Commenting overload

May 9th, 2011
When I first started I meticulously looked at all the photos of those I followed and as often as possible would view and, wherever possible, comment on all those who commented on my pics. However, even though I have had to cut back, it seems to be an ever expanding thing. I was frequently not getting to bed before 2am in the morning to keep on top of it up to a couple of weeks back. Now I try and get to bed before midnight and get up at around 6.30am-7am. Almost every day I check out those I follow in the morning, which today has been over an hour, and at the end of the day I try and view/comment on commenters/followers, which can take a couple of hours some days. If I was fully keeping on top of commenting alone, it ratchets up 2-3 hours daily, 7 days a week, that's 14 to 21 hours. With the photography on top of that another average one hour shooting, a similar for selecting and processing you are heading for the time it takes to do a full-time job!!! And because at the moment I am doing a particular project on the swans it is even more than that!!! Just saying. I would love to hear how other folks are coping as they enter their 8th month or similar, with wonderful followers and those who they are following growing in volume. I think we are just going to have to develop an understanding that those in the 2nd half of the project, unless they are retired, are simply not going to be able to comment as much as they did in the first half. Well, they are likely doing much more, but with less individual focus...

I'm gong to have to halve my time on here so, I might not get to you as frequently, for which apologies. However, I really love all your photos and have learnt so much from everyone here and I will try and look in as often as I can.
May 9th, 2011
@miranda ~ funnily enough the last couple of days i have come to the same issue , i am currently following 300 + people and being followed by over 800 ... and im struggling to keep up ! , i try really hard to keep up with it all but sometimes its just not possible , so i have decided i had two options , quit or cut back a bit , i decided to cut back a bit and just do what i have time to do , i feel bad because i dont always have time to comment but im doing the best i can .... My biggest issue is that my 3 year old has some rather intense speech therapy work at the moment so im constantly working with him as my kids obviously come first , also with my partner doing silly shifts im carless and having to do everything via bus meaning i have limited time on 365 also :(

im hoping tho that others understand x
May 9th, 2011
No need to apologise, I totally understand. I use to spend way too much time on here trying to keep up with everyone. I nearly gave up because I felt I just couldn't keep up! But in the last half of my project, I decided to just comment when time allowed me to. I don't want to neglect my family and "life" trying to keep up.I'm so much more relaxed about it now,which makes it so much more enjoyable. I feel bad that I don't have time to leave comments all the time,but I think most are in the same boat and understand. :)
May 9th, 2011
I've had to drastically cut the time I spend on here because my work/study schedule just doesn't allow for it! It makes me sad to be able to spend less time looking at and commenting on the awesome shots I see around here, but that's the way it is.
May 9th, 2011
Kirsty have expressed exactly my thoughts. I've been here for only two months, but I feel the same. Some days I just think about stopping this project, although I love it here! Really have mixed feelings. I don't want photography to become such a constraint, I take pictures for fun and when I have time. I love catching ideas and trying new things, but browsing on pictures and commenting for hours can't be viable when I come to the point that I don't do other things that have to be done. Even if I hate it, I will certainly have to reduce the commenting part and I hope my followers will understand it.
May 9th, 2011
I think so many of us are in the same boat.. I am very limited on time to not only take photos, but to reply to comment and to comment on others photos.

We do what we can do :) I am sure everyone understands.
May 9th, 2011
@miranda @flamez This is a very timely post for me as I am on day 98 today and for the last couple of weeks planned on quitting when I reached day 100. I don't have a lot of followers - only in the 50's, but I spend a lot of time looking at and trying to comment on pics done by my followers, especially those who faithfully follow and comment on mine. I've stopped adding more people I'd like to follow simply because it takes more time. It's become just too time-consuming. I've seen a lot of complaints from people lately about their notifications box being full of thank you comments. I'm afraid I've been guilty of that.

