
April 24th, 2011
I love starting topics here! Just sayin'.

Don't you think it's weird how anyone you walk past in the street could be one of your followers/someone you follow avidly?

Obviously it's actually very unlikely - the number of people on the 365 project is minuscule compared to the number of people in the world, but it could happen, and if it did, you probably wouldn't know! On Friday/Saturday I drover 200 miles to (almost) the other side of the country, stayed in a hotel, spent Saturday doing awesome things and then came home on Saturday afternoon/evening. While I was away I met quite a lot of people; in the hotel, all day on Saturday, even at service stations we stopped at on the way. This made me think a bit. (Never a good idea!)

Any of them could be any of you guys (the ones who live in England, of course) and I wouldn't know it. I have 439 followers, and I have only ever met 8 of them, that I can think of. Some people on here I feel I am getting to know a bit, because of regular comments/chats on discussion boards etc, and it feels really weird that I could just walk past one of you and not even realise.

Just a thought.

Sorry that this wasn't as silly/amusing/full of hilarious wit/sarcasm/made-up words as my usual posts are. However I seem to have got into the habit of posting a totally unrelated photo at the end of my discussion posts, so here you go. :D

Ok, so actually I couldn't decide between two of them. The first one I went a bit crazy with the editing on but I actually still kinda like it.. the second one just because I think you should all see just how much time I spend lying on the ground to get photos of Greg (because he is so stupidly small!) and that particular time resulted in this photo and was taken by me on a self timer purely because I thought it was funny.

April 24th, 2011
u know what ...... i was a-thinkin just this same exact thing the other day !

i was stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus (as ya do when u dont / cant drive) ...... anyhooo right next to the bus stop is the biig woodland area and the pond and there was this bloke with a camera like mine (well he had the sony strap round his neck like mine haha) but with a big fook off lens , pointing it up to the trees , my instant reaction was "oh my god hes got a big one" hahahahaha .... then the second reaction was "i wonder if hes after his 365 ? if so i wanna follow him" ........ i had serious lens envy and as he disapeared into the woodland area i resisted the erge to follow him like some strange stalker and instead got on the bus and picked my son up from nursery ....

then another day we were at the town park and there was a bloke taking shots around the lake same as i was , anyhow as we passed he made a point of saying hello , and im convinced he was a 365'er haha ! again if he is i want to follow him too !!!

one chap was oldish and the other youngish haha , i live in Glenrothes , fife , if u are either of these men please tell me !!! hahahah !!
April 24th, 2011
@flamez - on my treks around my city, i have come across people taking photos, too. and yes, always they have this big gizmos with them. one time i was taking pictures of the belfry of an old church and there was this chap who was also taking pictures of the belfry. so i went up to him, and asked if he's a professional and when he said he wasn't, i asked him if he's heard about the 365 project website. he hasn't and i explained to him about this website and he was looking at me like i was from mars! "a photo diary on the internet?" was all he said.

so anytime i see anyone taking photos, i ask them if they know about 365. :-)
April 24th, 2011
Yeah, I guess I've thought about it... I only have fourteen followers, so I seriously doubt I would ever meet anyone following me. I don't think that if I did they'd realise, either, because as yet I haven't got any 365s of my face.

However, I am following quite a lot of people, and I have wondered about what would happen if ever I ran into any of them, and whether if I did recognise them I'd have the guts to go up and say hi. They'd probably be pretty creeped out if I did.
April 24th, 2011
A few years ago I had a weblog about something that was a large part of my life at the time and it happened a few times that people actually came up to me and said that they recognised me from my blog. That was really, really weird. On a very small scale it gave me a clue about how it must feel like being a celebrity.
April 24th, 2011
I don't know of anyone else on here who lives in Cyprus, but I know one of my followers will be here in the summer :)

Also, I *will* meet some of them. Yes.
April 24th, 2011
I was at the Seafront the other day and there was a Man taking Photos of an Ice Lolly and My Son (7) said something like "Wonder if thats for 365" makes You wonder doesnt it x
April 24th, 2011
I thought exactly the same thing as I took this shot as a guy walked past and said he'd also taken a photo of it that morning, I didn't have enough time to ask about 365, but I always assume if someone is taking a photo they are a fellow 365er!

