What is more important to you?

June 1st, 2011
I was talking to hubby the other day about 365 and the conversation came up about what happens if you miss a day? I said that some people who missed a day used a filler from another day and others left that date blank. Then he asked about does it count if you take a photo on a day but don't upload it for a few days. And then the question came up about what would be important, getting a photo a day or making sure you uploaded a photo here a day?

So what is more important to you, making sure you get a photo a day but not necessarily uploading it here each day or making sure each day you have a photo uploaded here but not neccessarily taken on that day?

And of course there is no right or wrong answer, just interested in how people view their project.
June 1st, 2011
Filling those gaps:) Right now my sensors need cleaning so I don't want to snap anything until that's done or I'll just get frustrated with the quality. So fillers for me until that gets done:)
June 1st, 2011
@coolgirlsar Sarah, I am interested in taking a photo a day for the duration, or as close to that as I can get. That said, I have missed two days so far, but uploaded a pic for each of those days I thought appropriate. My goal is to create a book out of these images and their captions for a keepsake. I hope I am interspersing creative pics with pics out of my family's daily life, because that was my intention from the start. And, yes, I have taken pics and then uploaded them later but posted them to their correct "taken" day. There's my two cents worth. :)
June 1st, 2011
Personally I have strict rules for my project so I do both :)
I take and upload a shot a day. I am five months in now and I haven't missed a day yet. I might upload after midnight when I have an evening shift but that's as far as I will go.
June 1st, 2011
With mine, if I miss a day (I haven't yet!) I won't put up a filler. My photo a day project is just that - a photo taken every day. I don't want to use fillers. However, in September I am having an operation on my back, so I imagine I will have to bend the rules slightly - maybe set up a photo using someone else to position and actually take the photo or similar, seeing as I will be stuck in bed for a week or so. I don't worry if I am unable to upload a photo that day, as long as I have taken one - it can always be uploaded later when I have more time!
June 1st, 2011
I usually try to upload a picture each day that represents my day, no matter when it was taken but as I have three albums I also try to have at least one picture every day that was either taken on that day or could have been taken on that day because it's something I saw that day anyway. So, I'm bending the rules of taking a picture each day but I'm trying my best as I really want to take this project as a diary as well just like @meredithwb.
June 1st, 2011
I think I'm more interested in making sure I take a photo each day, and don't feel too bad if I don't get it uploaded until a day later. Sometimes it is hard enough getting the photo taken through the busyness of the day and editing has to wait. But if I wait more than one day, it drives me nuts! I don't like to use fillers because to me that defeats the purpose of my project, but I'd rather post a great filler than a mediocre shot taken in haste just to get one taken.
June 1st, 2011
I work hard at taking a photo day, and have everyday since December 18 when I started. Many times, I did not upload until the next day and I am so fine with that. So to make a short answer long, I'd rather take a photo a day.
June 1st, 2011
For the actual 365 project, I do photo a day, even if I upload it a week later. I post old photos all the time in my 'rejets/challenges' album though.
June 1st, 2011
not that anal about it,, I HAVE put photos from couple of years ago as my photo for the day. some purest out there will insist that that is wrong, but who the hell cares what I do on my project?? lol
I put photos on here for a reason, and it doesnt matter what other people think... and Im not saying that in a rude arrogant way,, its just that its my project. and therefore I will please myself...
June 1st, 2011
I try really hard to at least take a picture a day. And, I prefer to upload that same day too. But, I have cheated and use fillers a couple times since January 1.
I only have these rules because the whole reason I am doing this project is to force myself to use and learn my camera. So- I guess it depends on why you are doing this project....
June 1st, 2011
My main target is to take a photo a day - usually I also upload it that same day, but sometimes it has to wait a few days, if I'm away or busy. There's only been a couple of occasions when I actually haven't taken a photo on a particular day, and then I've uploaded a shot from the previous or following day instead. That's the nearest I've got to using a 'filler'.
June 1st, 2011
Post a shot a day using pics I take on that day. Crappy one on exact date for me is more preferable than a beautiful one taken on another day. That's my "promise" to myself when I started. But who knows, with so much work, etc, I might have to use fillers sometimes.

