Fond Farewell

May 23rd, 2011
Dear 365ers and especially my regular followers

I have just renamed my last photograph 'Thank you' to send special thanks to all of you for all your kind words and encouragement of my work for the 8-9 months that I have been on 365 - and I shall also be placing this message there. However, I no longer feel comfortable with my level of reciprocation from me to you and the fact that my shots are more often than not, not 'daily'.

I also have to urgently focus on other serious life issues. Having tried all sorts of means to control the time I spend on photography/365, I have come to the conclusion I must take a break from it, maybe end the project altogether. Whatever, until I have established a more reliable source of income, I need to put my camera down for what will be at least two or a few months.

I hope to look in from time to time at your brilliant work and I also want to try and meet a promise made to Robin to photograph her ancestral castle just down the road from where I live.

I am so very grateful to you all for your wonderful support that has undoubtedly urged me to explore new photographic and creative avenues I would never have otherwise considered. You have given me enormous dollops of inspiration that I am sure will continue to take effect even when away from this site and you have certainly got me to think about photography differently and as much more of an art form than I had previously appreciated it to be.

I have especially enjoyed the camaraderie and warm rapport enjoyed with a good few individuals and will sorely miss that daily dose of positivity and kindness that I have been on the receiving end of.

Maybe I will be able to return and finish the project, but just in case that is not possible, many thanks for all your support.


PS it will be lovely if someone keeps the weekly FAV FAV thread going, as that is just such a great way to encourage those who don't necessarily make it to PP....

I've tried to get around to so many special people here to leave more personal messages that they deserve but have clean run out of time and forgotten to eat. apologies if you are one of those I have missed. MANY thanks for the wonderful comments below - I am very touched and grateful.
May 23rd, 2011
Miranda!! My heart got heavy reading this! You are such a warm, lovely soul, and I will be sad to see you leave, but you must do what's best for you!! I SINCERELY appreciate all of the support, encouragement, and kind words you have given me on here. I do hope to see you again! :')
May 23rd, 2011
This makes me so sad, Miranda. I hope you do come back soon. You'll definitely be missed.
May 23rd, 2011
It has been a pleasure and life is always more important than the stress of optional activities. Take time to smell the roses instead of taking a photo each time.

I can try to do the weekly FAV FAV for you.

I hope you do not close out your account, but just post every so often but on your own terms.
May 23rd, 2011
@miranda I will miss your comments and your wonderful photos Miranda. I hope that the future brings you joy and you don't put your camera down for too long. You're too talented to allow it to get too dusty!

I hope to see you back here to complete your project but if not I understand there are much more pressing things in your life.
May 23rd, 2011
So sad to see this. I understand about life getting in the way though. Best of luck to you, Miranda. I agree with Paula, please keep your account open and post a picture and an update for us every so often. :)
May 23rd, 2011
You are a wonderful (!) photographer. I hope everything works out well for you. Good luck x
May 23rd, 2011
This just weighed on my heart,I will miss your photos and your kind words. I wish you all the best and hope to see you back one day!
May 23rd, 2011
My heart sank even when I read the title...I must thank you for your kind support and laughter and conversations over the last few months. Your progression from the early days has been exceptional and I have loved the way you have thrown yourself into this project - though in fairness you have probably put over a years worth of effort in to the last 8 months or so! We all completely understand your need to do what you have to do and will certainly miss your fantastic character around the place. If it's possible and I am in your neck of the woods when working I'll maybe try and pop in and say hello...take care my friend x
May 23rd, 2011
Oh no I totally understand but will dearly miss you! Good luck and hurry back if you can!

