What is your favorite subject to photograph?

May 8th, 2010
I'd like to get some glimpses into what people like to shoot and why. I'll start :)

My favorite thing to shoot is candids of people, though my gallery would probably currently say macro shots :)

I love the thrill of the capture, the risk involved, the hope that out of the burst, there will be at least one thats a keeper. Especially if I'm just out and about walking - catching life happen in the moment. One of my favorite photographic memories was at the city square, I was sitting on one of the benches need the epicenters fountain. I saw a couple sitting and talking and I had a decent zoom at the time, so I nabbed a shot.

After i took it, I quietly interrupted them and let them know I took it, and asked for his email address. I sent him the photo and heard back that they were having a discussion about wanting to get married, and that this would be a great reminder of that day. That kind of stuff you cant get in the studio.

Anyways, how about you guys?
May 8th, 2010
Great story and wonderful photo!

I guess for me it's...bugs. ;-)))
May 9th, 2010
I love landscapes the most. But living in the city thats hard to do lol
May 9th, 2010

and people (candid)
May 9th, 2010
I like shooting images that look like they came from a fairy tale

May 9th, 2010
id love to have the guts to do more candi shots, people are fascinating subjects! but id have to say by default it is my daughter i love shooting most! but that is a great story you have ther Jesse and a fantastic photo to go with it.
May 9th, 2010
I would have to say over the years of shooting. I LOVE to shoot pictures of my boys. I know it isn't the most exciting to others, but it brightens my days. Looking at my gallery you will see them spread throughout it. I have taking a liking to food photography too lately. My wife has a lot to do with that as she is always making SOMETHING for my belly.

Great Topic Jesse.
May 9th, 2010
Creative/original/artistic shots :)

...and squirrels!! ;)

May 9th, 2010
I'm really just beginning, but for now it is my family. My son grows so fast and I don't want to miss a minute. I do hope to grow in my subject matter in a more artistic sense, but I'll always treasure the shots of my kids.
May 9th, 2010
Oh I love to shoot everything from plants and flowers to random, or somewhat random things. Odd angles and macro are the top things in my "style" I would say. But really it's all about having fun and getting that cool shot ...to me anyway ;]
May 9th, 2010
I love candid shots of people, but I have an introversion/fear to having a spotlight on me when I try to shoot one. Hence, being a Paparazzi will not be on my resume.

Landscapes and Architecture are my favorites. You don't need to pose them! But, you do need to wait for the right light. For that, and likely only that, I will exercise some patience. Otherwise, I have no patience for anything.
May 9th, 2010
I just like taking photos, I don't think I have any style but I do seem to draw to a few subjects, if you can call that "favorite": architecture, anything that looks abstract, anything has geometric shapes, lines, and shadows. and also, anything that looks abandoned, run down, old, vintage... I do love candid shots of people, but photograph people is my "weakness" :) something i hope to learn and improve, but definitely interested.

May 9th, 2010
Tough call. Perhaps I haven't been into photography long enough to have a favorite subject . . . I'm still in that wander-around-till-you-see-something-and-shoot-it phase, and I love it. I find good shots in the most surprising places.

If there's an area that I'd most like to gain artistic proficiency (dare I strive for excellence?), I'd say portraiture, with candids of people coming in a close second.

Here are a couple of my favorites:


May 9th, 2010
I could just say hugs... but I actually love trying to get the perfect moment of my friends. I try to set up photo dates with them but everyone in the world hates having their pictures taken.

May 9th, 2010
Anything with letters. [:

May 9th, 2010
Animals and Architecture
May 9th, 2010
Candids photos are always my favourite but I also love old, decrepit things.
May 9th, 2010
Mine changes as much as the wind changes directions! I love taking pictures of barns, landscapes, flowers, the sky, bugs, animals, etc. I want to get better at taking people pictures. In about a month I'm going to be obsessed with caterpillars because I raise monarch butterflies and take pictures of them from egg to butterfly.
May 9th, 2010
First, I adore the shot you shared with us! How amazing is that story? I am a beginner, but I love to shoot animals. I would like to try portraits...but am unsure how to do that!
May 9th, 2010
macros and flowers mostly! I wish I could get better at candids but I'm too shy to ask! I feel odd taking pictures without letting someone know.

