When do you Fav?

June 25th, 2011
Is it a gut instinct, a certain response, or something more calculated that compels you to favorite another person's work?
June 25th, 2011
A WOW factor! An I WISH I had taken THAT PHOTO moment.
June 25th, 2011
Anything that makes me laugh, smile or go 'dayum'




June 25th, 2011
When something makes me:

1) laugh out loud (usually gets a fave immediately)


2) touches me in some way or makes me look at twice



3) reminds me of something/somewhere/a point in time


4) is just plain awesome @rich57

Pretty much if I find I'm sitting there staring at the photo for any length of time or feel a need to go write something, I'll fave it.
June 25th, 2011
A photograph that "bitch-slap" and put a "SMILE" on my face and something that put me in a good mood !!!:)
June 25th, 2011
I fav when something is utterly gorgeous, something is so simple it's intensely complicated, something amazingly captured that I might never actually *see* in my life, and when something tells a wonderful story or makes me laugh




June 25th, 2011
That moment where you are trying to capture and remember everything about the photo because your so in love. Or when you realize your laughing out loud. For me to I will fav if its something I want to try and really admire the persons work,like right now layering is my interest so I fav those type shots that catch my eye and make me say "I wannaaaa learnnnn!!" =D
June 26th, 2011
I think FAVS are so important. In a way I think they help define a style that I like or strive for.

June 26th, 2011
Oops forgot to give credit. In order
June 26th, 2011
If it speaks to me in some way, wows me, I can't take my eyes off of it, makes me wish I had taken that photo... it's hard to define for me. Here are a couple of my favorites:

June 26th, 2011
@smapp For me it is the WOW factor..wish I could take photos like that or I would like to see that hanging on my wall. Here are some of my fav's:

From @bill_d

from @pankaj

from @kimmiesue:

June 26th, 2011
Typically, around five o'clock - although it can be later, sometimes.
June 26th, 2011
Anything that inspires me, makes me smile or laugh, gives me a moment of pure envy... And colorful! I love colors!!!
June 26th, 2011
@indiannie_jones @sdpace Thanks for posting those! Just fave'd two more...
June 26th, 2011
Anything that I know I will want to see again. My Fav folder is my 'inspiration folder'. I love to go back and look at them.



June 26th, 2011
That's the answer I would have given.
June 26th, 2011
@ronah wow! thank you! :)
June 26th, 2011
something that makes me happy, gasp, or wish I had taken it myself. there are so many and I often get lost in the photo and forget to fav. . .
June 26th, 2011
@indiannie_jones Great response with examples even!
June 26th, 2011
@bella_ss Aw, thanks so much for showing one of mine :)
June 26th, 2011
@smapp For me it is a combination of that first instinct upon seeing a photo and also there are just somethings that I am personally interested in that makes me pick one as a Fav
June 26th, 2011
definitely a gut instinct. certain pictures just click in my mind as gorgeous... or amazing... or hilarious... or they are inspiring or just simply interesting. Occasionally, but rarely, I fav a picture for the wonderful caption if it has one. I think I get that gut instinct to hit the fav button because of the mood a picture portrays. Moods bring back memories or thoughts deep within my mind that make me remember something special or smile or gasp.

that's why I fav photos when I do :)
June 26th, 2011
if it stirs a feeling within me, and I wanna write you a book , thats a favorite for me, I restrict my favorites to be really special to me!:)
June 26th, 2011
I fav a lot and hope people look at them when they look at mine. It's a treasure box for me - I go back to them again and again. I fav when things move me with their beauty or honesty or when they make me laugh or cry or sigh. I try to ask myself if it's really special to me before I hit the button, though. It has to be a real fav. Every once in a while I neglect to fav something that nevertheless sticks in my mind and then I have to track it down which can be hard. It's such a joy to have someone fav one of mine and I hope it feels that way to the people whose photos I fav.
June 26th, 2011
When a photo stayed at my memory and remembers it at random times.

and some tributes... ^_^

June 26th, 2011
@manek43509 Haha, you're silly :)
June 26th, 2011
when you see a shot that it just breathtaking, or exceptionally funny its going to make you smile every time
June 26th, 2011
Guilty as charged!

