Total Newbie.. Zero Knowledge!

July 14th, 2011
I won't say zero talent because I love photography and it's my passion. I'm 19 and I just bought my first compact digital camera (Sony W580).

I would really appreciate it if you guys could link me useful websites of how to start photography, things to do and things to avoid and ANYTHING related to photography would be great.

I know I'm no pro and I don't have a professional DSLR but hey! maybe in couple of years I will ^_^

Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section.
July 14th, 2011
Hello :) welcome aboard!

Welllll, for starters, browse around a bit and see what you like / what draws your eye and then take it from there. What specifically do you want to learn about?

Some favourites:

Most of all, have fun :)
July 14th, 2011
Hello Hadeel,

welcome to 365.
Just look around here and pick some ideas.
I'm also no pro, but by just doing it you learn a lot.

Have fun !
July 14th, 2011
I started following a lot of people. There are so much talents on here *_*

Thank you for the links Annie :)

I want to learn about outdoors and scenery photography if possible. And I love taking pictures of buildings especially old ones.
July 14th, 2011
You're most welcome :)

Might I suggest the following people then:

Vikdaddy -
He does a lot of landscapes and outdoor shoots; all his work is spectacular.

Bill -
While he's actually on a hiatus right now, you'll draw a lot of inspiration from his nature shots. The most popular and one of the friendliest guys on here!

Richard -
You will *love* his work; lots of interesting places and people featured.

Pankaj -
Another incredible nature photographer - he captures nothing but beauty.

Deb -
You have to. You just have to. She and her camera are a dream team outside.

Sofian -
His landscapes are some of my favourites on here. Beautiful!

Mark -
Midas touch. Seriously.

Okay, I think you get the idea. Those are just *some* of my faaaavourites.
July 14th, 2011
One thing I've learned - don't be afraid to experiment! Also just browse and look. Lots of inspiration to be had here! Welcome!
July 14th, 2011
my top tip, take loads of pics, some will be good and some will be rubbish,the beauty of digital is that you just delete the rubbish ones,experiment with angles, focus and lighting,don't be scared to step out of your comfort zone,for inspiration try getting involved in the competitions and challenges on here.
welcome on board,i look forward to seeing your pics
July 15th, 2011
There is the technical side of photography. Learning how to use your camera, how to control shutter speed and aperture and so forth. How to do basic post processing to adjust the contrast, sharpen or add vignettes.

Then there is the artistic side of things. It has been helpful to me to really, really learn how to use my camera (the technical bits) so that I can now pretty much forget that and concentrate more on composition and the more creative aspects.

One thing I've seen suggested in a few places is to take dozens, if not hundreds, of pictures of an object, or a room in the house, or your back yard. Review them, then go back and take some more. Were the first batch boring? Take the next batch from different angles, move closer. Move even closer. Review those. Go back and take some more. Over time, your pictures will be more interesting, there will be fewer duds, and you will hopefully develop a style that you like.

There are some good links above. I'll add on youtube there are some good videos: look for PhotoGavin - he does quick 10 minute shoots, Bryan Peterson (ppsop2009) and Rick Sammon (pixelmagic).
July 15th, 2011
Practice is everything! You can read the manual for your camera or you can learn as you go like I am! LOL! My advice is have fun and just experiment. The great thing about digital photography is if you don't like the shot you can just delete it and try again!
July 15th, 2011
@dede!/photos a lot of pictures
July 15th, 2011
@lyxw That's an awesome site! Thanks very much :)
@positronicmommy Very true. Thank you :) but I'm wondering if my camera will take any good quality pictures. I don't think it can ever take photos like the ones I'm seeing here. Is it all just exclusive for pro cameras? D:
July 15th, 2011
@mikew Thank you :) I'll make sure to check them out ^_^

@indiannie_jones WOW! Bill's photos are spectacular!! Thanks again Annie ^_^
July 15th, 2011
You're most welcome :) thought you may enjoy those!
July 15th, 2011
@dede i don't have a pro camera,i use 3 different cameras in my project,my second hand dslr,my compact lumix and my mobile phone pic,all dependant on where i am,what i have with me and what i want from the shot,i have had good comments on my mobile phone pics aswell my dslr
July 15th, 2011
@dede My camera is't a pro one! I can't change lenses or use filters. And remember many shots are edited digitally through programs like photoshop or sites like
July 15th, 2011
@dede I do not do photo's with a professional camera but I do use manual settings more and more on my canon point and shoot so if you want to peruse my albums a bit it will give you a sense of what I have managed to accomplish with just a point and shoot both SOOC as well as post editing via picnik
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