I'm going to mull this over today.
May 9th, 2011
I have had a LOT of time recently, as I've been off recovering from a back op. I am due to go back to work soon (full time), and with a new company, so my time is going to be massively limited. I think my husband will divorce me if I spend all night on 365 (and we've only been married 8 months!)!! So I have already started cutting down my time on here. I dont like it, but you have to be realistic. I currently have 229 followers and follow 175. I am HUGELY grateful to every single follower I have, and I hope they all understand my predicament.
Having said all that, I have noticed that views on my photos in the last couple of weeks have decreased hugely. I assume thats because my comments on others work has reduced rapidly. Its a Catch 22 situation.
May 9th, 2011
I know exactly what you mean. I'm self employed and have been in a very busy work patch for the last couple of months which means that mostly I've only been viewing/commenting on what appears on the dashboard when I log in to upload. I feel bad about it but I guess I'll have more time when I have less work. Also I found the whole following/commenting thing was easiest to handle in the first 9 months when I was following/followed by a smaller number.
May 9th, 2011
I think we all need to focus on why we are here, which is I assume because we love photography!
Somedays I have time to glance through the work of other, other times I don't.
I didn't sign up for any major commitment, I signed up to take and upload a photo that I have taken on that day!
If this project takes the fun out of photography, then something has gone wrong!
Enjoy your photograph, enjoy your browsing and enjoy life!
May 9th, 2011
@daffodill Totally agree. But I am also in the same boat as everybody else... :-) I guess we are victims of photography, and this attachment/committment to commenting is just a part of our social animal instinct!! Heck, I think of quitting everyday!! Still go on cos I am addicted.
May 9th, 2011
My suggestion is to start taking really crappy pictures and people will be less interested in commenting. ;) I understand why you wouldn’t have time to to comment back. Your pictures have sooo many comments, that I rarely comment on them myself because I figure it will just be lost in the crowd. I think we worry too much about being fair to everyone. I know I make comments that are never reciprocated a lot, but I really don’t keep track of who “owes” me. Don’t worry about. Just enjoy your project.
May 9th, 2011
I couldn't agree more. After only four months in the project I'm starting to be overwhelmed and stressed on a regular basis by the amount of time I'm putting into taking pictures, selecting them, commenting and viewing on here. It's fun but my life wants its share as well and I'm hoping all my followers will understand that I have to cut back immensely as well. I'm afraid if I don't cut back this whole thing will turn into another duty that just stresses me out, even though it's supposed to be fun and leisure. Hopefully I won't disappoint anyone by commenting less from now on.
May 9th, 2011
@daffodill Totally agree with your comment. I think the community is both the biggest asset and the biggest weakness of this project. It's an asset in that it provides so many of us with validation and support to keep going. But it's a weakness when we think of giving up because we can't keep up with the accepted social niceties of commenting on your follower's pictures.

Maybe the time has come to consider a Facebook-type "like" button that allows a quick way to say - "I've seen, I like, Moving on - swiftly."
May 9th, 2011
@eleanor I couldn't agree more. I love the personal touch, but it can become untenable. One can do that too, but not everytime... apparently views are the equivalent, but they are not. Sometimes I click on an image that turns out not to be what I thought it was and so it can be the opposite of a like.
May 9th, 2011
Wow. That is a lot of time you are spending on here.. sounds like a bit of an obsession if you ask me!!

Personally, I don't actually comment much, if at all. I sign in to upload photos, check on my notifications, reply to comments and check the discussion boards, but that's about it.

I know that isn't exactly what this is all about - I shouldn't expect comments on my photos if I don't comment on anyone else's - and I'm sorry. I don't expect comments. But people do seem to keep viewing and commenting and fav'ing my shots, despite my total lack of feedback on theirs. I do look at photos on here, but I don't have time to comment. Otherwise I would also end up spending hours and hours a week on here, and I just don't have the time.

You really don't need to go through *all* your followers' photos *every* day. Just check up on them every now and again, comment on the ones that really grab your eye, or ones where you can see something specifically that needs improving or whatever and don't obsess about it! Certainly don't miss out on sleep because of it.

Everybody on here understands that we are all busy, and that we don't always have time to look through everything on here. And there is no 'have to' about it - comment as much or as little as you want to/are able to.

Just my thoughts. :)
May 9th, 2011
I feel bad about not commenting regularly too. I'm a very busy working mom and wife but reality checks, there are more priorities in life than staying more hours in 365, to mention the daily photoshoot. Though I really would like to visit photos and comment and such, I have to accept that I can't do it regularly. This means less views on my photos too because interaction is a reciprocal thing. I don't mind it at all; just got to accept it. I'm very thankful to those who regulary drop by and comment on my photos even if I haven't reciprocated for a while. But when I have the time, I try to catch up just to say hi and so.
May 9th, 2011
@katiegc24 Definitely obsessive about photography!! However, I think I said 'if' I were to keep on top of it what it would take... I've tried it once or twice and it's untenable. I also said I have had to cut back, and really it is an explanation for why I will have to continue to cut back.... The mechanisms on here could do with a tweek to make the whole thing a lot easier ...but that, apparently isn't the culture of 365 - fully written comments are required or no comments. I like Eleanor's idea.
May 9th, 2011
@bugik Bugik I don't get to your work nearly enough but love when I do :-)
May 9th, 2011
@daffodill Agree!
May 9th, 2011
Well, life does get in the way doesn't it? I have just had a month of upload, reply to comments and run (It won't get better until at least September).

