Site under construction problem

May 14th, 2010

When i log in via my Mac which i use at work I have no problem ... when i log on at home on my PC laptop ...i get a screen message .. SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION please call back later , & i cant go any further even if i try & link to the site via e-mails sent to me I get the same problem. Its been like that for two days now so i cant access from home.. any ideas ?

if it makes any difference home & work are 16miles apart , is it something that is happening around specific area's ?? .. this make's it impossible for me to use the site over the weekend if any one has any ideas please post cheers
May 14th, 2010
Hi Steve,

Yes basically, it's a regional thing, your internet provider run a thing called a DNS server that maps domains names like to the servers they live on, our record has recently changed and the changes are *supposed* to sync around the world within 24 hours, however it looks like a few people are having these problems.

The only suggestions I can give would be to...
1) hassle your ISP to fix there broken DNS server
2) if your reasonably technical change your DNS to someone else, like google's free DNS server... (i use this as I've had trouble in the past too)

Really sorry this has happened, like I say, DNS servers *should* update within 24 hours but it looks like some don't like us.
May 14th, 2010
thanks Ross ... see what happens later tonight hopefully they will catch up
May 15th, 2010
I use OpenDNS - and it generally seems pretty decent.

The OpenDNS nameservers are and
May 17th, 2010
Still having problems with this... is it just me? ....
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