Amazing story to go with the picture!
May 9th, 2010
wow what a neat story =)
I'd love to take candids of people in public, but I am always so nervous about talking to the people after I take their pictures.
May 9th, 2010
I love candids of people. What a great photo. I really like going to festivals and fairs. You never know what you will come home with. Because of the weekly themes on here, I often find myself taking photos of things I never thought I would, and having so much fun with that.
May 9th, 2010
I think that I would have to say .. catching life in the moment.. whether it be people sharing a moment.. all those little candid moments.. or the sun setting a certain way in a certain moment.. there is so much emotion to be captured.. and admired.. in every moment of every day.. I love savoring that moment with my camera.. and helping keep it alive.
May 9th, 2010
I love photographing animals......

That's what I want to do for a living.

and candids of people are always good :)
May 9th, 2010
My favorite thing in the world to photograph is water, http://365project.org/lookitsz/365/2010-03-01 this is one of my favorite photos that I have ever taken.
I love not knowing exactly how it will turn out and how you can get such different shots within seconds of each other. I took a water shot just yesterday, the one I posted was so different from the one before and after it even though I used the same settings and stayed put. http://365project.org/lookitsz/365/2010-05-07

My other favorite is flowers, I can never pass up the opportunity to potograph a new flower even though I don't usually know much about them. http://picasaweb.google.com/zhmyers/Flowers

I've even been known to combine the the two, http://365project.org/lookitsz/365/2010-04-26
May 9th, 2010
Old run down buildings and old run down me!
I'd love to have the guts to snap portraits of strangers in the street, but I always back out.
May 9th, 2010
I love all things natural! I live in northern California so I am lucky to have an easy drive to the coast or up to Tahoe, etc. Flowers, bugs, any body of water, sunsets... I love it all! I occassionally photograph people as well such as my family but I feel like my skills really sing when I am photographing nature. For example:

May 9th, 2010
I have to say macro. Flowers and animals. But also landscape. I would love to be more creative with my photos and I have some ideas. I hope i´ll be aple to show it soon :-)
May 9th, 2010
Macro. Flowers, Animals.

Also old buildings (Architecture) , train tracks, etc. As of yet, have not had a whole host of opportunities to get these later ones, hoping to change that!

May 9th, 2010
I like taking pictures of my students whenever they aren't paying attention to the camera - Korean kids get photographed a lot, so that can be hard - they automatically seem to do one of the standard Korean poses.

I also like anything that reminds me that I live overseas - I've been in Korea 4.5 years now and most of the time I forget that I am indeed in a foreign country. The little reminders are nice.
May 9th, 2010
I think i probably most like taking macro shots because I love seeing the small details in things that you don't normally see.

May 9th, 2010
fashion and portraiture! i love it so much! but i also really enjoy this project because it gets me photographing other things around me!
May 9th, 2010
first off, that is an awesome photo, with a lovely story to go with it :)

I don't really know if I have a favourite thing to shoot...it kind of varies with my mood (I'm such a girl sometimes).

Before I was into Urban Exploration (so derelict, or abandoned areas) which then turned into more architectural and industrial photography.

somehow, somewhere in the middle, my love for photography meshed with my love for food and I started doing food photography.

Now I'm just all over the place...More recently doing roller derby photos.

good times
May 9th, 2010
Drumkits - definitely! (Probably just because I'm so familiar with them!)

Jesse - that's an incredible story... :)
May 9th, 2010
Candids, though I don't get many, and most anything with people in it. I just love people.
People are a passion, if anyone gets what I'm saying? Haha. ♥
May 9th, 2010
Nature... flowers, leaves, sky, etc. I can't seem to make people shine with photos, so I stick with non-human subjects. :)
May 10th, 2010
Definitely people. Mainly candid, especially laughing or showing some sort of emotion.

Also, music related things - band shots, DJs and the like.

Man, I love photography so much!
May 10th, 2010
Thanks for sharing everyone, it's been really awesome seeing what inspires, pushes and even scares some of you :) you guys make a fantastic community!
May 10th, 2010
I would say nature and macro, especially together. Nature is just too beautiful to NOT photograph :).
May 10th, 2010
I really like shooting bokeh (dof) but my favorite thing to shoot is my 5 year old, Claire.

May 10th, 2010
I love nature photography but my life is a bit lacking in greenery to shoot since moving to Glasgow. I wish I had the confidence to take candids because there is sooo much candid fodder here in the city centre. Although I also need the speed - using manual lenses means the moment is often lost by the time I've composed the shot and got it exposed right!
May 10th, 2010
Simple answer: Nature.
May 10th, 2010
May 10th, 2010
My favorite thing to photograph is abandoned buildings....i find them so beautiful.
May 10th, 2010
Patterns for me.

May 10th, 2010
People! I just love getting their expression and capturing the moment.

