For those of you with partners/spouses

May 11th, 2011
I'm wondering what sort of feedback you all get from partners/spouses who aren't into photography too. Do they comment on your pictures here or at home? Do you ask their advice on photos or edits before you upload? Or is this solely your hobby and project that you work on alone?

There's no right or wrong answer here; I'm just satisfying my curiosity. Although you do get bonus points if your partner knows nothing about this project and you keep it a secret for mysterious reasons I can only guess at.
May 11th, 2011
My husband encourages me to do this project. I do ask him to help me choose a photo if I have a hard time choosing. He comments at home about my shots.
May 11th, 2011 bonus points for me! My husband has an account here @oyama, but he's not as active as I am. However, he knows WAY more about photography and settings than I do, so I refer a lot to him for proper settings, and of course which picture I should upload. Most of the time he's right, but there have been a few times I felt he missed the mark. Overall, it's a great thing for us to share!
May 11th, 2011
My husband loves that I am doing something that brings me joy. I frequently ask him for feedback if I'm deciding between a few photos, and when we are deciding on a weekend hike or getaway he often mentions or researches photo opportunities for me!
May 11th, 2011
Jon likes photography, but he doesn't really do anything with it. I think he looks at my pictures at his house, but I don't think he does every day [unless I tell him to look at a shot I'm particularly proud of]. He'll comment on them when I ask, but not very detailed. Once in awhile he'll help me pick a shot when I can't decide. As far as critique or anything like that, ha! I'll show him three pictures and he'll point to one and say that one. I'll ask why and his usual response is "I see it with my eyes and my brain says I like that". He never gives me a reason like the lighting, or the perspective, or anything like that. He's colorblind, so I'll give him that, but still. Long story short, it's just my project that he supports, but doesn't really help with.
May 11th, 2011
My husband supports me. He sees that playing with my camera makes me happy. He'll comment on my pictures, help me with ideas, and help me pick the shot for the day if I'm stuck. He is also fully supporting the habit by letting me get gear and taking me to a camera shop when we got on vacation soon.
May 11th, 2011
My husband supports me and loves taking to places to get shots. He likes being involved,never makes fun of anything I'm photographing or anything. On occasion he shares his opinion on editing since I don't do it often. He comments to me but never online or anything. He knows very little about photography but he will critique other peoples photos but never mine so its really just him supporting me and trying to give me his all when it comes to it,even if his all is not very helpful at times. =p
May 11th, 2011
my partner supports me too , sometimes, hes my photographer ..... ♥
May 11th, 2011
My spouse now hands me the camera and says "take a picture for me" Ha ha.
May 11th, 2011
My husband loves to look over my favorites from a shoot, and he's got the patience of a saint when it comes to joining me while I traipse all over taking photos. He also likes to check in on my project and see how many views/comments my photos are getting. When I'm having a hard time deciding what to post, he'll weigh in with his opinion and is happy to critique when asked.
May 11th, 2011
My husband (@realjaco) has a project here as well :)
However, he's much less into photography than I am and I think he does get a bit tired of the subject sometimes. But he's very supportive, checks out the PP to see whether any of my photos have made it on there and occasionally helps me to choose my daily shot.
May 11th, 2011
My boyfriend does the music thing. I think he is happy that I have my photo thing. He's really good at modeling for me when I want him to. And as far as 365, he has surprised me with wanting to keep updated with what I am doing for the project. I love the support he shows me. It means a lot. :)
May 11th, 2011
I sometimes wonder if my husband is jealous of my project and the time I put into it. I think he feels ignored sometimes, especially when I bypass cooking us dinner to take and edit photos. When I can't pick a shot I will ask his opinion, and then I usually end up liking the other choice better. He likes natural shots untouched, I like to edit them to within an inch of their life, so we like different types of pictures. I entered 5 pictures, which he helped me pick, in our local art show and then he mentioned it to everyone that we saw over the weekend so maybe he is proud of me? He is the silent type and hard to figure. He has also helped me take some shots here and there.
May 11th, 2011
I am usually really excited to show my husband my picture for the day... especially when I feel like I had a great Idea and executed it well.

He is very supportive and gives me his opinion if I am stumped and can't decide.

I am more of an arty artist and he is more of a performance artist... but we both have very creative sides. :)
May 11th, 2011
Wow, such a wide variety of answers! Keep 'em coming, please. I wish I could respond to each and every one of you but I made the mistake of stepping away for an hour and came back to a multitude of great posts.

