Is It Just Me? Orr...

July 14th, 2011
Is it just me or are some people selfish when they participate on the Browse and Picks?
I always try to find my favorite picture of that photographers, that I know others would like, and that that photographer is most likely proud of.
The point of it is to show off their best work so people go check them out right?
Well I find that a lot of people pick the poorest photos! It's like they are too competitive to own up to another person having amazing photographs.
Who knows, maybe they genuinely like that photo they chose.

I just think we all need a little more love. We all have amazing talent. Help others out cause you know how amazing the feeling is when you get praised for your good work!

But do others feel the same about this?
July 14th, 2011
I always try and pick what stands out to me - we all have a different appreciation for what we like! It may not be the photographers favourite but it's still there photo getting seen and appreciated :)
July 14th, 2011
@tnaki reasonable. :)
July 14th, 2011
Hmm, you really think anyone's that spiteful? Different strokes for different folks, ya know? Sometimes I'm a little surprised by what people find appealing (including many of my own photos that I don't care for myself) but it depends on their taste.
July 14th, 2011
yes, if I see a photo that has already been on the popular page or on another Browse and Pick and choose a different one. Plus, I often like photos that maybe wouldn't be popular. I doubt many on here are out to repress someone's success on this site. That would be weird and a waste of time.
July 14th, 2011
@indiannie_jones yeah i feel the same way, i just find it hard to believe they actually like those photos, ya know?
July 14th, 2011
Hmmm, can't say that I've ever picked something on the browse and pick that I DIDN'T like, but sometimes I'll skip one that I recognize from the pop page in favour of one that I think is equally good but just didn't get a lot of attention:)
July 14th, 2011
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For me,i always pick what stands out in my own point of view.
July 14th, 2011
@moonpig @pwallis @altadc well im glad to hear that you guys like what you choose haha:)
July 14th, 2011
@omnomgreen Haha, I'll refrain from asking for examples :p
July 14th, 2011
Now I'm wondering about my taste - not really - I almost always see things that have been picked and find them interesting and also find new people to follow or at least check out and some times find new favs. It is my impression people pick with sincerity and I find it hard to believe anyone would put that much effort into such pettiness. And it would take a lot of effort to destroy all the other photographers. You're kidding, right?
July 14th, 2011
@reba haha no im not kidding. maybe im just used to people being so competitive. at least where i live. im just very cautious of it..
July 14th, 2011
now i feel like a d*uchebag or something.
ha.. sorry guys..
July 14th, 2011
I like to pick something that is good (to me) but maybe doesn't have a lot of exposure according to the stats :)
July 14th, 2011
I always browse at least several months worth of images and then pick whatever jumps out at me. It may not always be technically the best shot, but it's what appeals to me at that moment in time for whatever reason. :-)
July 14th, 2011
Can someone please tell me - when you open the "Home" page, does it only show you photos of people you are following? I'm still new to all this and trying to keep up! I'm pretty happy with how my photos are going so far but would like to see loads of other peoples work to give me inspiration!
July 14th, 2011
I don't neccesarily post the best picture, or the one that I think most people will like, I pick the one that appeals to me the most. I mean, I know for example which one of my pictures was the most popular, so I don't need people telling me that over and over again (Sorry, if that sounds arrogant, it's not intended. :/) I find it way more interesting to see which one of my photos people like personally, I'd be bored if people always chose the same photo. So that's why I always post my personal favourite. :)
July 14th, 2011
@threeplusone Hi Lisa, welcome to 365! You are right, your Home page only shows you the thumbnail pictures of those you are following. There are tons of talented people on here... follow away! :-)
July 14th, 2011
@threeplusone If you want to see photos of people you aren't following go to the top of the page to "Browse" and choose either "latest" "popular" or "new faces"
July 14th, 2011
I sometimes find the speed with which some people choose their favourites leaves little time to actually make an informed judgement on the pictures it just seems like they choose a page and pick a random shot. I know that on one occassion I have known which photo I liked of a member and gone to link it only to find that even then someone had posted before me, maybe I am a bit cynical but it does feel more like a race to post something than a chance to discover a members work
July 14th, 2011
I always pick the photo that I like. This may not necessarily be the greatest of photos, but just the one that I like, which stands out for me. I think we all see different things in a photograph and perceive them completely differently too. The only trouble I have with browse and pick is that I do find that I have had a good old look through this persons photographs and somebody has already posted their favourite on the thread.
July 14th, 2011
"... maybe im just used to people being so competitive. at least where i live. im just very cautious of it".

