What's Your Niche?

June 13th, 2011
Do you have specific niche in photography? Do you generally take people shots? Animals? Bugs? Still? Etc, etc, etc. How did you come to this conclusion and do you ever dabble outside of your niche?

June 13th, 2011
Crazy! I was JUST thinking about this lol.
June 13th, 2011
My daughter, colors, rainbows and quirky toys seem to be a constant. And fruit and flowers. I try to go outside my norm when I can and time allows for some play.
June 13th, 2011
Macro is certainly my favoured area and in particular bugs. During the warmer months pretty much all my shots are macros! I'm forced outside of my comfort zone during winter and pretty much just think of stuff to shoot around the house.
June 13th, 2011
Flowers... because I'm rubbish at photographing anything that moves! Plus I recently bought a macro attachment for my camera which allows me to take some interesting close ups! And yes I do dabble outside my niche, I quite like taking photos of architecture and sunsets (again because they don't move!) and I have attempted some people photography but that's because my friends assume I am some sort of 'expert' because I own an SLR lol!
June 13th, 2011
I take a lot of photos outside...birds are tops right now, but I'm trying to change that a bit. Of course old buildings, too!
June 13th, 2011
I like nature and take photos of architecture for work, but for this project I am making sure that I bust out of a genre. After looking over five months it seems that the word to describe me is color.
June 13th, 2011
I take bird shots more than anything, but I do go outside of this category and it usually ends badly.
June 13th, 2011
Lot's of scenery, such as sunsets, mountains, barns, decrepit buildings, etc. using standard and HDR techniques. Also I like odd stuff (you don't see that every day types of things). Animals sneak in there sometimes. Also, seasonal items, such as flowers and snow/ice. No people, no action shots.
June 13th, 2011
I would say flowers, only because I think there's beauty in any and every one if you get close enough. I tend to decide I want to try something and then I work on it until I'm satisfied (though there is always room for improvement) - I did it with long exp. at night, though I grew bored of them... and now I do the same with cats, which I used to struggle with the few times I found one to shoot. I'm not sure what's next.
June 13th, 2011
i take lots of pictures of babies and children...mainly because they're hilarious, and they're changing and growing all the time. i love unposed, natural, funny shots, when you catch them making some random, brilliant expression!
June 13th, 2011
I am still trying to find mine. I have or plan to try quite a bit, though I am attracted to architectural type shots and "abstracts" where you get a piece of the whole. This project has definitely helped me break out of my comfort and knowledge zone and really grow as a photographer.
June 13th, 2011
hmmm not really. Last year was the odd bit of colours popping, cliche i know. Then i peaked wit my light painting and night shots. Now drifting in to a bit of street photography when i can, mainly in London.
June 13th, 2011
People. It's not necessarily because I'm "naturally" better at it - it could just be that people interest me more (generally speaking, not specifically photographically speaking). So, my photography has developed (pun possibly intended) in that way, and less toward animals, landscapes etc. And when it comes to photographing people, I'm certainly more skilled in certain areas than others. One of my strengths, I believe, is in black and white imaging - probably a carry-over from film, when I shot a vast majority of my images on b&w (like many of us, I could develop my own b&w's but never pursued the more expensive colour processing).

So, IMO, you become good at what interests you and therefore whatever it is you do the most. Also, IMO, good photography is learned, and anyone can achieve excellence if they desire it - natural ability makes very little difference in the long run.
June 13th, 2011
kids...yep i love the little ones....i know that must be hard to tell for those that have seen my project...it is ridiculous....:)
June 13th, 2011
@4stories You like taking pictures of kids?! Get out of town! I never would have guessed! Hah :p
June 13th, 2011
I used to think it was nature, however I have learned that children are my forte. I love watching and capturing them in action. That is where I find my inspiration
June 13th, 2011
not sure i have found my niche yet,i'm enjoying macro shots at the moment,kids are my fall back subject,i like candid shots of people, really i just like experimenting
June 13th, 2011
I guess I should answer my own discussion. :p

I don't think I have a niche. I've only seriously taken up photography in the past year. I'm having a lot of fun learning new techniques and such.

I think my goal is to get into life style photography but I've never hd steady hands(which isn't so great in my actual career either! LOL). You really need to hve steady hnds to get the shot before the moment passes. With a tripod I lways feel like I'm missing something. Still practicing. Will master this.