So far I upload on the same day or a bit past midnight cos I get home late. But as long as it's the photo from the day in the calendar I don't care so much if I upload a day or a week later.
June 1st, 2011
i fill the gaps...i do honestly take a photo a day, but do not always upload the same day(with 4 little ones i am not always able), so i have several that i have on file lol...i think the purpose for this project is your journey as a photographer..if you are taking shots and developing a style, i do not think it matters if the particular shot you took "that" day needs to be uploaded:))
June 1st, 2011
for me i like to upload one a day , if i dont have time that day i upload a filler, i would rather do 1 a day rather than have a back log , i dont have time to get through back logs lol !
June 1st, 2011
for me, it's important to take a photo each day even though I may be delayed a day (usually no longer) in posting it. I have had to use fillers just because there are those days when a photo doesn't get taken. I've only used photos for fillers that I have taken with the previous week or two.
June 1st, 2011
being happy with no strings attached :)~
June 1st, 2011
I sometimes post two days ahead, it's a quantum physics thing.
June 1st, 2011
I do my damndest to get an on the day shot, but am prepared to use a filler if all else fails. Then I hope to use a shot that it would have been possible to take that day, like a flower that's still in season for example.
June 1st, 2011
I want to take a photo every day regardless of when it is posted. My personal preference is to not use any filler. I try to uoplad everyday but there have been occasions (travel) where I am not able to. But I will still only post something that I took on that specific day.
June 1st, 2011
I have missed like 25 thousand days, and I have also used alot of fillers haha, basically I figure with two small children and the other stuff i have to do I am lucky if i take a photo a week, I have met so many awesome people on here though that I don't want to lose touch with that I am constantly playing catch up, so I have decided to leave the blanks I have for days I really like two photos and just fill as I continue my project.. and like the lovely @nikkers said, its my project so who the hell cares what i do? :)
June 1st, 2011
Taking a picture every day. I try to upload every day, but sometimes at the end of the day I'm just too tired or have no computer access. Or, like this weekend, we were out of town and busy and I just took pictures and I'm now in the process of choosing which photo for each day. I carry my camera with me pretty much everywhere, the store, to work, etc. still, sometimes at the end of the day before bed, I roam the house searching for a shot. Somedays, it is just hard, and sometimes I post crap. But the feeling that I have to get a shot each day has helped me to see the world differently.
June 1st, 2011
I have taken shots everyday, and that is what is most important to me. Then next most important is uploading everyday a shot that I have taken that day, even if it isn't the greatest. There have been about five days so far where I've been unable to upload a photo, but will generally upload something I have taken that day, just not uploaded on the actual day, because of time constraints. I have used a photo once or twice on a day I didn't take it because I loved the photo, but try not to do that as a rule. So I break the rules a little bit every once in a while when I need to because of my schedule, but try to stick to taking a shot every day and uploading that day when I can.
June 1st, 2011
No filers for me! I take a photo a day and I upload it before I go to bed. If I ever go on vacation or anything like that [ha!] then I suppose I would have to upload later. Taking the photo every day is more important to me.
June 1st, 2011
I upload a picture a day. Some days I take a couple pics, some days I take 100. So from those 100, if there are 5 awesome ones, why not use them in my 365? I see it more as "edit and upload" a pic a day. :) I don't want gaps in my project!
June 1st, 2011
I haven't missed any days yet and my aim is to take a photo a day but it doesn't matter if I don't upload everyday. If I missed a day then I would probably do the WWYD for that week as that doesn't change no matter what day you do it.
June 1st, 2011
I may take a photo everyday, but somedays I just really love a photo I took another day. Example is my May 30th Memorial Day Shot was taken on the 29th, but worked so perfectly for the 30th that I did not use any photos I took that day.

Uploading on a daily basis is relatively easy at this point (except I did not do it last night), but if I am travelling, I leave my photos alone until I get back.