@brumbe Oh yes, please keep it going!
May 23rd, 2011
Thank you for all the wonderful photos you have provided. I understand your situation and you must take care of yourself first. This can tend to use a lot of time. Best of luck to you in your future. Looking forward to an occasional visit. Big hugs for you.
May 23rd, 2011
Oh no, I'll certainly miss your wonderful pictures a lot. I mean A LOT!!! Well, I sure hope you'll come back and bless us again with your shots and until then, good luck in all your endeavours!
May 23rd, 2011
May 23rd, 2011
I will miss seeing your photos Miranda....look forward to your occasional pop ins. Much love...and who know maybe someday I will learn how to knit a tea cozy :)
May 23rd, 2011
I do not follow you, but I have seen enough of your photographs to know that you are a brilliant photographer. I hope that things get settled for you soon, and I wish you all the best. I also hope that, although not uploading here, you continue to take photographs and that you enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed viewing them. You will be missed by many. I hope you are able to return, and know that you will be welcomed with open arms when you do. Again, you are a fabulous photographer, and I so enjoy the beauty of your work. Take care!
May 23rd, 2011
Miranda, you, your beautiful photography and kind comments will surely be missed by all of us 365ers.....Hope your journey thru life is a good one and perhaps we will see you on here again. Best wishes!!!!
May 23rd, 2011
Very sad to see you go, your photos are wonderful, and the Swan ones recently have had me totally entranced.

I hope you come back, even if only to browse or upload occasionally. Wishing you luck for the future x
May 23rd, 2011
Will miss you xxx
May 23rd, 2011
Miranda, of all those who have come and gone, this is the hardest goodbye to read :/

I've really enjoyed getting to know you - both through your photos and through your words; your encouragement has meant more than I can express to you. Fully understand your reasons though and don't worry, I'll still be hounding you outside of here :)

Big hugs to you xoxox
May 23rd, 2011
Sorry to see you go Miranda, 365project does indeed take up time but the beauty of it is, its always here to just dip into. feel good soon ! x
May 23rd, 2011
I'm sorry to hear you must exit this project. I wish you well in your life.
May 23rd, 2011
I was hoping, when I read the title of your discussion, that is was a fond farewell to an old camera or something. I can really understand your discomfort about not commenting. I've been off the boil this past fortnight too, with a few family concerns, but I still enjoy posting my photo and popping back onto the site to see what others have posted. I think everyone understands the time commitment. I have to admit, it gets a bit too much for me at times too. Thank you for the joy you have brought to us all through your beautiful photos. You will be sorely missed.
May 23rd, 2011
So sorry that you have to go. I've learnt so much from your pics in the last few weeks of following you.

Life often has a way of grabbing you by the collar and giving you a good shake to demand your attention.

Please don't close your account, but as Paula Brumble says, stop to smell the roses rather than photographing them all and post when you have the time to share a pic with us.

Wishing you well, and a smooth ride through life.
May 23rd, 2011
I am so sad reading this. I understand what you mean, I have 2 other hobbies and I seem to spend less and less time on them and I spend hours on 365 and I did not realise this would happen at all. I will miss you and your wonderful shots and please dont close the account and pop in now and then and let us know how you are getting on. Best of luck and warmest regards.
May 23rd, 2011
I hope that everything gets sorted for you and that you can pick your camera up again soon....
May 23rd, 2011
if anyone can get things sorted out M, it's you. You have so much ability, determination and motivation. You can do it. LOL Hxxx
May 23rd, 2011
I understand 100%. Thank you SO much for stopping by to let me know you were leaving--I've been flaky on my commenting these last few weeks of my Project and have thrown myself into my writing. I'm kind of right behind you on that gentle 365 exit....

Miranda, it's been a joy to see your photos. You are good enough to explore that venue should you ever want to make some extra money. Keep in touch (:
May 23rd, 2011
It is sad to see you go - your photos have always been so inspiring. I wish you well in your journey forward and hope to see you around again. . .someday. xoxo
May 23rd, 2011
Miranda. Am really sad that you will be leaving the project but you are doing so for all the right reasons. You have a huge talent (on many levels) and I've loved the way that you have got to know and empathised with whatever it it that you are taking a picture of. I have loved every single one from Burkina Faso (sp?!) to the swans to the flowers.

I too have appreciated the positive comments and encouragement you have given me on my project.