But I did notice that after a couple of evenings back on here I started getting more views/comments. Not sure how to word this next part without causing offence to someone but it seems that there is a "I'll reply to those who comment on me first" school of thought.

If my photo is rubbish then fine = no comments, I can live with that after all I do the project for me.

But if someone stops commenting cos I didn't comment on their photo, what happens if I don't comment on their photo cos they didn't comment on mine? (does that make sense?).

I much prefer to use the little time I have to browse and comment to those photo's that 'jump' out at me regardless of how many comments I get from the relevant photographer.
May 9th, 2011
@pete21 I do agree. I will view commenters who have taken the trouble to comment on mine as much as possible and then only comment if there is a pic in those 8 on the left that appeals... Otherwise it does get a bit like you say. But even that now....
May 9th, 2011
I'm here for the photos, the comments are an extra. Not going to stress about getting/not getting them. There are plenty of people who never comment or reply & I'm fine with that. It's all about the photos.
May 9th, 2011
@myla Agree, I'm not fussed about how many people look or comment but I did notice an increase when I was more active for a couple of days. Really what I'm wondering is how everyone else copes, you know - comment on commenter's photos or check out photos that grab your attention?
May 9th, 2011
@pete21 There was a discussion about that a little while ago, it ties in with too many comments. Some people prefer commenting on your photo in return, rather than writing "thanks for the nice comment".

I've been falling behind on my project, so I'm sorry I haven't been commenting on much lately as it's been hard enough to get my own photos up!
May 9th, 2011
I agree with what you are saying. It takes a lot of time if you fully invest in commenting on everyone you follow. I have a mac and use the safari web broswer. I set up the top sites to be all the people who I like and regularly comment on my photos. When I open the top sites book mark page I can see who has updated their photos and go comment, it has saved a ton of time. People who comment on my shots get my views and comments back when I'm strapped for time. Then I try to go look at other people I follow when I have extra time. I took my follow list down to people who are currently posting. I got rid of almost 50 people who hadn't posted in two weeks, and that made me feel a little less overwhelmed. I enjoy looking at everyone's photos but I have had to cut back time just because life has gotten more busy now that the weather is nicer and more is going on.
May 9th, 2011
I think we're all in the same boat to some degree when it comes to the time required to keep up with the viewing/commenting on this site. I absolutely love this place, 99% of the time I enjoy coming up with my photo of the day and also very much enjoy viewing everyone's photos but I have come very close to quitting my project on several ocasions because I just find it extremely difficult to keep up with the commenting side of it. I feel like if I'm going to post pictures daily then I have to comment daily and if I can't find time to comment I should stop posting pictures so others won't feel the need to comment on my pictures if I can't return their comments. I still wish Ross would give us another option to go along with the commenting such as a "like" button or maybe a star rating system....something that would allow a more efficient method of letting people know we're viewing their pictures while still having the option to leave a comment or not. I want people to comment on my photos because they like them not because they feel obligated to comment because they are following me.
May 9th, 2011
I often feel guilty about not following more people whose photos I really enjoy and who are so kind with their comments on mine, but it does get to be overwhelming. I've gotten to the point where I generally only comment on photos that I really like, whether they comment on my photos or not. Giving myself a day off from commenting here and there helps, too. Don't put extra pressure on yourself, Miranda! I would hate to see it all become too much for you and have you quit. Your swan series is FANTASTIC and I look forward every day to the next photo - no pressure though. :-)
May 9th, 2011
I am on my second year of my project and I can say with absolute certainty that I am not nearly as active here as I once was. I spent HOURS here daily browsing, commenting, following, faving and I just can't do it anymore. I LOVE this project (obviously since I am in my second year) but I have to be fair to my family, etc too. I wish I could comment more often and be as active here as I once was but I simply do not have enough hours in the day to do everything I would like and my kiddo is only going to be so little for so long. I think we all reach this point sooner or later. And we all feel guilty about it because this is such a FANTASTIC community.
May 9th, 2011
The other day I said, I had to catch up with my 365 and my husband said, "You put up your photo, right?" I said, "Yes." He remarked, "Well, then you are caught up." I have been thinking about that, and he is right. I signed up for a photo a day. I look around, but am cutting back on time on this sight.
May 9th, 2011
@jannaellen Totally understand. You need more time to focus on yr study. :))
May 9th, 2011
Thanks everyone for these very reassuring responses. It's not just me then!!

