's just a part of my day to day routine.
April 21st, 2010
Ha! Good question! Well, it all began with just throwing up a pic, making a caption, taking a peek around and then logging off. All was good. I actually had dinners with friends, worked on genealogy, saw a couple of movies, you know…had a life. However, the amount of time I now spend reviewing pics and making comments has grown to occupy most of my post work hours, so I must admit that I have considered pulling back from that a bit and actually starting to function outside of the 365 World. When one only has a few hours a day outside of work...those hours become rather precious, especially now that the sun is shining a bit longer and the outside has begun to call my name. BUT I don't think I will ever actually QUIT submitting pics and taking a peek around now and then. I am just too addicted. :-)
April 21st, 2010
so far, not at all.
some days i don't get chance to take a photo, so I cheat a little but all in all I love taking new photos everyday.
April 21st, 2010
Today is day 111 for me and that thought has never crossed my mind yet!!!

I am getting so much out of this project. One very unexpected benefit is the friendship of people all over the world...and then of course all I am learning so much, not just about photography, but about people and other cultures and flora and fauna and architecture...and on and name it...I really don't think quitting will ever be an option I consider unless circumstances beyond my control (God forbid) cause me to quit. ...Do you get the idea that I love this project :-}}}
April 21st, 2010
During the A - Z project!
April 21st, 2010
if we're talking about taking photos, then quitting hasn't crossed my mind. i take photos eveyrday anyways..and it's not a job. it's something that i so love to do.

now, if you're talking about this community, then it's different. there are times when going online and uploading seem like such chores but since i have the photos, it's no biggie. i do agree with sue. it does take up time so i gave up my other sites and kept this one, multiply (where i sometimes upload some of my photos) and facebook.
April 21st, 2010
I'm consumed. If you know me, I don't need to explain further!
April 21st, 2010
Is it a real option?
April 21st, 2010
Too many times! I've been pondering on it today actually, I sometimes feel like it's too much pressure to get a good shot, especially for my flickr self portrait 365. Plus I'm so low on time at the moment and haven't had time to comment on everyone's photos. It makes me feel bad as everyone is so supportive to me.

I think for me - every day I wake up feeling inspired and ready to take my camera out but sometimes I just want to take the photo because I like it, not because I think everyone else might like it.

April 21st, 2010
I might struggle to think of stuff to take, and get annoyed at that, but never actually thought about quitting entirely.
April 21st, 2010
Never feel like quitting. Ever.
Not even when my husband was sick...I used that for inspiration.
Not even this last week, when I've been really sick and haven't left the house.
It's more challenging to come up with subject matter ( but it gives me at least ONE thing to do each day that takes my mind off "sick"), and I haven't been able to cycle through and make all of the comments that I want to right now, but I've never thought about quitting. Ever.

I totally respect those of you who are having difficulty and might want to quit, though. I've only been doing this for a little over 2 months, so it really hasn't been enough time for me to feel like giving up!
April 21st, 2010
I've not done this long, but when I am too busy or too fed up with it, I just upload something without any thought to it...
At the end of the day, it doesnt matter!!
The moment I take it all too seriously (and sometimes when I see so many fab photo's I feel like giving up, lol) I just remind myself that this is just purely for fun, and more than anything I will enjoy looking back after a year has passed. It completely takes any pressure off.
April 21st, 2010
Day #111 ... never! I'm totally addicted! I do wonder what January 1, 2011 will bring, however!
April 21st, 2010
everytime I pick up my outdated camera....ahahah I really wish I could justify to myself to get a new one.