The only one you should be competing with is yourself. Non of us can be judged against another's photos because, like you are finding out, this project means different things to all of us. Once you become comfortable with doing this project for yourself you will then understand.
July 14th, 2011
Last time I posted to the browse and pick, I got skipped over :-/
July 14th, 2011
@fawkesreborn --- that happens a lot for different reasons. just go back in and do it again.
July 14th, 2011
I always just browse through the monthly thumbnails and pick the one that catches my eye (and I also find gorgeous viewed large) I don't mind if someone picks a picture of mine that I wouldn't have chosen... and thrilled if they do!
July 14th, 2011
@aikiuser that is exactly what i do....would never pick a bad shot..i can't imagine that anyone is so subjective...
July 14th, 2011
I joined 365 to keep a diary of my year (not been too successful at keeping up) not to brag about if I take a good picture and I don't really mind if its a 'bad' picture as its a year of my life in picture format not written word. I love seeing others pictures and discovering new ideas and ways to improve my skills. I have learnt a lot from other 365 users and seen beautiful stuff from around the world I would not normally see.
Or am I just simplifying this too much??
July 14th, 2011
@hagscat You have the point down! Whenever I get artistically frustrated, I remind myself the same thing and then find fun in it again. Wouldn't you know, when it's fun, I'm inspired.

I think most of us pick what we like. I know I try to browse through a few months worth of photos and then pick out the one I like the best. Would never think of hurting a stranger by sharing an off day on purpose.
July 14th, 2011
@hagscat You're not simplifying it too much! I also have my 365 project to be a diary, and really nothing more. I find the whole popularity contest on this site to be freaking hilarious at times. I have enough of that from my pro photog side, don't need it on here. Which is why I don't try very hard for most of my photos, it's more about day to day life.
July 14th, 2011
@asrai I find I have to do the B&P fairly quickly. I just tried to get in - I like to look for something that really pleases me and while I was doing that - I ran through 4 people before I was quick enough to give input on the latest one.
July 14th, 2011
@reba -- Reba has a point, it is hard to do the browse and pick sometimes because by the time you chose one, someone else has already chosen a photo for that person. What I do is I'll look at the person's photos, pick one that I like, and then go back to the thread to refresh it to see if anyone else had commented. If not, then I post mine. If so, then I look at the new person's photos. It may take a bit more time, but this way, it lessens the chance of someone getting skipped and you get to spend more time viewing the work of a possible new follow. :-)
July 14th, 2011
@poggy1818 Yes - thanks for mentioning the "refresh" step; it's frustrating when people don't get that and it gets all boggled up.
July 14th, 2011
now everyone is unfollowing me. XD jeez louise what did i get myself into... sorry guys
July 14th, 2011
@omnomgreen I don't think people are unfollowing you...Ross is culling dead accounts...we are all losing followers atm so don't worry :)...I particularly like it when someone has multiple albums and lots of photos...I hit flashback taking in tons of their photos and its usually a photo that I think is brilliant and I want to fav that I stop on and then use as the browse/pick but by the time I come back to the thread people usually beat me to the punch ROFL
July 15th, 2011
I always explain why i chose the persons photo.. just so they know why i like it.. even if it isnt their favorite of theirs, theyll know why i chose it then.
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