Good luck with whatever it is you decide to do , know that all will be well! Keep in touch from time! Kia Kaha ( that;s Maori for "Be Strong")
May 23rd, 2011
Oh no! While I completely understand, it'll still be sad to see you go. I've had the same thoughts many times. Best wishes and I hope we'll see you back from time to time!
May 23rd, 2011
Oh, Miranda. This doesn't surprise me but it makes me sad. Your brilliant photos will be sorely missed as will your kindness and great generosity.
Have to laugh: Have just received your comment on my Apollo photo, in which you say almost the same things. Of course I'll send you my email but you mustn't even think about going off to take photos of my castle when you've got so much else on your plate. I'm going to be finishing up very soon, too, but will be completing the project first. Will be calling in from time to time so hope you are able to do the same. And good luck with everything else in your life. Please try to keep in touch.
May 23rd, 2011
@brumbe Paula please do that would be great...

Miranda...omg so sad to see that you are leaving. your photos are amazing and you have been such a wonderful 365 friend and follower. you will be missed soooo missed.. i hope that everything is okay, we are all kinda concerned here in LA (was with Michelle Pippen Johnson, Sephanie DP and Lori Hiro today and Michelle gave us the news in the car, she was looking at 365 on her phone) you should have been a fly on the window to hear how much you will be missed... Please take care and keep in touch if you can....
May 23rd, 2011
Miranda- you were one of the first people i followed, and one of the first to comment on my photos...thank you:) your work is amazing and i hope that you get settled and come back and visit once in awhile:)) best wishes! warmly, liz
May 23rd, 2011
You've been a warm and witty member here, and I think you'll be missed! Glad I popped by today, am pleased can wish you all the best and say thanks to you. Take great care and I hope you'll have a wicked time out there - all the best with your plans.

May 23rd, 2011
We will miss your beautiful photos but I totally understand your reasoning. My thoughts go with you and hope to see you back again one day. Thank you for being a part of our lives.
May 23rd, 2011
Miranda, You must make the choices that are best for you. I have been so encouraged and inspired by your work here.Your creativity with flower arrangements and shots is incredible. You are one of the people I have learned from most of all. I hope your life goes exactly the way you want it to. I do selfishly hope you will find time to come back. Whether you do or not, I will always think of you when I see beautiful swans, and the stages that flowers go through. Take care my friend.
May 23rd, 2011
We will miss you and your wonderful photos! I completely understand that you must get things in order and take care of yourself first. I hope you continue taking pictures, even if you don't post on 365. You have an amazing eye for photography.

Good luck, and warm blessings.
May 24th, 2011
Miranda, you and your photos have been an inspiration - you'll be sorely missed! I know that this was a difficult decision for you to make and sincerely hope that one day you can return to 365 , if only for brief visits! Take care!
May 24th, 2011
I am sure it was a difficult decision and you have your reasons. I send you light, love, and all my best wishes. Take care and thank you for all your wonderful photos, inspiration, and support.
May 24th, 2011
Miranda - We are all very sad to see you moving on. Your talent and inspiration will be sadly missed. Wishing you the best for your life journey and hoping your life will eventually lead you back t0 365, as time allows. Thank you for sharing all of your artistic talent with the project.

Wishing you the best as you move forward. Denise
May 24th, 2011

Sorry to see you go! All the best!! Wishing you and your endeavors well!
May 24th, 2011
I am deeply saddened and will miss you. Your photos are amazing and will be missed. You have been kind and supportive and I wish you the same in everything you do in life. Please be well Miranda and remember to smile at look at the little wonders even if you don't have your camera on you! Be back soon as you can see from all these comments above me and probably below me you will be very much missed!!!!
May 24th, 2011
@miranda Oh miranda, this makes me so very sad! The selfish part of me would like to convince you to stay -- forget about commenting and just add your lovely photos whenever you can. That said I understand that life has its priorities and sometimes we have to make tough decisions to better things in the long run.
You have been such an amazing friend here, and I will miss you so much. I have enjoyed not only your beautiful images, but your kind and thoughtful comments and all the interesting links you share.
I wish you all the best, truly.
Peace and love, Heather
May 24th, 2011
Miranda, I just started following you when your beautiful swan series went up. I am so sad to see you leave, but completely understand. I hope you stop in every now and then and put up a picture to let every one know that you are doing OK. Grab life by the horns, and enjoy. Thank you for sharing the swan family with us. It was such a wonderful treat!!
May 24th, 2011
:( but yet I so understand. I'll miss you too, and your photos. I've enjoyed learning from you and seeing the world through your eyes. If you are planning on stopping in from time to time-- well, hopefully we'll see each other and be able to say hi. Big hugs to you, and I hope that with all my heart that the other things that are requiring more attention now, will fall into place for you.