So with 365 I take a daily photo but do not always upload or use one from that exact day.
June 1st, 2011
Because of life, I just want to have a photo on here for every day. Part of this is to work with photoshop too, so I may take a photo, but not get to it for a couple days. The other reason I did this is to learn from all of you talented folks....so when I do log on an am able to upload, I very much enjoy cruising all the fabulous works of art.
June 1st, 2011
@feeandstevie @nikkers also, there are so many other things to judge people on that I will not worry what rules you set for yourself or the rules for myself. I gave up meeting the ideal perfection a long time ago so I am just enjoying growing as a photographer instead of playing by each and every rule. But I am also known to question authority also.
June 1st, 2011
I don't think there are any rules, do what feels right, if life is busy post a filler, if you have a day that you have taken a few great shots then post them over a few days.. 365 is about enjoyment not about rules. Everyone seems to do this project for different reasons, for some it's to document their year for others it's to improve their skills and gain inspiration from others.. I do it because I love it, I thought I would give up after a few weeks but my passion keeps growing..
June 1st, 2011
just getting a picture a day is more important to me. lately ive been uploading late and i dont really feel like ive failed just as long as i took a picture every day. but i have had days with fillers because i didnt get a picture that day.
June 1st, 2011
Some days for example Sunday... I was in Fantasy Island all day got Home at gone 12am so went to bed, got Photos that day but didnt upload til the next day, Yesterday I wasnt well, Being sick all day, Hubby at work and trying to look after 4 Little Ones so the Camera didnt come out but I used a Photo I'd taken previously but because I'd edited it in Befunky as opposed to my usual Picnik I noticed the date wasnt showing, I wouldnt know how to remove the date anyway, It really bothered Me first if I didnt upload the same day or I used a filler but now I just think as long as I do the 365 days even if some of the Photos arent great at least Im trying and its something for Me, Im a busy Mum of 4 with a lot of things going on at the moment that some days I just think "Im going to give up 365" but I really dont want to so those days I will just take a quick Photo and quickly edit it and add it.
June 1st, 2011
I'm in the same boat as @indiannie_jones on this. In my first year I had a few fillers, mainly from the early days when I didn't really know what was going on/what I was doing! When I got to 365 photos though those shots annoyed me so I'm going for Year 2 with a shot for each day whatever the quality, but I'll post pictures to my other albums that aren't from the actual day posted if I've got anything left over from a particular day...
June 1st, 2011
I have so far managed to take a picture every single day, if I missed a day I think I'd leave it blank rather than using a random filler.
I don't always upload every day as sometimes I just can't, if we're away for the night or something!
June 1st, 2011
I try to take a photo everyday. Sometimes (like right now) I get 3-4 days behind and have to edit/upload all at once. Other times I miss a day so I pick one of my photos from the past and upload it. Sometimes the photo is from a year or more ago but I feel like it is a quality photo that I want to share. For me this is about sharing my photography and expanding my horizions on the technical side and the creative side. I try to stay true to the project but it just can't happen for me some days so I go with it and enjoy the ride.
June 1st, 2011
For me the whole fun and objective of this project is to take and upload one pic a day. So, I try to stick with 98%, even if that might imply a crapy shot or something totally boring.

But I must say that for the 3 occasions I use a pic from a different day just because that one was perfect for that specific day... my last one, that I took on April but it was perfect to upload today for sommer solstice. Not that I could take tha day pic, but just because this old pic is the best expression I´ve had so far for summer theme.