You're making me feel both better and worse about my spouse, although I do notice that there doesn't seem to be anyone else in the "my partner's too busy playing video games and watching pointless YouTube videos to notice I exist, let alone that I spend half my evening toiling away at a photography project" camp. :) That's a slight exaggeration as he does catch up on my photos once or twice a week via my blog and will tell me a photo's nice or help choose which photo to upload if I specifically ask him. Of course, I usually don't ask because he's typically busy fighting imaginary aliens on the Xbox. He'll also sometimes surprise me by suggesting we head out for a drive on the weekend so I can discover something new to photograph. And then there are the times like the other night when he saw I was getting stressed out trying to get a shot to look right and he said, "You don't *have* to take a picture today." Kind of defeats the purpose of my taking on this project if I had that attitude.

@lislee75 I know the feeling of neglecting normal duties like cooking dinner because I'm so wrapped up in editing a photo instead. Those strong and silent types are so tough to figure out but it sounds like he's genuinely proud of you. As he should be! Congrats on entering the art show.
May 11th, 2011
my husband is very supportive of this project....and my photography
he always asks to see all the pictures i've taken for the day, and helps me decide when i can't pick one for the day
he also helps me come up with ideas when i'm tapped out, and reminds me when it's getting late and i haven't taken anything yet

May 11th, 2011
My wife, though supportive, often says that I get in a bit of a bad mood if I haven't got my photos for the day (and I have been silly enough to commit to 1 for each album that have to be taken within 24 hour window) :-)
She also complains that I spend too much time on the site rather than talking to her ha ha...
May 11th, 2011
Hmmm, any guys on here, it seems that the woman have full support from the men in their lives. For me, I do not get any support, it is just something that helps me pass the time. I am always looking for different subjects/places to shoot, and like so many of you, when I find out I am going someplace new, I can't wait to see what is there. My wife does know about the project, but offers no feedback on any of the shots, not even sure if she has seen any of them. I often get the rolling of the eyes if something catches my eye and I feel the need to take a shot, so lately it has become just my passion, and my passion only, although, there are times when my kids have/are interested in taking shots too, but for the most part, it is just me and everyone else on the site.
May 11th, 2011
@wjw1741 I am a guy.
May 11th, 2011
@viranod I find it a little ironic that you're spending even more time on the site responding to this discussion with a comment about how you spend too much time on the site. Hope that made sense. :) Wow, I hadn't realized you're working on multiple projects at once. I'm now even more impressed by the wonderful shots you're able to consistently come up with. I know that I too turn into Mrs. Crabby Pants if I'm feeling the pressure to get a shot for the day so I understand that well.
May 11th, 2011
I date a quiet painter (surreal style) who has the ability to picture the end result before he even starts, whereas most of my photos are a result of seeing something and thinking that it will work. So from the start our artistic vision comes from two very different places. He is supportive of me in the way that if we are walking around he will let me take as many photos as I want without getting impatient, carries my stuff, will ask me to take photos of things he likes also.

But he is too busy playing video games, reading or checking out youtube to notice how much time I spend fixing, adjusting, posting, commenting. I think we have partners with similar interests. When I show him photos he does pay attention, but not sure he comes on here and checks out my work, and he does not offer constructive criticism, which I think is the painter in him respecting my artistic choices.
May 11th, 2011
@viranod you must have been typing while I was, I swear, all the first lines started with my husband, lol, sorry about that.
May 11th, 2011
@wjw1741 There are definitely some similarities between us even though my spouse is (supposedly) male in that I feel like it's all my passion and nothing about it interests him at all. It saddens me to hear that your wife's not at least patient and supportive when you want to stop and take a photograph. I'm glad your kids are discovering an interest in it as it's a great thing to share with them. I know my initial interest in photography, before I was old enough to buy my own camera, came from seeing my dad's interest and a few lessons from him. I have to say I also get a lot of comfort from meeting like-minded folks on this site. Makes me feel like I belong and it's a nice way to socialize and fill the empty evenings.

