File storage

May 6th, 2010
So, recently I started shooting semi pro - for agencies and such - and I'm trying to get my head around a storage solution. A few weeks of shooting raw on a Canon 5D has wiped out any space on my macbook pro and I already have my iTunes library streaming from an external hard drive as it's massive.

What do you use for storage? I was thinking about getting a 500GB portable drive and then having a big 1.5TB as main storage at home that I back up to periodically. Sound reasonable?

One load of edited pics has left me with a 5GB folder. That's just for one shoot! Does that sound normal?!

May 6th, 2010
Hard drives fail, so if you'll want to back your stuff up on two different drives. It's also a good idea to keep those drives in two different locations in case of fire or robbery.

I keep a TB drive at my mom's house, and I just update it every month or two when I go visit.
May 6th, 2010
Absolutely but I'm going to fill up 500GB quite fast and that's a whole lot of cash!
May 6th, 2010
You can get backup "servers" where you put as many hard disks as you can afford (they can be different sizes too, google "NAS backup") and it organises the data on them so they are always on more than 1 disk. They sit on your home network connection so you can get to them wirelessly still, I hate how external drives tether you down.

For remote storage you could use a cloud storage service like Amazon S3, but it means transferring all the photos over your internet connection, which will take hours each time.
May 6th, 2010
I have a Seagate 500gb external Hard drive. Also, for archiving, look into sites like SmugMug.
May 6th, 2010
I use an HP Simple Save 1 TB drive everyday. Got it for $99 at Target.
May 6th, 2010
Heh, I've heard of that before Ross, reckon I have to do it just because it makes me feel like it's something to do with NASA. The freedom thing is why I'm thinking of a portable, they power from the 'putor.

At the mo I stream to an external wirelessly and some days it can take an age!

May 6th, 2010
haha, NAS stands for "Network Attached Storage" I guess if you needed to use it outside your home/office you would need to use the more traditional option. I hate these situations where both options are a trade-off.
May 6th, 2010
For a big amount of storage, yep Netgear NAS box is the way forward, we sell them to clients at work....
May 7th, 2010
get two very large drives, and use a sync tool between them. cheapest and easiest solution. You could also use Carbonite - its $59 bucks a year for unlimited storage.
May 8th, 2010
I also recommend ReadyNas by Netgear ... reliable and easy to use ... good support forum as well.
May 8th, 2010
$59 a year is a snip! I wonder if they're UK too? *opens Google*
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