@bluemoon @jannaellen There's a lot of you saying how close you got to quitting and I hope @scrivener is listening to that. So glad you didn't. Like some of you are saying, there has to be a more effective way of communicating that you liked or loved a photo. @roejan Thanks Roejan for such kind words on the swans. I am seriously considering a break while I catch up on other areas of life. I'm not earning enough money at all at present, hence my starting to think about earning money from the thing that takes up my time.

Thanks again everyone.
May 9th, 2011
I replied earlier in this thread but I'm back (addiction to the site, me ???) to read the interesting comments. I agree with most of you. It's comforting to see we are all in the same boat. I agree with the idea of having a rating button to say that we like a picture without having to write the basic comments such as "beautiful". It would save time to write more specific comments when we have something more interesting/specific to say. I try to say more than just "beautiful" but sometimes I just don't have more to say even if I like the picture. I am also aware that with such a button, people would tend even more to just click it and would leave even less feedback to others than it is now...
OK, from my side I have decided I would comment on photos only when they really-really catch my eye or when I want to leave a more specific comment (and continue to fav of course). If I don't do so, I will always struggle with the "should I stop or should I continue" question. Let's try to apply the concept now...;-)
May 9th, 2011
Hey M....i am right there with you. i have more time in my day then most people on here. I only work a little bit and my kids are older. However, that being days are exactly like yours...allot of time is spent on here...but i love almost every minute of them..i say almost cause sometimes it does feel a bit like a job. i had to rethink my priorities. i really love posting and seeing and learning from other peoples work. i love to comment because i know how much comments mean to me. this is what i do now. when i wake up in the AM i got to my two shots and comment on all the people who comment on my photos. then i go to the home page and scroll to the last shot i saw the night before and begin to comment on those shots that move me. i can't get to everyone cause opening all those can add another hour to the process...that being said, i have to confess, i don't always read all the info that people write under their photos...i read some, but not all of it...and i don't read all the info in the discussion...sometimes, i rely on my friend Steph to tell me what i need to read....but i really hope that people don't quit..they have to make this site work for them. this can't become a job or a should be a great learning experience and a chance to make photo and "virtual" friends around the globe. i treasure all the friendships that i have made and love seeing the life the community that is depicted in the photos that people put up around the world. I am learning so much...thanks for posting this..i think it need to be said..
May 9th, 2011
I was starting to think about this, even though I'm only following just over 30 people. When I go away, it seems like such an effort to catch up after a weekend that I just don't want to. What I may start doing is looking, but only commenting when I have something that actually adds to it - some constructive criticism or somesuch. I feel it gets a little repetitive and boring to just say the same things repeatedly.
May 9th, 2011
@cally I suppose it does get repetitive to say what someone else has said. However, I haven't got time to read that and so I just say what I have to say and imagine that if it is repeated elsewhere then this will give strength to that being key to the photograph.. or not, if I am the only one saying the thing.
May 9th, 2011
I agree with what is being said and i see how it can get overwhelming..i have about 200 followers and i appreciate every single is lovely to have people comment on my photos and i truly try to comment on those i follow as well. @robinwarner said it well when she said that the comments mean so much to her...that is true for me as well. i feel i am learning more on this site about photography, than i could in a weekend workshop.:0 i will continue to try to keep up, but do not think less of anyone who can' the end of the day, this is YOUR project- so don't give up! I do want to say a HUGE BIG thank you to all of those who follow me and to the rest who inspire me daily- that is worth so much!!:))
May 9th, 2011
I just posted a similar apology back in mid-April.
and I'm counting the days until I'm done, actually. I'll miss everyone but I just don't have the time anymore. Wish I had a chance to get to know some people a bit better, (face-to-face) and could keep in touch.
Life happens, though.
May 9th, 2011
I posted earlier today and had been debating about quitting due to the time it takes to comment/reply. I've decided to stay and will no longer use that reply button to thank everyone who comments. I am also cutting way back on the time I've been taking to browse photos and comment. I'm simply adding a 'thank you for comments' under each photo I post.

