Did anyone else complete the whole June gratitude Month??

July 1st, 2011
Hi all,
Tonight I finished the entire month of June gratitude and wondered if it affected you /your photography and how?? For me it certainly helped to to look at my life and to be grateful for the simple things that bring me joy everyday. It also helped me look at the world around me to find a photo worthy of expressing what I wanted it too. Was it easy??? Certainly not!! But I for one am grateful for this experience and hope it continues to help me keep my eyes open!!!
July 1st, 2011
I completed the entire month of June gratitude. It was more difficult than I thought. I found that I am a more negative person than I thought I was. Doing the June gratitude made me more grateful and positive. I am glad I participated in June gratitude.
July 1st, 2011
I did! And congrats to you for finishing! I really found that I am grateful for a lot of funny things - and for things that are funny. I also feel like it gave my little 365 family a glimpse of who's behind the camera. :)
July 1st, 2011
I did complete it...there were days of not so meaningful gratitudes...well, quite a few. But I also had some very meaningful ones in there.
July 1st, 2011
lol i tried but failed for want of ability to put my idea into fruition but the thoughts of thankfulness was certainly there.
July 1st, 2011
I did it! I think some days I just made up things to be thankful for but it was still fun
July 1st, 2011
sorry but sometimes the moments happening in life were too good to pass up a picture on, so I may have done about a third.
July 1st, 2011
I got distracted buying a new camera and trying it out - so perhaps I was a little less thoughtful than I would have liked. Nonetheless, I was really happy with a lot of them!
July 1st, 2011
I have one more picture to post, but I've inundated my followers with so many pictures today, I dare not post another. I struggled with the challenge this month due to time, company and traveling. I ended up taking pictures, and the sentiments are real, but they didn't happen each day as they should have (as evidenced by the seven pictures I had to load to 365 today to catch up. I guess some months are just like that.
July 1st, 2011
Congratulations to all of you who did the whole month. I have completed my month as well and am grateful I did :). I consider myself to be a very positive person so I loved to express that through my pictures and it was a very good experience. Now I'm off to a b&w month in July ;).
July 1st, 2011
Yes I did. It was fun! Here is my last day of june:

and my june mosiac:

July 1st, 2011
Yes I did - just now I posted my 30th june photo. Towards the end it just became a bit difficult to express gratitude in photos but I am now glad I did the challenge.
July 1st, 2011
I did! Some days were a bit tougher than others, but always found something to be grateful for that day. It really helped me, especially whenever I felt a tad crossed or tired -the fact of forcing me to look for something special that day made it end up well.
July 1st, 2011
No ._.
July 1st, 2011
I completed it, yes! It was a varied month - sometimes I was expressing profound gratitude for profound stuff - and other days it was more frivoulous! There are lots of elements of my life that I am grateful for - but I can't always come up with a way of capturing them in a photo. I think I'm too literal sometimes. There were other days where I had a great photo, but couldn't think of a way to attach it to a gratitude theme, so ended up posting something else, so in a way I sometimes found it a bit limiting sticking to the theme.

I'm glad I did it, though - and I'm grateful for the initial suggestion, and for all the other photos that have been posted under the theme - 1290 and counting at the moment!! Wow, that's a LOT of gratitude :o)
July 1st, 2011
No. It seems that most of my photos already were about things I am grateful for, so after a couple of weeks, I just felt awkward writing about it. I looked through all three albums, and they are all full of things I'm happy about...even last night's photo. The thing I'm most grateful about at 365 is all the people who come by and look at my pix, and maybe take the time to write a quick note. I couldn't get a photo of them. :-)
July 1st, 2011
I did. I did find that I couldn't do happy things every day as sometimes I'm glad bad things didn't happen....or bad things happened to things that ought to have............


is very different to
July 1st, 2011
I finished it. Only 1 or 2 photos were iffy as to fitting into gratitude, but I stuck with it through the whole month.
July 1st, 2011
Congratulations to all you! This is one subject close to my heart because I spent a year recoding a daily posting of something I was thankful for each day on FB. Some days I had to really look deep and long to find something and other days I had a hard time deciding on one. I limited my posts to one sentence only and kept a list. At the end I posted this:

Doing this project for a year did change my view of things. I know that because I was asked what really ticked me off one morning about 9 months into the project. I struggled finding an answer. I knew there were things because I have my days too but at that moment it was like my brain refused to go there. Weird, I thought. The daily repetition of forcing myself to to look for something good and something positive had rerouted my thinking. It is true with enough time and dedication we can change our attitudes if we really want to.

Here is something you may find interesting.
"365 Grateful - the Documentary is a film about uncovering what happens when ordinary people unlock the remarkable powers of gratitude - by filmmakers Toni Powell & Hailey Bartholomew.

This documentary was born out of a project created by Hailey - the '365 Grateful Project'. In early 2008, in an effort to fight depression, Hailey started a year long photographic project which involved taking one Polaroid photo a day of something she felt grateful for. Initially this was a chore but eventually it became a delight.

The discipline of having to look for the good things that happened every day changed her life in so many ways. Hailey found not only her marriage, spiritual life and health improved, but this project accidentally, wondrously spread and affected the lives of many others.

While doing her project Hailey posted it on flickr. Gradually others began to do their own versions and over time 365 Grateful went viral."
Continued ... http://365grateful.com/homepage.htm
July 1st, 2011
I also finished it! I found some days to be more difficult than others, but this really forced me to look at the little things in life and how much they affect me.
July 1st, 2011
I finished it, though I found that I tended to find something in each day's photos that I was grateful for, rather than trying to take a photo of one specific thing that I am grateful for.
July 1st, 2011
I've finished taking pictures for it, now it's time to upload it all :) it was really eye opening!
July 1st, 2011
I just posted my final shot for the month and did enjoy it. I didn't go out of my way to take a pic to show gratitude. However, I looked through all the shots taken each day and realized what I was thankful for but hadn't previously thought of (hope that makes sense).
July 1st, 2011
yeh, i did!
July 1st, 2011
I almost did! I still have to upload two pictures from the time I was on vacation in France. But those will also be about gratitude, so I will.
I really liked it! It made me look at things in daily life differently! But I'm always grateful if I've found my picture for the day, so that's a plus. And it wasn't hard to be grateful on vacation, the nature and landscape was beautiful, filled with sunshine and relaxation.
July 1st, 2011
I certainly completed the challenge, though it was really tough and heart wrenching at times, I am so glad that I participated :)
July 1st, 2011
I'm done! and I loved it. It was hard too though.
July 5th, 2011
@terryd2011 your final collages were terrific!!!
July 5th, 2011
@jeannine1125 Thank you Jeannine!
July 5th, 2011
I did 2weeks selfies and 2weeks gratitude during June and I must say I don't regret the decision. Made me see things differently and would you believe, I'm grateful for that! :P LOL
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