My fave person to shoot at the moment is definitely my son, Z. I just can't believe how quick he is growing, and already look back on photos and think - my goodness, was he ever that small?


Oh - how can I paste the actual picture vs link in the reply?
May 10th, 2010
I have eclectic styles - people, landscapes, macro, birds, animals.

But I love taking candid photos of people that tell a story. Annually my choir goes away for 3-4 days to a festival and I end up taking lots of photos of them going about their day, whether in rehearsals or just relaxing. They know I like to take lots of photos and I end up with a good photo diary of the trip which I share with them.

I also take thousands of photos when we are on holidays, concentrating mainly on the scenery we pass by.

But day to day, anything around the home - pets, birds, flowers. If I go out I just photograph whatever catches my eye. Family is especially good to take, although my children tend to shy away from the camera, especially my youngest who is very photogenic (it's a shame). Because my son travels all over the world to perform (he's an acrobat with Circa), it's a treat to have him home long enough to capture, especially if all 3 children are here at the same time. Then I take photos to give their grandparents.
May 11th, 2010
I like taking candid photos. Especially when the subject doesn't know they are getting their picture taken because they are more themselves. So many people are uncomfortable in front of the camera.
May 11th, 2010
My kitty, Lilly :)
May 11th, 2010

And certain landscape
May 11th, 2010
nature and animals
May 11th, 2010
I absolutely love taking pictures of people.. in any setting.
Mainly creating a scene and having them play a character in it. Fairytale, fantasy. Things like that are my favorite to shoot. But, I also love taking pictures of nature and animals. Sooo it is pretty much a blend, but fairytale-esque people shots are my all-time favorite focus.
May 12th, 2010
Beautiful story behind the pic!!!

I like taking pics of my 10 month old boy, because I always get some great crazy ones, haha.
May 12th, 2010
I absolutely love taking pictures of my kids...not 'posed' pictures- but ones that catch the little personalities they have... I would love to capture candids of strangers too, but I am chicken still.... I also like nature shots- seeing things through the lense that I otherwise would look past. :)
May 12th, 2010
Anything and everything. Except bugs. I hate bugs.
May 12th, 2010
My main subject matter for years has been cemetery photography. It started years ago as a one time thing taking pictures for an article I wrote about a local cemetery. I was amazed at the level of craftsmanship and beauty in the monuments. I think there is something so beautiful and sad in them, not to mention how peaceful a setting it is to wander around in with a camera for the afternoon.
May 12th, 2010
my pets.....they're handy!
May 12th, 2010
my pets, specifically Bonnie since she's such a young pup and likes to be silly. I also love taking pictures of flowers C:
May 13th, 2010
What a beautiful story (and picture) Jesse!

I (obviously) like to take pictures of people. I really enjoy taking pictures of children the most (namely my daughter, Isabel). Children really have some wonderful expressions when they're just playing and being themselves.
May 13th, 2010
Amanda, I totally agree - hence my photo today :)

I have gotten some shots of children that I absolutely love through the years at weddings. They are all dressed up and get to have cake and be loud at the receptions...its a great time to get em in their element.
May 13th, 2010
beautiful lighting, backlighting.
May 13th, 2010
Great discussion topic, Jesse! Loved your candid shot and the story behind it!! Until recently I would only take my camera when we were going on a trip somewhere, but after joining 365 I have started to pay a lot more attention to the details. Nature seems to be one of my primary subjects right now, but i love taking pictures of everything - food, cats, kids, bugs, you name it! My best shots so far are the most spontaneous ones, no staging involved. Everything can be fascinating, captured from the right angle!

May 13th, 2010
First off I would like to comment on Slava's photographs, just to let you know that I love the two you posted above.

I like to photograph pretty much everything. Often I do not focus on the settings of my camera, which I intend to improve, but use my camera as a diary to document every day things from parties to places so that if ever I lose my memory my life will be documented. This is why I think this 365 project is a wonderful idea.
January 4th, 2015
Im Currently doing A Level Photography, and for my Unit 1 (i did last year) I took inspiration from Sally Mann who photographed her kids.
I decided to photograph my cousin in a vintage style way and some of the shots I captured of him will remain my favorites throughout all the pictures I ever take...
I love photographing him as he enjoys being a little model as much as i love using the camera. We are really close which i think brings out his personality more, which i believe is an important aspect to any photograph. I can tell him to do any pose, expression or dress up and he just does it perfectly which is why I get so many successful shots from him
(i would attach a picture, but I'm not entirely sure how to do it)

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