Digital fill flash

May 9th, 2010
I am not well versed in Photoshop, as my Adult ADHD mind does not want to sit through 8 million laborious tutorials, and a manual that looks like a Sociopathic Tolstoy wrote. I tend to use it for just a few things, the main one is the "Dodge" feature (the little pin icon) to add midtones and highlights back into underexposed areas (such as in background landscape).

I know that with Photoshop, there always seems to be more than one way to accomplish a similar end result.

I am curious to hear of any techniques any of you use to create "Digital fill flash". If you do, perhaps a link to a tutorial would also be great!

Thanks very much.
May 9th, 2010
Great question... I'd like to know too!
May 9th, 2010

Chris, i dont know if that is what you mean... i hope so...
May 10th, 2010
are you looking for filling in shadows? If so you are right there are so many ways you can try to do this.

One copy the layer and then lighten the exposure of the entire copy layer by an Exposure adjustment layer and then flatten those two together. This will give you and overall higher exposed image. Now apply a layer mask and cover in black. With a soft/low flow brush paint white on the layer mask in the fill flash areas.

You can achieve similar results by making the copy of the original layer and setting it to SCREEN mode and apply a layer mask in black and paint again with a soft/low flow brush for fill in areas.

Hope this makes sense and helps you.

ADDED: the make the brush, SOFT, Low (50% or so) flow, Low (50% or so) opacity.
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