A 'like' button would be great, but often I like to say why and what I like about a photo. I appreciate hearing that as well.
May 9th, 2011
@annielf But the great thing would be that you have the choice... good that you are staying Annie. :-)
May 9th, 2011
@daffodill I think Rose Humphrey put it very well. I only have a little over 100 followers and am following almost twice that, and it gets hard to keep up with everyone each day. I am only in my 5th month of the project, and at times find it overwhelming. This past month I have cut back on my time spent on the site. I found myself spending HOURS on my laptop just going through everyones photos each day....time that needed to be better spent on other things at home. So now, I comment when and where I can, and eventually (when time allows) am able to respond to those who have made comments on mine.
May 9th, 2011
As a follower of yours, I think your photos and actions are perfect.

Here is my logic on commenting on your photos: as you know I am a huge fan and respect what you have on your introduction about your policy on following new people. I do appreciate that you do take the time to look at my photos and make a comment, but out of respect for your schedule, I try to coment on the photos that so move me or that do not have 50 other comments.

And while I have around 75 followers who I am completely thankful for, i try to set aside time once a week to make sure that I commented on a few of their photos. that takes me about three hours over a few days, but I want to make sure I say something positive to people who enjoy following me. I try to follow the majority of my followers so that I can at least see what they are posting and make comments as I catch the photos that catch my eye.

I like to look at photos of some of the more popular people, but tend not to actually follow them, but just go to look when I have time. Remember to do what works for you and not worry about everyone else.
May 9th, 2011
@brumbe Thank you so much for your kind words, and I do immensely appreciate the support I get and realise how important that was to me especially at the beginning. I think those of us who have benefited from that are duty bound to give support to newer comers to the site. We can only do our best. Thanks again Paula for your thoughtful words.
May 9th, 2011
I don't feel qualified to reply,really,as I have so few followers and follow only a few,but as a very amateur photographer,this suits me fine. I just enjoy myself,posting photos,looking at the few but excellent shots of those I choose to follow and appreciating their comments.I often wonder how on earth those of you with so many followers cope.Surely,this is all about enjoyment,is'nt it? And sharing to a level we are comfortable with? It is'nt a competition. A challenge maybe,but surely balance is important. I shall certainly miss your wonderful comments but very much continue to appreciate them when you can find the time.Also, I am not ashamed to admit that there are certain people whose personality and work I am more drawn to than others and those are mostly the ones I comment on most.And then,I really enjoy browsing and making random comments. If I began to feel pressured in any way,I would stop.Life is too short! Be happy and well.
May 9th, 2011
@moominmomma That's so kind of you to stop by and say that....
May 10th, 2011
This overload is a particular mark of the excellence of your work. Of all those I follow (and I have kept that to a minimum, for the very reasons you point out) your work stands out above all. Your topics interest me and your attention to detail and generosity with information is beyond the pale. I completely understand that you need to draw a line somewhere/somehow and get your life back. This is a wonderful community, but don't let anything, no matter how passionate you are about it, subsume your life. I will enjoy your work as much as ever, with or without your comments on my measly efforts or your followups or lack thereof to my comments on your work. Keep your eyes behind the viewfinder, Marinda!
May 10th, 2011
Your swans are magnificent, hope you make a book of them. Just wanted to say that and also you can't respond to everyone so just do what you can! Love your work!
May 10th, 2011
@ldpaul Thank you for that very lovely support Linda, I always enjoy the interaction between us and the joy of life in your pictures and the humanity in your words - thank you!
May 10th, 2011
@jenrobcarr Your encouragement is much appreciated Jennifer
May 11th, 2011
If you have read my commentary under my pics, I've had no time for 365 these last few months while going to school and working. Now, the courses have finished but I'm busy doing 'life' things. I have about 30-40 min free time at night - but there is no way I can respond to everyone or comment back to everyone's photos.

Too many photos, too few 'free' hours!

May 11th, 2011
Please-don't harm yourself from 365 stress-just do whatever you can..remember,your health is priority...Try to relax, enjoy,have fun and shoot!!:)
May 11th, 2011
Miranda, I know what you mean about the amount of time it takes out of our lives and I totally agree. For this reason, I probably won't continue when I've finished (which is not far off); or maybe do what @gill and some others do, that is, post a pic. from time to time when I feel I have something really worth sharing rather than the daily post. If I do that, I'll take a bit of time then to comment on pics that really jump out at me (which, mind you, is almost all of them, such is the standard of those I follow!) Might I say, too, that I agree with Linda (@idpaul) above. We know you're looking at and appreciating our contributions and we don't need comments, truly! Love the effort you put in to bring us your superb work and I feel really privileged to have met you through this site. (By the way, if you get around to a shoot of my 'family castle', don't forget to let me know if I've finished my project. I've only got a handful to go so might miss it otherwise.)

