Whats Your 365 Style ?

May 21st, 2011
My last 6 Photos have all been a case of take a Photo and add it where as when I first started the project I'd sometimes A) Experiment with something for example a Mirror or something that lights up and B) Take more than one Photo sometimes 3 or 4 or sometimes for example like the Fire ones nearly 40 Photos and then I'd choose my favourite to add. So whats Your 365 Style ? Just 1 Photo taken and added or experimenting with something or taking lots of Photos and choosing Your favourite ? Just curious. I dont know why I seem to be taking just 1 Photo now Im guessing its because Im so busy for example with Todays, I took the Children out popped back home, Hubby was working in the back Garden so I got the Foxglove shot before I popped back out again, I didnt get to sit down til a few moments ago and now I am too tired to take any Photos so its the Foxglove or nothing for today.
May 22nd, 2011
1. Take lots of photos.
2. Go through and curse the ones that were blurry, delete those with a huff.
3. Upload the one I like best on Picnik.
4. Play around until something good happens.
5. Post it and pretend "I Intended That All Along."

Yep, that's pretty much the way I take photos 99% of the time
May 22nd, 2011
@clarissajohal I'm the exact same way haha
May 22nd, 2011
Take photos of my kids( like several hundred lol) and pray I have a few to post:)))
May 22nd, 2011
Hmmm, well, in recent months I've enjoyed shooting outdoors - partly because I've run out of junk at home :p

I tend to go to the park once or twice a week after work; I start with the cats and work my way towards the roses and then wander around to see if anything more interesting comes along. The rest of the week (much like today) I leave it until just before bed and take a quick one of... well, anything! Though, Adam (killerjackalope) and I have challenges for one another daily - so that helps too :)
May 22nd, 2011
Well its simple with me...I have 6 cats currently(one is just a foster) 2 kids 1 rabbit and love nature.....I take about 10 shots of each thing haha then find that one that pops! Its it raining I make a theme,like rain drops or something fun like dancing in the rain..I like a challenge but nothing to major =P
May 22nd, 2011
I have about three different types of photographic days.

One, I'll be going through my day when something will just inspire me.

Two, I'll have to walk around the neighborhood looking for something. I'll take 50 to 100 shots and usually something ends up very good, despite my efforts to the contrary. I usually don't have anything in mind and basically leave my shots up to pure chance.

Three, I know exactly what I want to do before I go to bed the night before and then I set out to do just that.

Example of #1

Example of #2

Example of #3

May 22nd, 2011
7 gig of photos since January means I shoot and shoot until the odd one drops into my lap, but it tends to be on bespoke photo-trips rather than by chance during my day. What do they say about infinite numbers of monkeys typing would write shakespears work, I'm one monkey with a point and shoot and hopefully one half decent shot a day. x
May 22nd, 2011
@clarissajohal This is totally me too!
May 22nd, 2011
@clarissajohal - hahahaha oh your photo taking/editing/ uploadig process is just perfect.
May 22nd, 2011
I typically take a ton if it's a new technique I'm trying or something I'm trying to accomplish...or if it's my daughter. Some days I'm uninspired or depressed, so I'll just take photos until I see the one I like, then stop for the day. I take no less than 15 photos every day though. I'm kind of a mixture I guess.
May 22nd, 2011
I've got a pretty good idea of things that I want to shoot and can draw from a little data base in my mind of things I've been meaning to capture. I like to try new things too and revisit pictures and try to improve.

Another way that I 365 is by browsing around the amazing photographers on this website and trying to learn from their work! The people on this site are amazing and it's easy to get inspired by them.
May 22nd, 2011
@indiannie_jones oh, the quick 'dangitt I almost forgot about it today' pictures before bed are also fairly common for me..haha
May 22nd, 2011
No matter what I'm doing it's rare I take more than four photos to do something...

If it's very random or unpredictable aye, many will be but usually each day I get a notion, or a challenge from Annie and I get a shot in my head that I take fast...
May 22nd, 2011
Like Fairiemoon, take lots of photos, always delete lots, sometimes they do not need an edit, add my name and voila. It's the shot for the day. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you take a hundred and don't like any.
May 22nd, 2011
I very rarely plan a pic. I carry my camera around 24-7 and almost everything to me is worth shooting - it depends on the angle, light, etc. From my pics you'll see I have an eclectic mix of subject matter. I go through them all, select my favourite and upload. Sometimes it's easy as I only have one I like - sometimes it's hard because I can't make up my mind out of a 3 or 4 and then there are the days where I don't like any I've taken. On average, I take about 20 to 50 pics a day.
May 22nd, 2011
I will attempt to photograph anything I see which 'speaks' to me and invites discussion. My only 'rules' are that it should be real and not 'set up', unless it is an experiment as part of the learning process, and that it must have a title and caption to provide the 'other half' of the story. I place no limits on how many shots I take, and will post-process as much as necessary to get close to what was in my mind when I pressed the button. In other words, I tend to be a 'hit and miss', 'suck-it-and-see' snapper, but I like it that way. Sometimes I get lucky, but I am quite ruthless at discarding those that don't make it.
May 22nd, 2011
mostly macro picture or the cats(emily & Bruno) if not thinks that happen to be in my room at the time :)
May 22nd, 2011
only photo what is meaningful to me
take loads if i have the opportunity
narrow down to 1 shot
if you need to crop it do so - occasionally i add a frame
(try and keep to sooc)
post it
May 22nd, 2011
@clarissajohal you do it so well Clarissa :o)

For me its something I've seen, or want to try that gives the initial spark then I work out how to achieve it, I'll between 20-50 shots for most things I do
May 22nd, 2011
Hmmm I try and take something that will remind of the day in some way, as I want the project to be a record of the year.
Some days I get an idea and run with it, other days I find I'm at a loss and just randomly shoot things until I'm happy with the result!
May 23rd, 2011
Some days I have something in mind; set things up (make a mess); try to capture what I'm thinking of with lots of photos with different lighting, perspectives, etc.; then I tediously review all the photos using my limited knowledge to decide what's best. This used to take hours, but I'm learned to recognize what I do and don't like.

Some days I go on a walk with my camera waiting for photos to greet me. Lots of photos. Same tedious review.

Some days I'm extra short on time/energy and look around for what represents my day.

In the beginning it was take a few photos and choose the best out of 10 or so. Now on my sparcest days I take at least 30-40 photos. On more experimental days I take almost 200 photos (of different things).

One of my biggest lessons lately has been not to hold too tightly to the vision in my head. Sometimes the camera shows me something better.

[Sorry so long]
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