@brumbe How interesting that you both have such creative minds but totally different approaches. You're right that he must not realize how much effort you sometimes put into your photos once they're taken. Glad he's so cooperative when you want to do an impromptu photo shoot.
May 11th, 2011
My fiance likes to come out and shoot with me. We look at things very diferently so I take his photo suggestions in addition to what I want to do to help me get shots I might have missed. I usually run my photo choice and editing by him for feedback. We don't always agree so ultimately the final choice is mine since it is my project :)
May 11th, 2011
@sourkraut regarding commenting..I know exactly what you mean. Commenting that I spend too much time commenting... :) it's kind of relaxing especially now that I got up in the middle of the night and has nothing to do (almost 3am) ha ha.
May 11th, 2011
@sourkraut I agree, my interest/passion came from my mother, I have had cameras my whole life, but as I got older, the cost of developing was getting out of hand, so fast forward to 2009, I purchased my first DSLR, now I have been going strong for almost two years and my interest just keeps growing and growing. And its websites such as this, and people such as you, that keeps me looking to take pictures as well as the one's that get posted on this site, so thank you.
May 11th, 2011
I started this project by making a deal with my husband that he gets to pick my best photo of the day. So far he skipped only a few days, but rather than that he really enjoys it. He likes to see me editing too and gives his invaluable advice :) But when we go outside, he would ask me after a while if I took already enough photos for a day. Usually it's my hint I got to stop. I do get carried away though. He's very patient and supportive.
May 11th, 2011
@wjw1741 How great that you're into your second year here. Great inspiration for those of us who sometimes struggle in our projects.

@naladka What a fantastic way to get him involved and make it a fun bonding experience for both of you. I like his subtle little hint too that it's time to call it a day. That made me smile.
May 11th, 2011
my fella is supportive , offers up ideas and comments to me at home about my shots , our tastes are very different so i often ignore his fav of my shots and post my own fav hehe but ocassionally ill sway to his way of thinking :) all in all hes great although he does get jarred off if he finda a random puddle of water :S
May 11th, 2011
Well from my humble perspective my other half is @michelleyoung i have been into photography much longer than Michelle, but i am very very proud of what she can achieve, she is the kind of person who does not take no for an answer, i.e. if i say thats a hard photo to do , or it's not easy to do it, she does it , and not only does it but excels at it. Together we have a very friendly rivalry but we both encourage, advise and help each other not only in photography but in life, I love the way she looks at life and am very glad to be a part of her life and support her in everything she is doing and will do in the future, just a pity she is becoming a better photographer than me LOL
May 11th, 2011
I feel blessed that my wife and I both are passionate about photography and truly wish everyone could experience a shared hobby'> this is a fantastic thread! the irony is I was passionate about remixing/mixtapes and got sucked into photography so that being said I would say its incredibly possible given time partners will take notice of your work and start to dabble in photography themselves..thats sort of what happened with me once you dabble there is no going back.

If nothing else my wife and I have a shared joy of the day adventure where we go on drives looking for places to photograph so even if one is not into taking pictures there is an intimacy shared in spending a day out together :)
May 11th, 2011
My husband tolerates my project, as he says, as long as dinner is on the table in time ;-) But he refuses to be in the shots, on ly a bodypart will sometimes appear.
But I know he has a speedlink to my page on his computer and he looks at my pictures almost every day. He comments on my shots when I ask him and sometimes he gives me advice on choosing.
But to friends he brags about my pictures, so he's really proud!

I think the only thing that really annoys him is when we take a hike together, I tend to stop every two meters or so to take another shot...
I love him, he's silently supportive.
May 11th, 2011
My friend (closest thing I have to a boyfriend) and I have a thing where we have a theme each day. One day I choose and the next he chooses. He picks three things i.e. something purple, something sharp and something loud. We have done all sorts of things. It is fun and gives us something to do since we don't live close to each other.
May 11th, 2011
@sourkraut for me it's a sole hobby really, my wife shows a passing interest but no more, the kids show vague interest if the subject is something they recognise. I think part of the attraction of this place, for me, is the level of interest I get which goes beyond the feedback I get in real life, on FB or at home. Also that people are interested in photography generally (not my stuff in particular) but without being massively elitist.
May 11th, 2011
My husband supports my project, especially since I needed something deeper to learn and think about as I adjust to staying home with the kids. He will offer his opinion, if I ask it. I have to be ready for him to think the opposite of me, so I am very picky about asking him. No bonus points for me on him knowing, but this is the one site he doesn't know my user name or password, so can I have half a bonus point? ;)
May 11th, 2011
my husband always asks about my pictures...he tries to take a genuine interest lol, but it is not his thing so to speak. however, he is always supportive and loves the shots that i load into my digital frame:)
May 11th, 2011
My girlfriend isn't really into photography that much - but she does look at my project, and will sometimes text me comments on the pictures during the day, which is always nice. :)