I think only one day I really use a filler, and in the beginning of the project I tried an old pic to get the feedback for my first adobe experience.
June 1st, 2011
By the way... I am already thinking about how I am goind to upload the pic in August when camping in Poland in the middle of nothing!!!
June 1st, 2011
I have no strict rules, because they make this project to hard for me. I use fillers sometimes, I think it's more important to upload a photo a day.
But now I'm going on a vacation to France, so maybe there will be no upload for two weeks... So I think that I will bend that one rule I stuck to in my project, and that's why I'm left with no rules at all!
June 1st, 2011
I've done a 365 project before and I really beat myself up when on about day 245 I forgot to take a photo! I woke up in the middle of the night with a sick feeling in my stomach when I realised I had forgotton! I was never going to do a 365 project again because I feared forgetting a day again! When I finally started a new 365 project I promised myself that if I forgot a day it'd be no big deal, I'd just post a filler. So far, I haven't forgotton, but I just know that one of these days it will happen! So personally, I think it's totally fine to post a filler and/or upload on different days! No rules is the way forward! 365 is hard enough without giving yourself more rules! :-)
June 1st, 2011
I upload a photo a day...regardless of when it was taken. I've tried to stay truer to the whole photo a day concept, but some days it is just too hard, so a filler must be put up. I have no gaps in my album, except the one that's dated wrong when I first started.
June 1st, 2011
my commitment is to myself to take a photo a day - often what i shoot feels too personal to upload to 365-- also i can spend hours editing a shot and so for me i consider an edited photo a new photo for that day... most importantly i try to keep this fun whether it's what i upload or viewing others work and giving comments...
June 1st, 2011
I'd have to say both actually. Because I've pretty much taken my photos then uploaded them the very same day.. but my camera can get really filled up! having the edits and photos on here is like an online photobook! I like looking back at how I've improved in taking/editing!

This is a very interesting question!
June 1st, 2011
No fillers for me - no matter how rubbish the shot! I try to upload every day - but sometimes hotel internet is no good enough and sometimes I have no connection at all! That said, with the exception of holidays I think I have only missed uploading that day's photos on a handful of occasions. The uploading bit is only important becasue it's difficult keeping up with followers when there is a backlog!
June 1st, 2011
Ideally I would like to take and post one photo per day but unfortunately life quite often gets in the way so it hasn't turned out like that. At the end of my 365 days I will have posted 365 photos which all will have been taken sometime during that 365 days and that's fine by me.
June 1st, 2011
I try to take a photo (or 100) every day, but don't always get to post it right away. I do have some fillers and blank days, and some awful photos because that was what I had for the day. That bothers me. I really wanted to take a photo each day. Life doesn't cooperate with my goal at times, so I've had to bend my own rules a bit.
June 1st, 2011
Some days it's impossible for me to take a photo so I try to take 2 the next day, or 2 the day before if I know in advance it's going to be impossible.