PS I have to laugh: have just spent about 20 minutes formulating this reply about commenting overload! Gotta go now and get back to my life.
May 11th, 2011
@girlie I haven't forgotten your castle actually. I was waiting for Hillary to come and do it with me but she is in France just now so maybe I need to just go along sometime soon. Will definitely let you know! thanks for this lovely contribution.
May 11th, 2011
I know what you mean! This project really does start to take over your life. Several times I've considered leaving *like* comments when I love the photo but don't have the brain cells to work out what it is I like about it, or a new way to say that the colours are great or whatever. Haven't resorted to that yet, but might need to eventually...

Mostly now I try to make sure I reciprocate comments on my pics, and pop by any eye-catching snaps on my home page, but I have to actively close 365 windows in my browser sometimes, or I check it whenever I pick up my laptop...
May 11th, 2011
It is very encouraging to read that so many people believe that photography is what we are all here for and comments are a welcome extra, but thanking everyone for every comment and then being thanked for the thanks can be too time-consuming. Like everyone else I welcome all feedback but do not feel offended if my work is overlooked or ignored. I regularly send 'thanks to all' (unnamed) or visit another album to leave a special individual comment under the photograph to which it refers, but do not expect to receive a response unless it refers to a specific point or question.

We have a lovely friendly community here, and it is very sad to read that some are thinking of leaving because they feel under pressure to comment. There is a clue in the comment by @girlie above. Some of us believe it is right and proper to spend time composing carefully considered comments, but life is too short to do that in response to every photo posted.
May 11th, 2011
@wordpixman I see what you mean. But I simply don't want to spend time writing meaningless comments and now it will just have to be a case of doing it far less often. I guess it feels part of the deal here...that if you have so encouraged by others in your project, that 'memebership' requires you to encourage and support others. I am just letting people know that I'm having to halve what I do and providing an explanation as to why - ie, it would be a full-time job to just provide feedback.

Talking of the Thank you thing, I don't know whether you saw the "why" thread. My question to that one is "WHY" do some people seem to get off on misinterpreting the good intentions of others? Perhaps the answer is obvious, but in so doing, it overshadows the otherwise lovely positivity of this site.
May 11th, 2011
@miranda ... Exactly my thoughts, Miranda. Meaningless comments are just that. You may have seen the less-than-friendly responses from a very small number of members when I said this in a recent discussion, which closed with a short and succinct comment from Ross, who reminded us that everyone has the right to express an opinion but ... "be nice about it."
May 11th, 2011
@wordpixman I missed that - good on Ross. I really didn't like what I was seeing on that thread you ran - I thought it was a fair point and people got nasty, and really, the 'why' thread carried on with that same baton. There is just a point blank refusal to see where you (and I) am coming from by some, who would rather shoot back unpleasantries. Luckily they were in the minority and you only have to look at some of the wonderful supportive message that appeared on both yours and my threads. It is a great community.
May 11th, 2011
Well I know exactly what you mean, and there are obviously some people that have the benefit of more time than I do. I share the same thoughts as many people on here, I love looking at pictures of everyone that I follow, and will comment on those pictures that really excite me, I do not comment on every one every day, there just is not enough time to do so, and if I offend anyone, then I am truly sorry, but this project takes enough time just trying to find something interesting enough to photograph everyday, and there are times where I just don't, after all, I have a full time job, a teenage daughter, a preteen son, and a wife, not to mention a house and yard to try and keep tidy.

I think for everyone that this project is different, and thats what makes it so interesting. I have made some pretty strong relationships on here with people that I have never even met, so to say that I do not appreciate the comments would be a mistake, but everyone has to realize that we all have things other than 365 in our life, and as long as we do the best we can, what more can we ask?
May 11th, 2011
Thank you everyone for responding to this so fully and providing different perspectives, helping to get this whole thing in balance. MUCH APPRECIATED.
May 11th, 2011
Even as a beginner here I've run into the same situation... and time is everything to all of us. My solution was/is, I hope, by addressing my feelings on this topic on my personal profile. It's a blanket thanks and a blanket "yes I'm still viewing but not necessarily commenting" comment. If you like it, feel free to cut paste and manipulate to your own needs, thoughts and feedback...

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