Annoyingly, though, she seems to prefer @katiegc24's project to mine!! haha!
May 11th, 2011
@wjw1741 it seems that you are not really alone in having spouses only having a passing interest. You may be able to get her more involved in your critiques is you print (on regular paper) and tell her that you are interested in framing some and ask her opinion. Also when you take photos, ask her if she thinks up close or far away, or which angle will be better. Not having met either of you, I find if I involve someone into the thought process they become a bit more interested. Maybe ask her to take a couple photos of you in different surroundings so she can see her own results.
May 11th, 2011
@sourkraut My partner also has an account on here @captivision. I feel its great that we have a shared hobby / interest. David has been a keen photography for several years and the bug only hit me this year. We both can be very critical of each others work, and I doubt anyone can be as hard on each of us as we are on each other. There is a competativeness between us, but in a funny friendly way. We encouage each other hugely. We have different styles which helps; David is very tecnical, he is all about the settings, getting the adjustments on the camera perfected etc. I am more artisitc, and creative and gung ho.
Photography to us is a lot of fun at times... We bounce ideas off each other. If one of us is trying to capture something, th eother one can add a different perspective to the shot. If David is taking a photo, generally I see things differently, and can show him how I see, and If I am taking the photo, he can show me how to adjust my settings.
We have a huge amount of patience with each other. On days out, neither of us have any issue with the other stopping and taking photos, in general if one of us see's something, the other will walk a little ahead and find something else to capture. When working on the pc, we also help each other, giving views and opinions of photos. We often email each other photos (we dont live together) and get the others opinion, which can be brutally honest.
The frustrations are rare, but they do occur. David is more old school and things should be done the right way.. I am fly by the seat of my pants and I make it up as I go along.
David is more into wildlife and now moving into landscapes.. I am more into macro and the art side. Its a good balance.. I think its wonderful for someone to not only share your passion but to understand the passion :o) David has been very supportive of me this year and my learning curve as I went from a Point and Shoot straight onto a DSLR.. He took a few steps away from me and left me to my own devices to learn, and was there when I had questions. I consider myself to be lucky. In reality I have to use my brain on a constant basis with my work and studies, so with photography I can escape and lose time.. Im just glad he does understand that.
May 11th, 2011
My husband isn't in to photography at all, and I have found that he has a love/hate relationship with my project. Our last child left for college, and I was feeling kind of lost as to what to do with my new life, and he very sweetly bought me my Canon Rebel and encouraged me to go for it. But once it started taking up several hours a day of my time, I think he was a little jealous, maybe? And yet, I know that he has my project book marked on his computer and checks it every day. When he shows up a little early at the end of the day and I haven't cleaned up my humungous mess from my photo set-ups yet, he is always blown away at how I can take a mess like that and turn it in to something beautiful. :)
May 11th, 2011
My husband is on here too and I do ask his opinion, sometimes. He was the one who challenged me to join 365 in the first place. I find that he's not 100% into my photography though--his vision is different than mine (more technical as opposed to artistic, I guess) and he'll be the first one to tell me when my photo isn't technically sound.
And yes, my reaction to that is to stick my tongue out like a two-year-old.
May 11th, 2011
This is solely my project and my hubby has no imput with the photos I select for the project, but I do like to show him my work and he is very supportive and encouraging. He does have a huge appreciation for photography since his dad was the photographer for a major rock and roll band in the 70s.