Excuse the typing the A on my computer doesn't seem to want to work half the time.
June 13th, 2011
I had a real hard time putting a name to what I do and I've been taking pictures for a number of years now. I've never settled on subject or style. I take pictures of what I see. I recently mentioned that most of my pictures do not include people but this month is full of people and in doing my look back series most of my pictures are people too. I had no idea. My fb pages are full of gardening, cooking, and photowalk pictures. I just had no idea. There doesn't seem to be anything to tie them together except for the fact that I took them. They were interesting or important enough to take at the time.

Recently a video link was posted here called 'HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON - Decisive Moment'. ( http://vimeo.com/20047490) As I watched this something surfaced. It was what he was saying about how he chose pictures. How he was trying to catagorize himself. He was told he was a documentary photographer. He took pictures of what interested him regardless of his assignments. So much of what he said really resonated with me. For the first time I fully understand that I am a documentary photographer also. I try to give a little different perspective on what I see.

I can go back through old photos and see that now. That is my niche. I document my world whether it's special events or the moon or food or my garden or whatever catches my attention at the moment. It really doesn't matter and I don't overthink it. What does matter to me is that I have someplace to share them like here for example.
June 13th, 2011
oh god I'm totally stuck on having people i my shots. I do try to vary it occasionally but I always come back to it. I think I got into it as I'm not very technical and I'm using a phone or p&s and street/people shots are quite doable without a DSLR. I will get back into night shots once the days get shorter...
June 13th, 2011
I tend to like "things"...very specific, I know. But not really into landscapes and flowers (I have been forcing myself to try to take more pictures like that) I like taking pictures of people if it is spontaneous or not posey. I have found more niche more with editing then actual shots. I love vintage processing. Grainy, b&w, selective coloring. I find myself constantly doing that.
June 13th, 2011
Definitely love the landscape shots and anything outdoors really! Would like to take more photos of people but find it difficult, especially people on the street.
June 13th, 2011
@dmortega I really like your response! Thanks for sharing the link!
June 13th, 2011
I would say that my niche is "average". I specialise in taking pictures which are not special in any way.
June 13th, 2011
@manek43509 Awhile back you posted your instagram name and I follow you. So when I get on there I get even more random pictures from you. They make me giggle.
June 13th, 2011
Basically anything but people I have a lot of variety from objects to animals just not a good photographing people.
June 14th, 2011
flowers, still-lifes and sunsets... and i'm totally addicted to hdr -- sometimes i feel like i'm in a rut so then i go out and take a stroll with my camera and find something else other than the aforementioned to photograph.
June 14th, 2011
I don't think I have a niche. I take a lot of pictures of Dazzling, but that's because she's easy to photograph. I LIKE macro photography, but my camera's not the best for that. Other than that...nothing :(
June 14th, 2011
Flowers, birds, animals at the moment. Hope to branch out and do more shots of people.
June 14th, 2011
a hundred years ago, back in film days, my niche was taking landscapes whilst driving. I have a collection of road shots all taken at 100kph. I still dig checking them out from time to time. But that is what I did. Then I moved to Papua New Guinea where everyone wants their photo taken, so I enjoyed taking Portraits and I have an album of 100 of my favourite people photographs from my time there. Last year, I photographed Birds, and now have a collection of over 200 bird species from the Tropics of Australia. This year, with my 365 project, I think you could say my niche is bugs, grubs and small creatures with a Major in Frotography.
June 14th, 2011
Anything but people. Gotta get better at shooting ( i mean photographing) people. =P
June 14th, 2011
I'm not too sure what my niche would be. I know I love macro, bugs and I'd much rather shoot outdoors than in. I seem to focus on one thing in a scene instead of the big picture...which I'm working on with not much success so far. Maybe that's my thing? Look through my album and feel free to let me know what my niche is, cuz I'd love to know! lol
I'd really like to start doing more people/street shots...just have to find good people on nice streets :)
June 14th, 2011
hehe, lucky you! (Considering how strange/random a lot of my Instagrams are!)

Actually, I think I follow you on Instagram as well. :)
June 14th, 2011
But, just to be serious (!!) for a moment... Like @cfrantz, I find I take a lot of pictures of sunsets, flowers, clouds, etc. (Plus pictures of musical instruments, because I spend so much time with them.)