seriously, I had some struggles already and most are self driven. I just have to remember that this is for fun and when I lose site of that is when I want to quit because the shot isn't cool enuf for you all to see. but then I refocus, figuratively and literally, and I get the task at hand completed. I have to remember this is fun and not a judged event. Well unless your image gets selected by the theme-monkeys :)
April 21st, 2010
today. but then I am feeling a little bad so if I ignore it it will go away.
April 21st, 2010
I know this 365project is just another thing on my checklist...and it steals even more time away from my day...but I dont mind because it is something I am passionate about. I really enjoy taking pictures and recieving feedback. I love all of the people I have met through this website as well. It has been nothing but fun and smiles :)
April 21st, 2010
nope. never thought of it. actually i'm scared i may never stop!
April 21st, 2010
Let's put it this way, I took my laptop to a recent conference mainly to keep up with 365. Everything else I could have done from my iTouch or phone or computers at the conference, but for uploading photos I needed my personal computer, so I shlepped it through airport security and paid a daily fee on the hotel bill so I could stay connected with you guys!
April 21st, 2010
I never feel like quitting. Funny thing is the more i do it the more i want to and the more addicted I become. I think that a lot of my motivation is seeing the progression from when i 1st started.
April 21st, 2010
The first couple weeks of the project was kinda rough for me, I would always think that I was nuts for starting this year long project, I reallky wasn't confident in myself that I could follow through... But 100 + days into it I'm still going strong . Although these spring days I find myself with less motivation to sit in front of my computer for any extended length of time, I still take photos everyday and I look forward to taking photos everyday.... it's kind of like a stress relief for me.....
April 21st, 2010
Jenn, don't you know that this site is the Hotel California?

And... YOU BETTER NOT QUIT! You're one of my favorites.

Hell, this little thing is keeping me sane right now (well, to a fault...I'll never be completely sane). "Why be normal?"

Lest, I digress.

Now mind you, I am trying to manage 3 albums. ok, so that was stupid. May have to trim down in the near future.
April 21st, 2010
Never felt like quitting, but I do get so busy with my 'real' job that I can't spend the time on my hobby, but that is pretty much how life is. When I have the time, I upload the photo, and when I don't, well you can see by my empty slots on some of my days, that I don't. But trying to capture that photo that will make everyone ohh and ahh over is what keeps me going....perhaps some day I will achieve it, for now the fun is in trying to find it.
April 22nd, 2010
i have never thought of quitting...i know the satisfaction of doing it for a year will be worth it....besides its fun.
! i may cut back a little on my viewing and comments tho.
April 22nd, 2010
Nope, I don't give up easily. I know I will benefit by not giving just think of that.
April 22nd, 2010
I have OCD. I can't quit! :)
April 22nd, 2010
This is the healthiest thing I do for my outlook. I'm a beginner photographer, but a walk along my creek looking for photo subjects and listening for birds completely clears away the stress of my job.
April 22nd, 2010
I seem to have a trend. I feel fine, I have fun. Then I get busy with life and get stuck in a rut with my photos. I think about quitting. Then something sparks my imagination and I start all over.

I'm glad I am doing this one thing just for me in life. I may not do another year but I hope to finish this one. (In a horrible rut now)
April 22nd, 2010
It depends on how my main job take away from me all this inspiration... hehehe :)
April 22nd, 2010
I have not felt like quitting the project - I am really loving this! But I worry that I am spending too much time on the website. But carrying my camera everywhere is now routine. I feel naked without it and inevitably see something I want to photograph!
April 22nd, 2010
I'm with CrowMojo. I get in ruts. I don't really think about quitting when I get in a rut, though. I just obsess/lament over how to either catch up or get back on track. That's when it stops being fun, so I have to remind myself to take it a day at a time and take photos like I always have - for the love of it. Then things always fall back into place.
April 22nd, 2010
I don't think I've ever felt like quitting.

I know there are days where I am just not in the mood to find somewhere creative to take a photo. So I just find the quickest place and snap a photo.

All in all, I really enjoy doing this and teaching myself to be a better photographer by learning to capture myself in front of the camera.

And just like Prairie Smoke, I carry my camera EVERYWHERE. It helps me really keep on track. I definitely feel like a part of me is missing when I don't have it on me.