May 11th, 2011
My Husband often will randomly say "This would be a good idea for Your Photo for Today" Some days He will see Me taking a Photo of something and look at Me like Im nuts LOL He is at work all week but when He's off at a Weekend He will say "Have You got Your Camera?" I will sometimes say "We're only going to Tesco" and He will say "Yeah but if You dont take it You will see something You wanted to take a Photo of and the wish You had of taken it" He has a good point so the Camera is now like Our 5th Child, Everywhere We go the Camera goes even if it is only to Tesco because You just never know what Photo Opportunitys there may be.
May 11th, 2011
if I am editing I may ask if he likes it this way or that way, or this pic or that pic better.......he may call me from outside if he sees a critter in the yard, but I don't share a lot I kinda feel a huge invisible eyeroll. When I ask him what i am good at photography is usually on the list, but otherwise he doesn't go out of his way to say 'wow' that's great...he did like my T-ball pics better, so i guess we are getting somewhere, lol.
May 11th, 2011
My boyfriend isn't on 365. He doesn't take photos. today he told me at his staff meeting he put my 365 project up on the wall with the projector so he could brag on me. :) a supportive partner is super important.
May 12th, 2011
My husband isn't into photography really. I'll ask him what he thinks of my shots and I get the "Looks good" answer lol. I'll get him to help me edit sometimes and ask which way he likes something better but that's about the extent of it.
May 12th, 2011
my mum likes most of what i do and i show her and dad all of them - he's typically not forthcoming with praise but you do know when he does really like a shot.
my partner doesnt tend to comment on here although he will fav pics he really likes which is good.
i will sometimes ask his advice if i'm really unsure on the best shot selection as sometimes you can be too close to your work to see the better ones.
May 12th, 2011
My husband is constantly supporting me in my photographic efforts. He purchased my first camera for me and is always telling me to explore and to push my limits. He also talks about me at work and that's how I got two paid assignments.
Love my hubby! :)
May 12th, 2011
My husband tolerates my photography. However, he sometimes points out a shot for me. He has a good photogenic eye, but rarely takes a picture. I can't ask him every day to select a photo to post on the 365 project. However, he does help me when I do not know which shot to select.
May 12th, 2011
My husband is interested in what I photograph and likes to look at what I've shot, as long as he isn't busy doing something else, but he doesn't take many pictures himself. He'll normally make time to check out some of the shots though. I generally ask him for advice on which photo to post when I've got a tie or absolutely can't decide.
May 12th, 2011
Your comment made me laugh. Your husband sounds like mine. He has been immersed in some zombie killing video game for months and then a work project. My husband doesn't actively look at my project that I know of, but he knows that I do it. One night I mentioned I hadn't uploaded a picture, and he said "Will you get demerit points or something?" Sounded like the answer your husband gave you.
May 12th, 2011
My husband has always been supportive of my photography. However, I can go a little overboard sometimes. You know, I'd rather be out exploring with my camera instead of doing things around the house ;) He's been helping me do research on DSLRs, and if I wasn't picky and wanting a mid-range model, I'd have one by now. :)
May 12th, 2011
My husband is jealous that I have the time to work on a 365 project - he wants to start one. The most comments I get about the project are from our parents as they live a few hours away and this way they get daily updates on their Grandaughter and email us requests for their favourite images.
May 12th, 2011
My Significant Other (SO) is supportive of my 365 Project, but sometimes he has the patience of a two-year-old child. Last week, I showed him a few of my daily shots in my albums and he told me I was becoming a stronger photographer and that he was impressed that I had taken a photograph a day for the last 100 days.