I'm trying not to go back too far in time to fill in gaps, I don't want any gaps but I also want it to show me a record of progress which it won't if I use a shot from over a year ago.
June 1st, 2011
Its the old -you get out what you put in- routine, it's more fun taking a pic every day, but I don't always and I don't feel guilty, as long as I post a pic everyday and try to keep it interesting.
June 1st, 2011
I get a picture every day, but usually go several days without uploading, and just mass upload every few days.
June 1st, 2011
i post sometimes 2 day at a time cos i miss one or im not gonna get on line..but some days i go no where or see nothing worth taking photos of..most are from the garden cos its all i see your not gonna get fined or shouted at for not posting...well you get an email lol
June 2nd, 2011
It's more important to me that I take a photo a day, and though I try to upload it that same day, if I don't get a chance to it doesn't bother me at all
June 2nd, 2011
Been fascinating reading all your replies and how everyone views this project. For me it's about trying to get a photo a day, Personally I find it easier to have a second to grab the camera and grab a shot even if it won't be a good shot than to have time uploading. I think for me the project apart from improving on my photography is to also prove that I can do something for a whole year, I have a really short attention span, which drives Hubby mad, so people who know this about me are quite shocked how I'm doing this and still doing it. I'm proud of myself for doing that photo a day..... well so far.... and sticking at something. I don't get to upload every day and I hate how I don't have the time I'd like to spend on here but I do browse my home page, new faces, popular etc and see all the wonderful work.
June 2nd, 2011
Doesn't matter at all about uploading older images. After all, we all keep thousands of images on our hard drives and they rarely get looked at. To share them, hopefully means they can be seen by many and somehow become more worthwhile.
June 2nd, 2011
I take a photo every day for that day. Sometimes I cannot always get to a computer but when I do, the date of the photo and date of the day correspond. It's my discipline and I love it.
June 3rd, 2011
I try to keep my photos current, like within the week that they were taken, but for me, my weekends are usually a lot more interesting than my weekdays, so if I get several good shots I will upload them, and the other days take photos to upload. I think it's wonderful to have a photo everyday, but my motivation in starting the project was just to take more photos and learn more about my camera and photography, and I am doing that, so guess it is working for me =) I did see one 365er (can't remember her name) that started taking photos of her newborn and did one everyday, I'm hoping to be comfortable enough w/ my camera to do that w/ my next child, just love the idea!
June 3rd, 2011
A photo a day. No archiving or going ahead in advance for me. But then, my project is all done. I'm just hanging around now and wondering what next. I don't know if my album resets itself or how to go on from here. I don't even know if I'm doing another year. But I still bring my camera with me wherever I go. And yes, I have been taking a picture of something every day. Can't help it. It's second nature to me now. So maybe that's my brain's way of saying do another year. But I don't know how. Only allowed one album and that one is finished. Anyway, I went off topic... Sorry. A picture a day. That's the point of the project. I realize a lot of us lead busy lives, but surely we can all take 5 minutes out of a busy day to take a picture. After all, the project is to capture your life for an entire year, so if you are hustling and busting, take a picture of your passenger seat or something. Or a stoplight you're stuck at. But then, that's just me.
June 3rd, 2011
I take my camera with me everyday. When I started this project I had the intention of taking a photo a day that represents the highlight of my day. But then life gets in the way.... Hahaha! This question is perfect timing for me because I just uploaded 2 weeks worth of back logged photos. There were days that I didn't get to take a picture and then there are days that I shot more than one. I try to treat this project like my journal too, so I'll try to post something that still represents what happened that day. Whether it's an old photo or a photo that I just took today. So now, I'll just take a photo a day and try my very best to upload it the same day. If not, I won't feel too guilty since I can find time another day to fill in the blanks. :)
June 3rd, 2011
@pixels4u I do agree with you, I try to upload one photo a day, sometimes taken on that day, sometimes that week, sometimes a while ago but a photo I like and want to share/get comments on. The important thing is to enjoy the project and enjoy the friends you make along the way!
June 3rd, 2011
My goal was to upload a photo a day. It is not always taken on the same day, but usually within a few days at the most. I do shoot almost every single day, but only upload photos I am relatively pleased with. If I put too many rules on this, I knew I'd have a harder time sticking to it. It's an awful lot of work, but so rewarding as it's done on my terms. I have not missed uploading a photo a day, and I'm at day 145. It has been invaluable to me!
June 4th, 2011
Upload every day. I just don't have the time or energy to take a meaningful, good quality photo every day. I'd rather take a photo MOST days and have them be works I can be proud of, then take one every day but not be happy with the result. But I know that is not strictly what the '365 project' is all about. I guess the project means different things to different people. :)
June 4th, 2011
I think it is important to have a pic. wether you took it that day or not. I go back because I keep all my pics. on flash drives.I just go back and pic my fav. photo even if it is from a long time ago.
June 4th, 2011
I take a photo everyday, but don't always manage to upload it. I actually have a week's worth from May that I intend to post as soon as I can get it off a "broken" harddrive. I think it's ok to use a filler if you lack a photo, but really want to share another. It's your project and art is subjective. No one can really define a right or wrong way to use the site.
June 4th, 2011
My goal is to actually take a photo every day. I’ve only missed uploading them each day a couple of times, but my main focus really is to have a photo each and every day with no fillers. That’s what this project is about. Otherwise, I could just use Flickr to store photos.
June 4th, 2011
I've given up on 365 because I got behind in taking/uploading (family reasons) and knew I'd never be able to catch up. Before that, if I missed a day, I'd try to take two photos the next day so that the photos which I did upload were taking during the week they were uploaded.
June 4th, 2011
I take a photo a day, but I don't always submit the photo I took that day. It's hard because sometimes I'm really happy with more than one picture I took for one particular day so I want to share it on another day. Not necessarily a filler, just using it when I want too.
June 4th, 2011
I take photos virtually every day since I started this, but what is important to me is to put up something I feel good (enough) about every day. So, I often post a photo I took the day before (seldom earlier than that). I found it was causing me a lot of silly anxiety to feel that I had to take the photo the very day. So - for me - it's the posting every day and the attempt to get something I'm happy to put out there. I don't view it as a journal or anything like that.
June 4th, 2011
I asked almost the same question a few weeks ago only I wanted input on "fillers". I learned alot talking with my peirs here, and that was it's my (yours) project and it should be done to please you. I have decided that since I want to commit to something and finish it. I am not going to use any more fillers. With that said I TRY to take a photo a day, and upload as soon as possible. But that's not always how life works. So I upload when I can but make sure the photos are uploaded with the date they were taken. I have a few holes in my project, but I am saving the pictures with the correct day # it should be say today would actually be day #56 for me but 365 counts it as day #45 or 46. This way I know how long it will actually take me when i finish the project.
Hope this helps.