But after taking a photo that I was really proud of today, my rut is broken for the time being :)
April 22nd, 2010
No...sometimes not terribly inspired but know that will pass...but never quit. I'm learning so much from the community of 365 and getting fresh inspiration every day.
April 22nd, 2010
Never! I absolutely love this project and the people involved with it. It brings me great joy to read the comments each day and know that others are receiving enjoyment from my photos. I see this becoming a lifetime project year after year. I already have plans to have my 365 photos printed in book form to keep. The greatest part of this whole thing to me isn't even the photos, it's the people!
April 22nd, 2010
I've never really felt like quitting. When I think how far I've come personally I am amazed! I didn't even know how to use my camera & was happy to get a shot in focus! The winter was tough with little daylight & a demanding day job. Now I am learning how to post process, didn't even know what that was! I love seeing other peoples photos for the beauty and for the glimpse into their lives. We are all so different! Even when if I cheat & use a photo taken over the weekend when I have more time I feel good posting it. The one thing I would like to do more of is comment on people's photos.
April 22nd, 2010
Not so far, but like Barb, I've only been doing this for a little over 2 months now. It does get hairy some days, when work is piled on and I realize it's 10 pm and I haven't even THOUGHT about my pic - but I cut myself some slack on those days (real life has to come first!) and put up something less than stellar.

So far, I'm developing a daily photo habit (see what I did there?) and I really feel like I'm looking at the world in a different way. It's become a place full of new perspectives and vantage points. It's fun to try to expand my technical knowledge (of both my camera and the various processing sites and software out there).

Most importantly, every day I see a photo that impresses the heck out of me, and it renews my motivation to learn from that person, whether it's perspective, post-processing, subject matter, creativity or technical skill.

I think as long as I'm learning, growing and interacting, my motivation probably won't be waning. :)
April 22nd, 2010
If I am to be honest, I feel like it probably every 10 or so days. Now, I do not plan on quitting. The feeling is fleeting, especially when I look at my photos and see now that I am at number 100. 100 days in a row of doing something is not really something to just turn your back on.

Yet, sometimes the project feels relentless. Some days I just plain do not want to take a photo. Sure I could cheat, but it is very important to me to maintain my integrity of taking a shot everyday for this project. (not bashing others who do cheat, this is what I want to do) I want to look back and say that I really did take a shot every day, not "yeah I took a shot almost every day for a year" That is why in my photos you see some crap/ LQ shots when I could be filling in with some nice ones I took on a day when I just couldn't stop.

I'm not really looking for advice or motivation or a "please don't go" or anything. I just wondered if anyone else felt the same. :) Thanks for the replies, guys.
April 22nd, 2010
I dont want to quit taking a photo everyday although I have thought about posting less often - perhaps do a weeks worth at a time because as much as I love this project it is very time consuming. We will see how time goes on....
April 22nd, 2010
i just don't have time to be thoughtful enough to capture something pseudo-meaningful every day. I have a dawg that's dying of cancer, horses, chickens, goats, cats, husband, full time job, 2.5 hour commute......if I can take one or 2 on the weekends (or more) and smear them out over the week, I'm very very pleased with myself. [=
April 22nd, 2010
Not once! I love this, and my aim is not to take perfect photos ( as I really don't know how!) but keep a littke journal for myself. I enjoy taking pics, looking through my own pictures and especially those of others!
April 22nd, 2010
I've never considered quitting too. I love this project.
April 22nd, 2010
Well, as I admit when I post one, sometimes I do cheat. There are just some days where I just can't have a camera with me. But, it is a very small amount. Ya do the best you can when ya can!

And, as you know, I enjoy your posts immensely. I learned a long time ago when in Art School, that what the artist thinks is "not their greatest", is a masterpiece to someone else.

I've posted many shot that I thought were blah, and folks loved them. And, the opposite holds true too!
April 23rd, 2010
113 days in! My problem is not so much about quitting this project as making time to do all the things I should be doing instead!!! It's starting to take up all my time and I can't imagine quitting.