He supports me when I want to stop to take a shot of something, most of the time. Occasionally, he will say, "You have enough photographs for today. Let's go." Of course, next, I get the eye rolling. Since we do not live together, I can tolerate his eye rolling. LOL

Hmmm, I just remembered he offered me his cell phone that he no longer useds because it takes higher resolution photographs than my P&S. I decline his "sweet" offer and told him in three months I would buy a mid-range DSLR. Then, he rolled his eyes. LOL
May 12th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle : I was glad to read your answer, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one whose husband isn't excited about my project. If I force him, he helps me select pictures but very often has a different opinion about which picture is good and which isn't and only looks at my pictures when I force him to. This makes me a bit sad, because this project is so important to me but I guess I can't have everything ;). And I'm glad he agreed to be in my shots every once in a while or doesn't just leave me behind, when I take the twentieth shot of a pretty flower ;).
May 12th, 2011
My husband is a better photographer than me
He went to film school and taught me *almost* everything I know about how a camera works, how to "paint with light," and basic PP.

I learned composition and perspective from all my drawing/painting classes and the rest of my "photo education" has been from this site!! =D

I sometimes can't choose between 2 or 3 shots for the day, so I email them to my husband and he gives me his opinion. He usually has good reasons.

I love sharing this experience with him, I only wish he hadn't given up on his project at day 51! But his work as a game trailer editor keeps him VERY busy. Which, in this economy, is a good thing. =)
May 12th, 2011
My husband used to be into photography, and seems to enjoy my collection. My brother calls me "the tourist" because I'm always bringing out my camera. ;)
May 12th, 2011
My partner is not practising photography but likes to look at my picture and listen to my technical explanations, concerns etc. about photography. When I can't decide myself I ask him what picture he prefers for me to post here. But some days, I just know and have no hesitation, in this case I don't ask him. Also, when he gives his opinion about posting a certain shot, I sometimes do not follow it, depends on the reasons why he likes the pics, if he likes a picture because he understands the picture differently from what I want to show, then I don't choose this one ;-)
May 12th, 2011
My husband it totally useless with a camera, but some days he asks me what picture I have posted and I ask his opinion if I'm having a hard time choosing. :)
May 12th, 2011
My husband is not a photographer himself but he is supportive and likes looking at my photos. He helped explain the elements of exposure to me when I was first learning to shoot manually.

He works outside in our garden a lot and will point out any new blooms to me. He'll also tell me when he sees a ship or boat worth shooting going down our loch. He's been trying to get me up before sunrise to get shots of the loch when it's still flat calm. Hasn't happened yet as sunrise here is just after 5am now.
May 12th, 2011
@wjw1741 I'm tempted to just copy and paste Warren's answer... pretty much sums up my own situation as well. :-D
May 12th, 2011
My husband is very supportive of me, although lately I think he's getting tired of all the time I spend on my project. He has always said I needed a hobby to keep me busy (especially during the summer when I don't work), so he is thrilled that I have found a hobby in photography. He doesn't take an active role in the project, but always asks to see my photo for the day. He is mostly to credit for my doing this project...he bought me my camera three years ago for Christmas and continues to help me build my equipment inventory by buying me lenses and other photography gifts. I am so lucky to have such a supportive spouse. But then again, he OWES me. His hobby is hunting - now THAT is an expensive hobby. I have a long way to go before I catch up to his hobby expenses (and I use that against him every once in a while)! We are both having fun with it! I've even gone on hunting excursions with him - he with his bow, me with my camera. It's great fun to do things together again!
May 12th, 2011
My husband got me my camera and is usually supportive. He does not take pictures and is not on 365. He sometimes tires of the amount of time I spend in my room on my computer instead of with him though. But on the other hand, I think he is happy about it sometimes so he can play WOW without feeling guilty.
May 12th, 2011
My husband is supportive, but is not interested in photography. He doesn't know about my 365, but only because he wouldn't "get it" so it's just easier to not try to explain. I've posted it on my facebook so no secret keeping...haha.

He has gotten great about snapping candid shots when I hand him my camera to take a group picture with me in it. He will always snap a few while we're positioning and they are usually the best shots. He's very proud of those!
May 12th, 2011
@davidchrtrans I have to admit, I am kind of jealous at all the womans remarks here on how they are at least encouraged, I just get the rolling of the eyes and what a waste of time, isn't there yard work you should be doing....
May 12th, 2011
@wjw1741 Aw, that's kinda sad... =(
May 12th, 2011
@wjw1741 I just looked through your project and you have some great shots. I especially like the birds! I was wondering, do you think if you asked your wife to be your photography subject, she would take more of an interest? I'm just saying, as a woman, we like to be flattered. =)