{{{squeeze}}} thank you for all your comments, for sharing your adventures and your world. Until later... t
May 24th, 2011
Marinade, It has been a joy following you .... especially your recent series with the Swans. I will miss you, but I understand the necessities of life. I hope you will continue with the project as time allows and will look forward to watching for any future posts. Good luck with whatever you pursue in life.
May 24th, 2011
This is not good, but I think it is quite understandable, ALL THE VERY BEST to you. Hope after a while we will see you around.
May 24th, 2011
Sad to see you go. I love your photos and will miss the swans. Good Luck.
May 24th, 2011
@laceyjogautreau @lacedxxoo @brumbe @emmar84 @karens68 @jenrobcarr @jenrobcarr @ididntdoit87 @ididntdoit87 @araminta @pamfromcalgary @jannaellen @lluniau @andifree @aj1268 @glb484 @minxymissk @ruthyadams @indiannie_jones @sparkle @jennlouise @jennlouise @dmortega @murnane @tolly @cookie123 @cazink @mixiewing @clarissajohal @stepheesue @pennymilner @amiller @girlie @robinwarner @4stories @blightygal @vaderkip @maggie2 @renelou @timandelke @lorihiro @denisedaly @bill_d @isisweiss @pixelchix @petersonsheri @hellcat @mabear @pankaj @lisaconrad One of those terrible 'mass' thank yous but not a meaningless one. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for these such very kind words. 365 has encompassed so many good and enjoyable things already stated but one which needs saying again is that this is one hell of a great community - love that it is international and people have met in friendship here from all corners. WARM thanks to you all - I am very sad too but needs must. Big hugs and gratitude and huge luck with all you photographic aspirations, pleasures and publications.
May 24th, 2011
Miranda, I was only following you for a short time, but i will really miss your pictures and contributions to this project. I totally understand, it really takes more time than you want.
I hope you won't leave your photography totally, because you're really talented!
Love and all the best wishes on getting a job!
May 24th, 2011
Just read this,Miranda,after the message earlier.I so understand your decision.God bless you and your future,with all good things.
May 24th, 2011

hope you come back soon to keep inspiring us and enlighting our lifes with your beautiful pics and messages.

I will miss you ;)
May 24th, 2011
Thank you for all your encouragiing comments and for sharing your pics which will no doubt be missed. I do understand the time element and find myself in the same situation, unable to take pics everyday or to comment as much as I would like to but I have to say it also gives me that little bit of purpose and positivity that keeps me going whilst unemployed and so far unable to get a job. So do pop in, you may find like me that iit serves a purpose no matter whether its on a dailly basis.
May 24th, 2011
I haven't been around much lately neither had enough time to comment, but I want to wish you all the best and thank you for your continuous support and feedback. I completely understand how overwhelming such a project can get. You're an inspiration to all of us. Warm hugz :-)
May 24th, 2011
I was surprised to received a comment by you to an old photo of mine and more surprised as it sound like a farewell. And it is , now understand that you are leaving. I very well understand the pressures of the participation in this site and struggle with them myself and have to reconsider how to manage with it what are the costs I am willing and able to pay.
I wish you could be less total and find a more reasonable way and be satisfied with less time here. I will miss especially your humanitarian concerns reflected in your photos and words and hope that you will succeed in your business and will be able in the near future to afford yourself more free time and sharing of your photos
May 24th, 2011

Hey Miranda,it's a bit sad to see you go,but I know how you feel like. And you are one of my first "365"-friend I had,and I have to say I feel a bit shitty that for the last few weeks I barely commented on your shots (even if I checked them out each time),because I am also re-evaluating my priorities. Actually,I'm not even sticking to the daily project no more,and I even deleted a few of my older shots,I just can't let this website stress me no more,and to perfect myself,I chose quality over quantity.. Oooops,there I go rambling again..
But I hope you won't make the foolish choice of deleting your account/photos,because I know I'll have my days when I just want to "visit" Africa or South America,if you know what I mean.. I'm not sure if you'll read this by now,maybe I'm too late...
I hope everithing goes well for you, and don't forget about your camera,even if you won't use it often..