What started off as a simple photographic exercise has taken on a new life with this community in which we all have similar interests. And it was wonderful to see snow and ice when I first started while I was sweltering in summer. Now it's great to see spring blossoms appearing as I move into autumn, and all those squirrels and other northern hemisphere animals that we don't get in Australia.
April 23rd, 2010
a LOT!

not for the first say...100 photos..
but now i'm so busy cuz it's spring/summer that it's HARD!

but it's not that i actually think about quiting...
it just becomes a chore to take a photo sometimes.

funny tho...i feel so good after i actually go through with it :)
so i'll keep plugging along!!
April 23rd, 2010
Just's not "taking a picture"'s capturing a moment in time...a moment that will never come again. Whatever your subject, or's a moment in time that you have kept, for yourself, or sharing with others. Stay with it.
April 23rd, 2010
At worst, I don't upload every day. I work with computers all day, and it's nice to not always have to. But then after a while I get really curious on what all of you have posted, or I get a comment notification on my mail, and then I'm drawn back to the site and I quickly upload my latest 365 shots.

Taking the photos is not a problem, remembering to ALWAYS drag a camera along is the hard part. There are so many things that I see that amaze me each day, I'd love to capture them all on camera :-)
April 23rd, 2010
I'm considering quitting now, actually. I'm not tired of taking pictures but I'm finding it nearly impossible to juggle blog-keeping with daily photos, and the blog was here first! I've become much more image-oriented as I spend each day looking for photos, and hardly have room for words.

I'll have to think on it some more. I'd hate to give up, but I miss journalling and I don't want to neglect the friends I have there by being silent.
April 23rd, 2010
I've had some really uninspired days and complete lack of motivation seems like a general thing with my 365, but luckily never felt like quitting. I need to finish this to say i did it.

Despite my job having creative moments (i make computer games) this feels like my only creative outlet. I'm not creatively wired in the brain so I enjoy the challenge, but do find it very hard.

I'm find myself both jealous and inspired by the multitude of brilliant and artistic shots i see everyday here.

Oh - and i've found it easier by taking the pressure of myself to take a truly great shot each day. I like my shot to be great but if its just ok i allow myself that privilege. I was putting too much pressure on myself
April 23rd, 2010
Not at all. I just wish that I can add more pictures. Will be an ace someday so that I can do so. I am taking a lot more pictures than normal and the hardest part is selecting the one to post. I can see my pictures improving using just my very simple point and shoot. Sometimes I wish for a better camera but I need to get better at what I have to move up.
April 23rd, 2010
I generally don't seriously entertain the idea of quitting, but there have been days when I wonder why I even bother since I don't have anything interesting to photograph. There are some amazing photographers on here who seem to come up with something new and unique each day, but there are only so many landscapes, self-portraits and macro shots you can take before it starts to get repetitive.
April 23rd, 2010
I'm planning for the next 365! This is a blast.
April 23rd, 2010
I felt like quitting about three times? It was during the ten day challenge and I couldn't sleep at night because my mind kept ticking away as to what I could photograph for the next day.

Now that I'm free of challenges though, I can't wait to take a photo every day. I'm determined to stick to it as well because I feel like this is my first step to making sure I do some kind of art every day, and I would essentially like to live off my art of decorating shoes - etc. Once I'm ready!
April 24th, 2010
There are days when I thought I had a great shoot and come home only to find nothing came out the way I'd intended that I feel like quitting. And there are certainly the days where I'm totally uninspired that make me want to give up. But I took on this project to push myself to look harder at the world around me, to push the limits of my photographic comfort zone, and to give myself a running challenge. So I try to remind myself on bad days that this is all about learning and developing, and not even having one good shot in a day once in a while is actually a good learning experience.
April 24th, 2010
Melissa, I love your answer. You've captured my thoughts exactly.
April 24th, 2010
Many times, its all about patience.
April 24th, 2010
Never Yet!!
April 24th, 2010
same exact thoughts with Rainee Paz :)
April 24th, 2010
"The War Of Art" by Steven Pressfield.