PS - @katiegc24 LOVE your second photo!
April 24th, 2011
Where I work part time, I promote 365 every chance I get ! Most of them have now joined 365.
I think we should all get T-shirts made with 365 project on the front and our 365 names on the back.....could have a great effect!
April 24th, 2011
Earlier this month I went downtown with the purpose of taking pictures of the statue of the three graces. Wouldn't ya know it, when I got there there's a guy with a huge lens. I can't imagine what he needed that lense for with statues you can just walk right up to. Anyway, I felt silly with my little p&s, so I smiled like a goof and said "365 Project" (I'm not good with strangers). He looked at me funny and smiled. I don't think it was a smile of recognition, but I wouldn't know because I hurried to the nearest alley to look like I was taking a picture of the mural there.
April 24th, 2011
Glad to hear there is a large number of us on here that all wonder the same thing. Everytime I see someone with a camera I wonder about that, both the 365 and if so have I seen a picture of theirs? I know of one other 365'r in my immediate area. I have not run into her yet as best I can tell, but who knows!
April 24th, 2011
YES! I know exactly what you are all saying! What is even funnier is that my Boss came to me the other day & said "Lyndal, I saw something on the way to work that made me think of you... there was some workmen with their machines beside a road & this woman in her work clothes & heels taking photo after photo after photo from all different angles and I wondered if she was doing the 365 project like you..."
April 24th, 2011
The one time I wondered was a couple of weeks ago, when I was being all sneaky at the train station, taking photos of people. And all of a sudden I realized that another woman was being equally sneaky and taking my photo. I thought, how crazy if that ended up on the 365 project.....
April 24th, 2011
It's funny how many people have that thought when they see someone with a big honking camera because I always wonder when I see people with a little point and shoot like me! I've also been mistaken for a tourist more than once, but most often people just look at me funny because I'm taking pictures of things that they don't think to take pictures of. Like this mini carousel at the shopping center:
April 24th, 2011
We should all wear 365 Project Hats, at all times - then you would know when you happened upon another 365-er in the street...
April 24th, 2011
@manek43509 ~ u post a pic of u in yours and ill consider it :P ...... obviously after ive finished laughing that is :P
April 24th, 2011
It shall be done!!
April 24th, 2011
@manek43509 ~ haha ! brilliant :D
April 24th, 2011
We should all wear a badge!
April 24th, 2011
Miley, i agree! My dad has a Freelander and "apparently" they raise their hands & wave to each other when they pass on the road!!! Maybe we should do the same. I wondered about someone in a market i passed thro yesterday, she was taking pics of fruit on one of the stalls!
April 24th, 2011
@sciroccojade Oh. Em. Gee. Yes - I think we should totally get t-shirts with the 365 logo and our usernames.. that would be the best!!! :O

@charli321 Thanks :) that duck requires far too much lying on the ground in my opinion.
April 24th, 2011
Here we go, @flamez!

April 24th, 2011
@manek43509 ZOMG. Nerd. LOL.

This is the most awesome* thing I have seen in a while.

April 24th, 2011

I feel like the only one down this end! I've searched now and then in the search place for my area, but only my pictures usually come up. Nevermind.
April 24th, 2011
@lilbumblebee *down this end* ? of where? :O
April 24th, 2011
D'you want one? I could make you one...!
April 24th, 2011
@manek43509 Did you not read the part where I called it/you lame?
April 24th, 2011
Oh! I thought that was just how you were signing off all your posts these days...
April 24th, 2011
April 24th, 2011
Wrexham, North Wales.
April 24th, 2011
@lilbumblebee Oh. Hmmm. Yes.. I've been there, but I live nowhere near there, don't know anyone else on here in your area either :/
April 24th, 2011
I don't even know what that means... But yeah!
April 24th, 2011
@manek43509 Google it. Then click on images.
April 25th, 2011
If ever in America and you see someone taking pics of POOP, it's most likely me.
May 14th, 2011
well I know I live in an area near several 365-ers and occasionally when I am taking photos I also see others taking pictures. It's nice to know that wherever you go their may be another 365-er
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