"See" you around :)
May 24th, 2011
Good luck girl. You sound a lot like me atm. Life...yeah. Wish you the best and hope to see you around the traps. Take care. xx
May 24th, 2011
I'll really miss your photos, Miranda, but certainly understand your decision. Best wishes as you move forward.
May 24th, 2011
Miranda, I wish you well. I am not surprised that you are finding you need to pull back on some things. You are a person with a huge heart who is out to change the world for the photo at a time, one person at a time, and one good deed at a time. I have appreciated so much your comments, your encouragement, and your lovely personality. I wish you good health and happiness...and want to remind you to take some time for yourself (without feeling guilty when you do) Every so often, stop to relax, reflect, and enjoy the world around you. Remember, sometimes it is OK to do nothing but commune with and hugs to you...Karen
May 24th, 2011
Sad to see you go. I will miss viewing your photos. But if you are headed out to tackle the business of life with the same grace and compassion as your pictures portray and your comments bestow; you'll do just fine, girl. Come back when you can.
May 24th, 2011
Miranda, I'm a fairly new person here, but I am sad to see you go, even though I understand why you must. Good luck with work and even if you don't have time to post photos, I hope you still take them because you capture such beauty with your camera and your life should include that beauty. Very best to you.
May 24th, 2011
You will be missed, Miranda. I've really enjoyed your photos. Hope everything else in your life gets sorted and you can eventually come back to 365.

The very best of luck to you! ~annie
May 24th, 2011
i'm really terrible at farewells... so... thanks for the photos and hope you will still drop by every once in a while... and maybe post a shot or two :)
May 24th, 2011
Sad, but I also understand you so much! I'm struggling almost daily with the idea of leaving, staying, leaving. It's nice you're not closing your account, so that you can always post a shot now and then. Thanks for all the nice photos and comments you've posted! All the best to you! :-)
May 24th, 2011
Miranda I'm so sad to read this but I know you've been struggling with this for awhile so I can't say I'm surprised. You will leave a huge void here when you leave you know. so please don't close your account....just go and do what you have to do for now and hopefully you'll be able to return eventually and grace us with more of your beautiful photos. Thank you for all your kindness, it's been a real pleasure getting to know you and seeing the world as you see it tthrough your photos and writings! Good luck and best wishes to long for now! :)
May 24th, 2011
awwww...I do understand. But your photos and your wise words on my photos will be missed Miranda!
May 24th, 2011
sorry to hear this but totally understand. I hope your life comes together as you wish and when you're ready, that you'll come back. I've enjoyed following you and seeing your beautiful photos. take care.
May 24th, 2011
thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures and for the lovely comments.
I wish you the best with what comes your way!
May 24th, 2011
Really sad to see You go, Hope its not Good Bye forever, All the best.
May 24th, 2011
@geertje @moominmomma @carrapeta00 @cindy @niara @yoelao @spaceman @debmayne @roejan @hwy61 @redcarh @lauriehiggins @annielf @stinkercat @scatcat @bluemoon @amyhughes @dvarey @petra @lisahutchinson Gosh lovely people.... thank you so very much you honour me with your kind words and good wishes. Thank you.
May 25th, 2011
Miranda, best wishes to you. LIfe can get so stressful and busy sometimes, and we all must take a step back from some things, and focus on what's most important. I am happy for you that you are able to make that choice, but sad to see you leave.
I enjoy your pictures and your comments.... hope to see you back when life settles down some!!!!!!
May 25th, 2011
Sad to see you go Miranda, I wish you all the best !
May 25th, 2011
Hi Miranda - thanks for your post on my paperbark photo as a farewell, I really appreciated the time and effort you made to say goodbye and thanks. I have enjoyed watching your journey, your talent is amazing and your humility and obvious intelligence inspiring and sense of humour very alive and well (lol...!) - understand how it becomes such a juggle with life, work, family, friends, passions, hobbies and the keeping up with the 365 community. It is difficult at times. I will miss you and hope you pop back in from time to time. Good luck with your other ventures and especially the photography (: Cheers, Andrea
May 25th, 2011
I've really enjoyed your photos and your spirit! But I totally understand.
May 25th, 2011
I feel a bit cheated to have only discovered you as you are leaving.....I hope you manage to find the balance you are seeking and return to the project.
May 25th, 2011
So sorry to see you go Miranda! I have enjoyed your photos and commentary ever since my first few days as a 365-er. I understand exactly what you mean about life getting in the way of the the 365 project :) Several times I have considered giving it up myself because I often feel I cannot take the time to reciprocate, either.

