Flat Stanley

May 6th, 2010
Some friends of mine in the United States have put together a site for Flat Stanley. It's a school project for their son.


The concept is that you print out 'Flat Stanley' and then tour him around your town. I thought it may make for some good inspiration not only for your photos, but for the kids as well.

So, head over, sign up and take Flat Stanley on a tour.

Tag your 365 Photos with #FlatStanley.
May 6th, 2010
I love Flat Stanley projects! I`ve been doing a Flat Geo project http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=141581&id=508943239&l=fc46f90031 & sending the photos as postcards to my sister Geo who has been living in Australia for a few years now.
May 6th, 2010
Great idea John.

Laura, I took a look at the other photos, looks like it will be a lot of fun for both of you.

We have small red battery clip we hide around at work...at one stage I took it with me to Sydney and clipped it to the Sydney Opera House and to the harbour Bridge, first in nice and close and then slowly moved out until you could see exactly where it was. I don't have them posted on line at the moment...but maybe I will upload them and post the link here.
May 6th, 2010
I took Flat Stanley to Ghana, West Africa for a student. Great fun!
May 6th, 2010
I just wanted to say I loved the Flat Stanley books :D
May 7th, 2010
Oh man, I remember those books! They were great 8D What an awesome idea!
May 7th, 2010
i had to do that in kindergarden! not only did i tour him around my homwtown, i got my mom to fax him to me when i went on vacation but forgot him :D
May 7th, 2010
Awww how cute! We dont have anything like that here in Australia :(
May 7th, 2010
I've got one that I'm dragging around Seoul right now :)
May 7th, 2010
I would love to do a flat Stanley project. It says that they must be returned today. So it might be too late for that project. I did a round robin with a yahoo art group, we made flat selves and sent them around with a scrap book for photos of the adventures. I went to Japan so I ironed photos of all my flat friends on a white tote bag and made photos with the bag. You can see my bag with a Maori warrior at EXPO 2005 in Japan at: http://omasblue.blogspot.com/2005_06_01_archive.html
May 7th, 2010
This has given me an idea. Many of my followers/ees on 365 are friends from Second Life. So, I challenge all you SL'ers to make a 'Flat Stanley' of your SL avatars and post some pics of you touring them around your 'Real Life'. Should be good for a giggle or two...
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