Americanism (A Video Piece I'm Working On)

May 14th, 2010
Hello all,

Though i am an avid 365-er my passion is videography. I am currently working on a piece in which I am creating a quasi-documentary/music video on the topic of "Americanism" (which is a word I have made up). However, I have not shot any of it. It was all filmed by various friends and acquaintances of mine based on what they consider "Americanism" to be.

So now is where I need your help. I need other peoples' definitions of "Americanism" to include in the video as text. I will post a link to the video when it is done so you can see your words up in lights (or at least up in microsoft sans serif on youtube).
May 14th, 2010
Great project. I think you'll get a lot of different responses and definitions from fellow 365-ers as we come from all parts of the world and different countries have (sometimes very) different views on the USA. I'll have a good think about this and see what I come up with.
May 14th, 2010
I always thought of 'Americanism' as meaning a certain way of speaking that is unique to America -- a language 'ism', so to speak.

If you google the word 'Americanism', you will get 1,700,000 hits.
May 19th, 2010
I really need some help on this if anyone has any definition in their head of what this word means to them I would love to hear it.
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