Your talent will be dearly missed and I wish you all the best. Thanks so much for all the encouragement you have given me - it's folks like you that help make this project worthwhile :)
May 25th, 2011
@miranda Well, it's a day made just a little sadder with the news you're leaving. Of course I do understand how Life has its demands and we must listen, but I will sorely miss your photos and even more your kindhearted and thoughtful presence here. You are a joy and an inspiration and I always had a smile when I saw your name pop up. I have your email addy from Heather so hopefully it's okay if I send a well wish you way here or there. Take care, my friend, and Good Luck to you!!! [hugs]
May 25th, 2011
oh no Miranda, I will miss you so much! Hope you'll do just a small break... Of course I understand but I was so excited every days to follow your cygnets family... would you please, please upload photos once in a while and tell us how they're doing?
wish you the best Miranda, and I cross my fingers that you'll miss so much this community that you'll be back soon. Bises
May 25th, 2011
@kimfaria @anew30 @hillsgirl @ellen @chamrick @aikiuser @parisouailleurs
I am deeply touched by the lovely things said here. Many thanks for taking the trouble to say them. This is a lovely community and it has been a real pleasure and privilege to be a part of it. This and the beauty has been addictive beyond belief. I am sure I will go cold turkey - already it is very strange. Many thanks again.
May 25th, 2011
So sorry to see you go! You are one of the "pillars" of this site in the time I've been doing 365. Your photography is exceptional and somehow I can't imagine you putting down that camera of yours. Wishing you all the best... and hoping you are able to come back soon.
May 25th, 2011
I understand. And I shall await your return. All the best.

May 25th, 2011
farewell ... it has been so nice getting to know you and seeing the world through your lens... i will miss you -- always appreciated your thoughtful comments . all the best!
May 25th, 2011
I'll miss your wonderful photos and kind comments - I do understand what you mean though...until someone works out how to add a few extra hours onto the day, something has to give!
May 25th, 2011
We'll all miss your lovely photos Miranda but the project isn't supposed to be a shackle around our necks!! It's hard to do all of 365 justice - I miss the early days when I had time to 'Browse Daily' and spot new people to follow - now it can be really hard to keep up.... Why not just post the odd photo that takes your fancy - I'm sure people will be happy to see your tulip pop up and not expect lots of commenting? Good luck sorting out a 'paying job'.
May 26th, 2011
Miranda, I am sad to see you go, but understand. I took some time off and now don't feel so compelled to post something every day, but when I have the opportunity.

I want to thank you for your contributions to the Love Project, I hope that you were able to view the presentation and read the wonderful write up in my company's newsletter that we all received.

You, and your amazing pictures, will be missed. Come back soon!
June 9th, 2011
While I was away so many have decided to leave. I am saddened but as I have not posted for nearly 3 weeks due to travel and computer issues I certainly understand the bow to pressure. I will miss your wonderful shots, creative edits and well thought out comments. You were, and always will be, an asset to any community. You will be missed.
June 13th, 2011
@helenmoss @judithg @wndswptlady @bobfoto @shantwin @aspada @cfrantz I so appreciate your message and certainly miss 365 too, but got totally addicted to photography and now am focusing on re-establishing my income with a very short deadline... All the very best to you for now. Hopefully I will be back when I have straightened my life a bit.
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