And I, too, use the HDR function in Photoshop WAAAYY too much!
June 14th, 2011
I'm still waiting to find it...I'm all over the place when it comes to taking pictures! I really hate doing indoor pictures though....I could wander through the house for days and not come up with a single decent picture! I see a lot of pictures on here that others have taken of simple objects that are composed into really awesome pictures but I just have zero talent for composing these types of shots so I should probably work on that area!
June 14th, 2011
I do landscapes, i also like to experiment on things like light painting, smoke photography. HDR is i do very often! (10 out of my last 12 shot have been scenery processed with HDR)
June 14th, 2011
I would say that I have found myself getting very comfortable with flowers in macro. And now that I have realized that, I am feeling like I should branch out more for fear that they are getting to be "predictable." :o/
June 14th, 2011
i was thinking about this the other day and i think the only "theme" of my project really has been a lot of brightness, happiness and humor lots of photos of my kids

but some day i do plan to dive deep into newborn photography!
June 14th, 2011
I love photojournalism- events or people with a story. There is no demand for it though. Really interesting getting to know people, and I like to still ask why ? alot!
June 14th, 2011
Self portrait and other people portraits would be my first choice. My second choice is nature. I can't ever do still life and I pretty much suck at animal and bug shots. I do sometimes like to try my hand at the shots I typically suck at, but they don't often make it to my project because I don't generally like them! haha
June 14th, 2011
Mostly I take pics of my kids and flowers, but what I am really hoping to capture beyond that is magic moments of childhood. I love compositions that are reminiscent of fairy tales or fantasy, especially within nature that that are ethereal, enchanting and somewhat conceptual...this is my goal, obviously not there yet, but I have fun trying.
June 14th, 2011
Mine are very much nature. ~ I hardly take a shot indoors. So I guess nature and buildings really. I'm planning to do some kind of theme, either a month long or possibly shorter. Haven't decided yet.
June 14th, 2011
I mostly take pics of nature- flowers, plants, mushrooms and my children, oh and occasionally food. I would like to take more landscape photos, but I am addicted to my macro lens (which is also great for portraits) so I need to change lenses more often! I will snap at anything that is interesting really though...
June 14th, 2011
Flowers and bugs and all things nature. =) With periodic iPhone magic thrown in for fun. ;)
June 14th, 2011
@mariboo - I love that too- the magic of childhood has become my obsession as well, and I have found I love creating the shot- still trying to get better as well!:)
June 14th, 2011
I prefer to photograph people, but up until recently I didn't really get to do much.
June 14th, 2011
I think my niche when I started the project was mostly landscapes. But I've become much more used to macro, flowers, and "set up shots". I really hope to take more portraits. I 'm just trying to learn how to use my camera in every way.
June 14th, 2011
@meggageg I take too many pics of things that just happen to lay around in my room, luckily the most random things will find themselves there, but still. Macro is my comfort zone... I like the white/light background. I have so many such photos. So I decided on the selfie thing and it wasnt so bad. I didnt die... :) well, maybe I did and now steal cookies.

I have been scared of water pics... never done one :O so will be doing one soonish. and then I also need to take on the challenge of landscapes. I guess what I love about photographing things is that I don't have to talk. I can just move it the way I want it. I can take my time and don't have to worry about making a model feel comfortable and at ease... I loose myself in it. Of course it can also be that I'm a bit of a perfectionist control freak - but I didn't say that :/

gah listen to me going on about nothing. anybody want to chip in?
June 14th, 2011
My niche is 'everything' - it's how I see it, from what angle and how I can make an interesting pic. So the world in my canvas ;)
June 14th, 2011
My niche is whatever I see. I know that sounds weird but if I see something that inspires me, I want to capture the moment, not just the objects.

My newest *thing* has been probably wide-angle, architectural/landscape shots. So addictive. :D