haha! Good to know somebody else is on my, err, wavelength... ;)
June 26th, 2011
@manek43509 haha love it!
June 26th, 2011
@jodimuli -awww u put a smile on my face with that...thx!:)))
June 26th, 2011
lots of reasons...sometimes it is the way a photo makes me feel, the technique, or just the thought that it is perfection....i am amazed at what this site puts up and a lot of my favs are meant for inspiration for my own work....i couldn't name or post all those i fav regurlarly, but @jodimuli makes me laugh everyday, @robinwarner just takes stunning shots, and @mimosa is amazing with her perspectives and commentary....
June 26th, 2011
@sdpace WOW...WOW...thanks Stacy...yes this was a freak of nature...had no idea until i got home..and although i am not a religious person in anyway..this made me think
June 26th, 2011
Many reasons. It makes me laugh, it makes me want to cry, my reaction is to say out loud 'oh WOW'!, it makes me say OMG, that is sooooo cool, or it makes me say 'I wish I was there' or I just can't stop looking at it or studying it.
June 26th, 2011
@arielmagyawejr Aw, thanks Ariel! Quite the compliment from you! :-)
June 27th, 2011
Most often I fav when I think, I will want to look at this picture again someday and I don't want to spend hours looking for it.
Usually that response comes after I either 1) gasp outloud, 2) giggle, or 3) go "awe".
June 27th, 2011
I fav when I feel like it.
June 27th, 2011
I fav photos from people with awesome skills like:



And great captures and colour:



And nice ideas like:



June 27th, 2011
I FAV for a great number of reasons:
the way the shot makes me feel
if a shot makes me laugh
if a shot brings a tear to my eye from a memory (happy or sad)
if its something I find beautiful
if its something that I would like to do in my own shoots
I could go on and on about the different reasons but I think mainly its just because I like the way the shots make me feel, when a photo can evoke a strong emotion in a person then you know that its good =)
June 27th, 2011
@tnaki awwwh thank u :*)
June 27th, 2011
Generally a photo that I have an immediate reaction to - you know the one.... it just speaks to you.
Photos that inspire me are very much fave worthy... and my goodness, there are a lot of those photos on here.
June 27th, 2011

Whenever the mood strikes me. :-)
June 27th, 2011
Definitely gut instinct. If an image really GRABS me and gives me goosebumps or makes me say oooohhhh, or ahhhhh - then I FAV it!
June 27th, 2011
I Fav when a picture really amazes me, otherwise I would fav everything. LOL
June 28th, 2011
@reba You summed it up pretty nicely - that's why I fav too. :)
June 28th, 2011
I used to be a sparse fav'er but then I took over the fav fav of each week and had to have at least one. I look to have three out of five things. Impact (would I hang it on my wall), Creativity, (do I get a little jealous that I can only copy it now) New Technique (so I can come back and copy), Color (I am a sucker for it), Moving topic or Boldness.

I just made a fav out of @holly_kate today because she had creativity, color and boldness.

@leoadrian really took my breath away with this photo and I had a really tough choice on the fav fav of the week with this one.
It has Impact, Creativity, A technique that I want to figure out how to get my interior architecture to look like.

And my real favorite of the last few months is @kdimagery
This photo has impact, color, new technique and I like the boldness because it reminds me that the flowers are on their last legs, but can still glow.
June 28th, 2011
@brumbe thanks Paula - you made my morning! :)
June 28th, 2011
@holly_kate you should be really proud of this photo.
June 28th, 2011
I fav as often as possible! :-D

Seriously -- I fav things that make me smile, because I can come back to them often. Or that make me say WOW! or just knock me back. I fav architecture pictures to show my nephew-in-law, who's an architect. I fav garden pictures for my dad. Things that bring joy.

This is one of the photos I've faved to show my nephew-in-law. It is by @patticake. Look at this roof! These are majolica glazed tiles. I couldn't get over the colors or the amount of work that it must have taken to put them into place. And to take proper care of them now, too. Amazing! I will never see it in person but patticake has shared it with me through this breathtaking photo.

June 28th, 2011
Here's another one I faved- this is by @glyn. WOW, wow! When will I ever see zebras and giraffes right in front of me like this? Probably never. So here's an amazing photo! I smile every time I look at it, because glyn was in that place, at that time, and took this picture; and I get to sit at my desk and enjoy it. Fav!
June 28th, 2011
A photo that takes my breath away when I first view it. That is the usual, but I do fav if there is some connection between me and the photo, say, a photo of somewhere I like visiting.
June 28th, 2011
@tnaki Thx for choosing my photo! :))))
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