Has anyone noticed how many new people have joined up recently?

May 31st, 2010
While I try to comment daily on the photos on my home page, and return comments left for me, I'm noticing, as I scroll through comments on others' photos, I'm seeing a huge increase in new people here! I think it's a wonderful way to keep the board fresh, and it says to me that they're actively joining in. I try to leave some additional comments each day for someone new (to me) and hope that everyone does the same. To all of you working up to your first 10%, Welcome! I look forward to continuing to meet and exchange comments with more of you!
May 31st, 2010
Yes, I've noticed that and do try to comment as well. Quite a number of younger photographers too. Exciting.
May 31st, 2010
I've noticed too - perhaps now it's summer, people have more time and energy? I'm loving all the new additions!
May 31st, 2010
Thank you! I just started recently and I am LOVING it so far! The encouragement and comments from so many people is overwhelming! Thank you all so much!
May 31st, 2010
I'm also a newbie. It's become a great hobby and now I find myself constantly looking for things to capture. Thanks for all the comments. All of you keep me wanting to shoot more and more.
May 31st, 2010
I started over a week ago, and im enjoying all the pictures! I'm looking at them, and seeing how good I could be with my picture-taking and editing skills.
May 31st, 2010
I have noticed too and make a point of leaving encouraging comments for those that have only just started, and for those that have been hidden for a long time as in very few followers and very few following although they have been participating all along. Some real gems are discovered by taking the time to browse!
May 31st, 2010
I'm still working on my first 10%,, 365 is pretty awesome. I'm glad lots of people are joining, more photos=more talent to see :D
June 1st, 2010
I am one of those.. I was recently inspired to start my 365 project although I have been keeping my photos on Flickr for a couple of years now.. thanks Louise for your comments.. it helps new people like me feel welcome. =) I find that 365 is more welcoming probably because of the smaller community at any one time..
June 1st, 2010
I think, FACEBOOK HELPS .... I always link my everyday photo from my facebook account. i think some of them got inspired out of my daily photo .... =)

i also got this link from my facebook friend, so i guess FB helps! =)
June 1st, 2010
Thank you!! I'll be hitting my first 10% any day now. :D
June 1st, 2010
I'm only 25 pictures in and loving it. I too learned about 365 through a friend's Facebook link. :) Thanks for trying to encourage us newbies, Louise. I'm enjoying learning from everyone here and can't wait to see where I'll be at the end of this journey.
June 1st, 2010
I'm currently at 9%....whoo hoo! I also link my photos to Facebook, my blog page and on Twitter! Some days it's a struggle to find someting new and imaginative to shoot but it really is a great excercise to think outside of the box. This is my first time picking up a "real" camera and I'm still trying to learn all the technology and terms associated with it. A lot of my work seems to be through trial and error. Thank you to all who have stopped by to look at some of my photos and left comments! :-)
June 1st, 2010
very refreshing, and I'm having trouble keeping up!
June 1st, 2010
Welcome all new people! :)
June 1st, 2010
Hello from me as a newbie to the site. My 365 is currently in four locations at the moment. I originally uploaded my pics to my Picasa Web Albums and then linked them to a blog, but I was finding the workflow just too time consuming for the amount of traffic and user feedback I was getting (one "Follower" and three subscribers after five months!). So I migrated it all to my Facebook photos "for friends only". Today I found this site and spent the afternoon uploading as the functionality and user-base is great. Within seconds of my first batch upload I'd had a comment. So I have my 365 here and on my private Facebook now (as I can upload to that straight from Picassa).

And after all that rambling, I'd be interested to hear from anybody else who faffed around as much as I did trying to decide the best platform for their 365. :o)
June 1st, 2010
I'm semi new and LOVING this project. :)
June 2nd, 2010
I started today! I found your site through Jamie Ridler Studios on Facebook. I'm looking forward to navigating the site and enjoying my camera this year.
June 2nd, 2010
im new! it is pretty difficult remembering to take a picture every day but its nice to capture that one picture that sums up the day
June 2nd, 2010
Wow - I hadn't even noticed my percentage before reading this thread. Ha! I'm 15%. Cool! Louise, thank you for the comments on my photos and the welcome. It does make a difference.
June 2nd, 2010
I just got to 10%! Yay, *highfive* no? ok...
June 2nd, 2010
I just started. I was looking for an artistic project to occupy my time while waiting for several things to unfold and a friend was posting these pics at Facebook that said 365 Project and I asked her about it and she led me here. So I thought, why not. I'm at 1% right now (one photo!). I thought the one I took last night was neat because it was a complete accident.
June 2nd, 2010
I'm also a newbie here and just started a week ago. Thanks for the warm welcome, Louise & everyone. I'm loving this site and now back to working on my 10% :)
June 2nd, 2010
I've noticed, too, and have especially noticed many younger people. Welcome and looking forward to meeting many of you!
June 2nd, 2010
The community and user-interaction aspect of a site like this really does make a difference when committing to a massive project like this. And it is massive - when you look at it, it's possibly one of the longest consecutive projects many of us are likely to achieve.

Thanks to everyone who has commented on my pics so far - it makes a big difference to the absolutely zero-activity I was getting on the blog platform.
June 3rd, 2010
i'm new too, and i'm having so much fun! i got a lovely new camera for my 18th birthday and it's really encouraged me to use it in new and creative ways! this is one of the best things i've been part of for a long time :)
June 3rd, 2010
Great post!
Though I don't get the opportunity to hang around as much as I used to, I have definitely noticed a lot of new (and younger) faces.
I think it is great!
June 3rd, 2010
A bunch of newbies are from www.bloopdiary.com

We are a bunch of pack horses, when one starts a project, everyone jumps on board :)
June 3rd, 2010
I'm quite new here too. I'm enjoying this project and the community here so far. However I've been slacking off lately and missed lots of days... which made me feel kind of bad when seeing other people's calendar full of photos (especially seeing all those awesome photos compared to my amateur ones). I knew this site from a blog I read, then I finally decided to give it a try.
June 3rd, 2010
yeah I'm 13 and I started getting intersted in photography when I was about 11. I really got into it this year though. A couple of my friends have became interested in 365 project this year too. so maybe this is why . also because its summer.
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