Read it.

Live it.

It's what's keeping me going right now.
April 25th, 2010

42 days old here on 365Project site. 464 days old on Rupe's own blog.

Not yet .....
April 25th, 2010
I am consumed by this website...its amazing.

I have thought about giving up, when i missed a few days in Newcastle...but I caught up, and now its becoming a bit tough as my ideas are begging to run out..

but give up? NEVER!!!! :p
April 25th, 2010
Only themes (i.e. certain letters on ABC challenge), but then I just take a picture of something easy (i.e. the letter itself on a keyboard) and move on. The trick for me is to not worrying about always taking great photos, but just taking photos.
April 25th, 2010
Sometimes I feel like quitting....

What usually ends up happening is that I feel kind of bad or silly for posting what I consider a (excuse my language) piss poor photo but then I just sort of have to move on...

Try to figure out okay I didn't do so well on this photo, what can I do differently and try to do better the next day.

Sometimes themes help me when I'm lacking inspiration (which happens more often than not)

Just got to keep on going :)

(plus I found everyone on this site to be super helpful and friendly ^^)
April 25th, 2010
i have never felt like quitting. I mean after I read this forum I thought about it but I never want to quit. It's so fun! It's a challenge I'm ACTUALLY sticking to!
April 26th, 2010
I have not considered quitting since starting. I have been loving this project much more than I ever expected. It has been a wonderful experience and opportunity to express myself and meet some very nice and creative people on-line. My creative juices are back and I have an outlet for them.
April 26th, 2010
Nah! It's too much fun!
Sometimes I get behind in my photos if I've had a busy week, but then I get up to speed again & hey presto!
April 26th, 2010
I've never considered quitting, kind of an obsession now. I do get frustrated sometimes when I am not happy with my photo. I enjoy browsing the other pictures and giving and receiving feedback.
April 26th, 2010
somedays it is easy, others not quite so much. to be honest, i considered quitting very early on, but then i thought 'what if i actually finish this, it will be quite an achievement'
so i kept going, and i still have a while to go, but it will be worth it.
April 27th, 2010
Some ups and downs but up to now I haven't considered quitting. It's challenging, I wake up every morning thinking how will be the day for pictures. I've realized that I could remember more details of the past days, the process of taking photos helps my memory :)
April 27th, 2010
There are days that I'm not that into it, but I haven't wanted to quit. I am still in the early days though, at 68 days in...
April 27th, 2010
I am only on day 30, and loving it! The thought of quitting hasn't crossed my mind at all! I enjoy meeting all these new people through their photos, and seeing the world through so many different pairs of eyes! Taking a picture for each day is challenging, but also very enrching. It will be nice to look back at day 365, and revisit old memories ;-)
April 27th, 2010
I'm only 29 days in, but I am loving it and having a lot of fun. I can see where it might be difficult to do this for 365 days but I'm going to try!
April 28th, 2010
I don't feel like quitting, but I've had a really hard time keeping up during the last month. I feel a little like I'm cheating because I've done photo walks over the weekend and then posted the pictures throughout the week, which I think technically is against the spirit of a photo a day. Maybe I should start a 52 Project!
I do intend to get back on track with taking pictures regularly, and hope that I complete the full year.
April 28th, 2010
every day.... lol.... my wife said to me yesterday " can you not go anywhere without that camera lol " ... is this a good thing i ask myself or an addiction ?
April 28th, 2010
Never feel like quitting the actual taking of pics and uploading (don't seem to get the 'uninspired' phases - there always seems to be something to photograph) - but have found myself naturally withdrawing a little bit from so much commenting and viewing of others' photos - I just simply can't keep up with it all - especially when you start to follow a few people ...
April 29th, 2010
I haven't felt like quitting yet...maybe the day will come, who knows. I have days when I'm not really happy with anything I took that day, and I like to think that hanging with you all has made me a lot more particular about what I post.
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