My husband is in a band with my sister and brother-in-law. It's NOT my husband's band, but he was asked. I was not asked to be in the band (even though I'm musical myself) and I often feel jealous and left out. I am less supportive of the band's success than I *should* be as a wife. Nothing makes me feel better than when my husband asks me to play music with him at home. Feeling included like that actually improves my mood about the band. Just a thought...
May 12th, 2011
@wjw1741 I'm jealous of a lot of the comments on here too but it has made me appreciate the community here all the more for supporting my photography in ways my husband can't. @allegresse has a great idea to try to include our reluctant/uninterested spouses in our hobby. Not sure that would work for me since he refuses to let me photograph him and needs so much alone time that the time I spend on the project is actually a blessing to him. But I agree that women are probably more inclined to want to be included and flattered with some good photographs.
May 12th, 2011
My fiance is very supportive of my project. When I first started, he said "You'll never find something to take a picture of EVERY DAY!" so I took that as a personal challenge... lol! Now he's usually the one to say "Grab your camera... let's go" whenever he has the day off and it's nice out. He also takes photos with his P&S (and is at least as good as me), and helps me make decisions about which photos are the best, if I should edit them in any way, etc. It's one of the many things we both love and can do together.
May 12th, 2011
@allegresse Probably not, she is not a typical woman, and she is even more critical of herself than I am of my photography. I think she got made when she asked me to take my daughter's dance pics....I declined. Mostly due to the fact that I am not a portrait photograhper, and somewhat I had no confidence that I could produce anything worthwhile, now I do not mind taking photos of her while she is dancing, that is completely different to me than posing a person, makeing them smile and so on, but ever before that, she always thought my passion for this would disappear and that it would not be such a thrill for me to shoot day in and day out looking for something different and unique.
May 12th, 2011
Often times, I ask my fiance for advice about my pictures. I trust his advice. He's a freelance videographer and he directs/shoots his own short films. He has a good eye. So I sometimes ask for advice. I also know he sometimes looks at my pictures, because he will randomly make a comment on occasion. But this is my project and my personal journey, so I don't expect him to be there and be involved at all times.
May 12th, 2011
My husband is very supportive, gives me gret advise, looks at and reads my comments. says my comments are often too long and shows me comments that are one or maybe three words...make it short he suggest but doesn't realize that commenting and receiving comments is as enjoyable as taking the pictures. yes he is right I spend way to much time on the computer and yes some housework gets neglected. like I was going to get the wash up from the laundry room tis morning and its still at 6pm hanging on the line from yesterday... but we are having fun on 365. ...everyone on here is just awesome.
May 13th, 2011
My husband is supportive. He comments when he gets a chance to see them. He is deployed so we never get a chance to really talk about it. But some of the shots I do take reflect him. When I do portraits he doesnt say much, I think he is glad I have a hobby and I stay busy.
May 13th, 2011
@jannaellen I tried talking Jon into doing it too, because I thought it would be something fun to do together. I got a mumbled reply about blah blah blah no, haha. You're not alone!
May 13th, 2011
My husband is very supportive, but I know that at times he gets annoyed with it. We have three kids under 6 and both work full time, so we have little free time and I spend a lot of it editing and posting etc... He loves that I am passionate about it and he says he can tell I am getting better and better. He likes to help me think of names for my photos too!
May 13th, 2011
My hubby is supportive. ~He has said he loves that I now have something that thrills me and that I'm good at. ~ I framed one of my shots for him and he was completely thrilled. ~ Now he wants something to do for himself but can't figure out what to do. I've suggested a 365 but he's not sure what he wants to do yet. He's great with a camera, but we take totally different shots. ~ I always ask him which shot to put up, sometimes I post the one he chose sometimes not. He likes to see the comments I get. ~ I think I would be as supportive of him when he chooses to start a project of his own.

May 13th, 2011
He's not into photography and thinks I'm a goof and a loony. :D

But he knows not to start eating until I take a picture of it first. And lately, he's been pointing out a lot of good subjects and topics. :)
May 13th, 2011
I just asked my hubby if he is supportive of my project
he said "yes... which project is it?" LOL
May 13th, 2011
@terryd2011 Ha ha! My husband has done that so many times about so many things! It's like, they have "yes" pre-programmed into their brains as the *almost* always right answer. =P
May 13th, 2011
@terryd2011 Good one :-)
May 13th, 2011
My hubby is wonderfully fantastic, he helps out, makes suggestions and offers critique and sometimes comes up with crazy ideas for photos. He isn't into photography but he knows what it means to me and that makes him supportive. Sometimes we have a difference of opinion on a shot and sometimes I listen to that advice and sometimes.... not. lol.
May 13th, 2011
My husband is my best critic, sounding board, supporter, and photo scout. But then, he's pretty much that way with anything I do. Guess that's why we've been married 30+ years. I know I'm lucky. :)
May 13th, 2011
I get so much support that the family have all joined up, and are taking better photo's with my 'old' camera that needed upgrading.

Que Sera, Sera :0
May 13th, 2011
my husband tends to view it as yet another thing that stops me from keeping house to the standard he expects ;)
my mum and dad are very supportive and keep telling me to get on a course and i have friends that say i should try and do more with it but it is a hobby and some escapism for me,i do it for fun not for money, i am photographing a friends daughter's party tomorrow and another friend has asked me to do some photos at their wedding in july which makes me feel proud that they think enough of me and my pictures to ask
May 13th, 2011
My husband likes for me to have hobbies that satisfy that creative part of me. He looks at my project from time to time. He never comments on the site but will mention to me when he really likes something I've posted. Its pretty much my own thing here. He bought me the camera for my 40th birthday, so I think he's happy I've gotten so much mileage out of it.