added the link to my discussion.
June 4th, 2011
What I love the most about this site is that it's up to the individual to determine the "rules" for his/her project. I do what feels right to me but don't expect anyone else here to do the same.

Personally I like to make sure I take a photo every day, which I've done without fail except for two days when I was too sick and too busy to find the energy to do so. Although if none of my photos pleases me and I had an excess of wonderful pictures earlier in the month I'll occasionally post a filler instead of the actual (crappy) photo taken on that date.
June 4th, 2011
I have no fillers. I take a photo each day, even if it is crap LOL, or something with my iPhone. However I have gotten VERY busy with the end of the school year & start of the summer & have not gotten them all uploaded yet. So I have to say taking the pic is most important to me & I will eventually get them all up, I just hate to flood peoples pages so I upload bit by bit.
June 4th, 2011
i have used a few filler photos, but i always at least EDIT it that day
id rather edit one and spend time on a photo each day even if i didnt take it, then leave a day blank! so far i have uploaded a photo everyday since the first of the year!
June 4th, 2011
I don't even pretend to snag a photo every day. Life's just too busy sometimes. I do try to keep the pic within a couple days, though. Sometimes, I take a shot, but don't get the time to upload it until days later. I'd rather have a full calendar of shots I like or sort of like than a picture I just snapped because I had to. Besides, there are some days I get three or four I'd like to post and those off days are the perfect time to share them, too. :0)
June 4th, 2011
For me, it is important to take a photo everyday... I sometimes stay up close to midnight still figuring out what to photograph (not that I didn't take photos earlier in the day, just none that I was satisfied with). I haven't used any fillers and have skipped only 2 days at the beginning because I accidentally left my camera at my brother's house.
June 4th, 2011
Am thinking I"m going to have to revise my thinking. I"m undertaking the gratitude challenge and whilst there are many, many things that make me happy- during the week, I don't get a chance to capture them...so I think that this weekend I'll be capturing a weeks worth- on purpose- not as fillers.
June 4th, 2011
Making sure that I get a photo each day!
June 4th, 2011
I try to take pictures each day but sometimes I just don't feel like it and then it doesn't happen. I thought I'd leave them blank but have found the gaps to be ugly so now I've been filling them up with pictures from within a few days around the date.

Also, when I go on a trip I usually I have more fun pictures than days and then I like to spread the pictures over more days instead of posting a boring one that was taken on the day.
June 13th, 2011
For me, the project is about documenting something about each day that "stuck out" to my mind. I take a picture every day, but usually wait until I have at least a few days to a week's worth of photos to upload here because I don't have time to upload them everyday.

Since the EXIF data tags them with the date they're taken, they automatically match up to the calendar, so there's not even a point to uploading daily.

My .02 FWIW. This site rocks!
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