My better half next to me says: "your niche is bokeh chairs and benches". Thanks Alex @mednez xD
June 14th, 2011
Oh my...I was really hoping nobody ever asked me this question...I'm going out to officially change my name to eclectica.
June 14th, 2011
i really don't know i guess there are lots of flower/tree shots in my album and lots of portraits and them random other stuff! Don't know what i am good at though!
June 14th, 2011
@swilde- yes this name suits you -- shall we say a very inspired eclectica... who is always out and about esp at dawn and dusk in search of the perfect shot and will risk life and limb...
June 14th, 2011
@gardengal Oh I am so with you!! lol
June 14th, 2011
although my project is selfies, my photography and artwork is portraits normally, I find faces and human behaviour fascinating :)
June 14th, 2011
Macro nature is what I am naturally drawn to, mainly flowers because I love them so much anyway. But a lot of this & that too, and some documenting of my life.
June 14th, 2011
I have a foot fetish. ;-) Each of my shots has got at least one foot in it. Most of the time they're mine.
June 14th, 2011
I usually photograph whatever catches my eye. My album is full of flowers, still lifes, my kids, friends' kids..whatever has my attention that particular day.
June 14th, 2011
I like to take pictures of flowers, especially with macro shots. In addition, I take pictures of birds, squirrels, and insects. I am not too good with landscapes and trees yet. I also like to take architecture shots. I do take pictures out of my niche to challenge me and to get my interest back when I am bored.
June 14th, 2011
I take a lot of nature/animal shots. I really want to work on my portraits though.
June 14th, 2011
I really can't say I have one! I've not had my DSLR for very long and so I'm trying out most things :)
June 14th, 2011
for me landscapes - trying to break out into other stuff at the moment
June 14th, 2011
Mine is locale, my area, Northern England, trying to show something different to the community. I also stick within certain types of processing too, SOOC doesn't really appeal to me, I try to do something a bit different, and not stick on the same style for long without altering it slightly or challenging myself.
June 15th, 2011
Infrared and people. But anything goes with me! :)
June 15th, 2011
I very, very, very rarely take any indoor pictures or set up pictures. I need to try working on those a little more.
June 15th, 2011
animales! my sister is trying to convince me to move to san francisco and open a pet photography business when I get done with what I am doing now... is there really a market for that?
June 15th, 2011
Mine are all of dog poop. I'm the owner and scooper of Poop Happens! I did take a vacation in Chicago, so 5 pics are of Chi-Town.
June 15th, 2011
Anything but people, actually, I cannot feel comfortable photographing people at all. Not even the people I know well. I'm weird that way.
June 15th, 2011
wherever I can find some beauty :)
June 15th, 2011
I don't have a niche, I take pictures of anything that catches my eye! On the whole though I would say that I prefer living breathing things....
June 15th, 2011
flowers and landscapes :)
June 15th, 2011
toys, selfies, macro shots .> hmmm random ...
June 15th, 2011
I apparently like old buildings, and cemeteries.. I'm a morbid person. Go figure.
June 15th, 2011
My basic niche is macro, sometimes of nature and sometimes still life. But I do lots of other things and am trying to stretch the limits of my camera, editing and abilities. Definitely an old dog can learn some new tricks.
June 15th, 2011
People and portraits in naturally captured moments. Don't like poses
June 15th, 2011
I'd mostly prefer to take all night shots. But most of my other shots I like playing with interesting light.
June 16th, 2011
@poophappens Haha! ...and EW!
June 16th, 2011
@ccenecua Good luck with that. I think maybe a big city may have more of a market, but here in our smallish town loads of folks want their animals photographed, but no one really wants to pay for our time. We do it occassionally, but it's been HARD to get biz where we're at.
June 16th, 2011
@meggageg I don't have a particular niche. Maybe if I did, I'd get better at something! Instead, I'm kinda all over the place. ;-)
June 16th, 2011
I'm all over the place and I think my 365 shows that! LOL!
June 16th, 2011
I'll photo just about anything, but people are not high on my list. Actually, I'll expand a little and say posed people, or portraits. Snap shots work out ok, but I never seem to take a good portrait if I try.
June 16th, 2011
people and animals are my niche. I just love to capture those moments in peoples lives that are the most unusual, happiest, whatever =)
June 16th, 2011
Mine shows my life and my perspective in the best way I know how. The most enjoyable thing about 365 is veiwing other people projects and letting that influence my photos for a day or two, but ultimately it is my life, my eye view of where I am and where I am going!
June 16th, 2011
MACRO but would love to take and be confident taking candids and street photography. ;-)
June 16th, 2011
Love photographing anything. But particularly enjoy motorsport, bright colours, birds and action shot. Its all about getting into a situation. Most of all I like to have fun... that is photography for me.
June 16th, 2011
Anything outdoors... scenery landscapes,buildings shapes and colours
June 16th, 2011
Happy stuff.....photography is my fun, me time and I want it to be joyful and not depressing or drama filled. I don't want to have to think about things too much--instead I want to go with the flow with no rules and no obligations.
June 16th, 2011
haven't found it yet ;)
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