He also knows that the time I spend on photography would never be spent on something like housework or yard work. That's the kids' job. LOL
May 13th, 2011
My hubby supports my hobby and is quite proud of what I can do. He loves looking at my pics on here and reading all the comments from my "fans", he calls them lol. He has so many hobbies of his own (most of which I am the one rolling my eyes at) that he knows better than to say anything about how much time I spend on this. He is always quite happy to take me out somewhere to get a few shots. He has developed a bit of an interest himself, but I have to admit, I hog the camera and if he spots something he thinks needs to be captured, I usually take the shot.
May 13th, 2011
Yep, I get support from the hubby, too. If we are out and about, he will suggest things to take photos of to possibly use for my 365. I have encouraged him to do a 365 project, but he's kind of a busy guy with his work, so he tells me he lives vicariously through my 365 :)
May 13th, 2011
My boyfriend tells me that he likes my photos, but doesn't understand why I want to take my camera everywhere, and hates that I do...
May 13th, 2011
@terryd2011 LOL! He's got his answer down pat. Too funny.

Thanks to everyone for your responses. It's turned out to be a much more popular question than I anticipated so there's no way I can respond to everyone individually but it's proven to be very educational. Even after five years of marriage I constantly struggle with not knowing what's a realistic expectation or what's "normal" for a married couple so it's heartening to see that there doesn't seem to be any set formula here. I see that so many of you do OK with partners who don't share your passion or take any interest in your hobby, which is what makes me the saddest about my situation. I also see that things aren't as bleak as they could be and, sadly, are for some of you. So perhaps there's hope for me if I just shift my expectations and can be grateful for the ways in which he does acknowledge my project. But I'll still be jealous of those of you with equally creative partners, even the ones who take better shots than you. :)
May 13th, 2011
My husband is very supportive, we take photos together and enjoy it. Although he wont start a project.. he will however pick up the camera and take a shot... and when he does it is usually a wonderful shot!!! My husband loves that i take our camera everywhere.. and i do mean helps up be creative, and catch some of those rare moments!
May 14th, 2011
My husband JUST looked over and told me, "Look at you taking pictures of everything, everywhere! You're such a great photographer." I keep trying to get him to do this, too, because he has an amazing eye!
May 14th, 2011
Haven't read the replies but my DP thinks me taking photos is a waste of time, a way for me to do 'nothing' i think i can take an OK photo, his mum comments on them all the time and says i should do a photography course, his reply is "don't encourage her"
At times he will point out and say oh thats a nice pic :)
But he doesn't even know i have the 365 project going :(
May 14th, 2011
@zarava This makes me so sad for you. I'm glad you have the encouragement from your mother-in-law. Definitely listen to her and the few times your guy does compliment your photos. If nothing else, he should be glad you're documenting your precious kids' childhoods.
May 14th, 2011
@sourkraut thank you... i had a brother who passed of SIDS, my mum only had 3 photos of him and i refuse to be like that, i have THOUSANDS of photos of my kids and my eldest is only 2 :p
I don't regret it at all.. i love fiddling and trying new things, he just has to deal with it :)
May 14th, 2011
My husband loves that I am enjoying my dream-camera he bought me for my birthday last December. I love taking photos but consider myself a novice. He doesn't "follow" me but shows an interest in my passion for it.
May 14th, 2011
My Wife and daughter get part of the say in which pic makes the daily post. She checks on the comments on my pics and brags about my pics to friends"but she loves me so she's probably just a little biased"My wife also joins me when i go out and look for a new subject so i'd say yes she's pretty evolved in my project.
May 14th, 2011
My husband and I are both artists. .. we used to sit at the kitchen table and paint together when we first started dating. At least 1/3 of our conversations revolve around creative projects and beauty in the world around us. Over the years, he's leaned more towards his music and I'm more apt to pick up my camera as opposed to a paint brush, but we always share what we're working on.

If he's having difficulty with a transition in a song, or isn't sure if his drum beat is timed properly, I take the time to listen and help him out. And he helps me pick out which photos to edit, sometimes, if I'm having difficulty deciding on just one or two from a shoot.

It's so awesome to be living with and married to someone that I can share so much of myself with. :)

And my husband loves the fact that i joined 365.. because it HAS pushed me to pick up my camera on some days when otherwise I wouldn't.
May 14th, 2011
My husband supports me and check out my pics everyday but every time I get my tripod he freaks out!!! I wonder why... rs rs rs...
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