PP for 3hrs whats the point?

September 15th, 2011
This has happened to me a few times now.. it would appear my photos have a reject button... i know its not the be all and end all ,,but for me getting to pp shows im improving and am very chuffed and proud when i do and go to show my sons who now think im making it up!!..but this is like getting a prize and then saying ooops nah ill take it back.. happened with my giraffe photo as well and several photos which express sexuality and have been faved havnt even made it at all...just saying

yours PPeed off (pardon the pun)lacking inspiration ps thanking you for listening to my rant over and out :(
September 15th, 2011
I feel for you - I've sometimes made the pp for such a short time I didn't even have the chance to see it myself and that's just the worst. I have the feeling that you get a trial run at the pp and if you don't get many further favs and views you're out. You can make it back again if you get more favs then though so there's still a chance. I think I have figured out the mystery of the irregularity (sometimes my own pictures with more views, favs and comments didn't make it and some of mine with less made it) - the monkeys choose by taste out of a "popular pool" and if the other popular pictures don't have too many views and favs and all the bar is set lower. At least that's how I explain it to myself ;). And don't worry: I love your pictures, you're on my private popular page a lot!
September 15th, 2011
That's happened to me - I assumed it was to do with the photos being rearranged in the 'Browse by Day' section. The first few in the list appear on PP so I've just assumed that my pic has appeared when they are being organised and then been bumped out in the final line-up. Sometimes as well they are on PP but don't appear very often in the 'Shuffle' - don't know why that is. Either way I have been really enjoying your pics and I'm sure you'll be up there 'proper' again soon!
September 15th, 2011
sorry, Nic.
i never can figure things out on pp...
to me it seems like the more you fav others photos or comment on others the more likely it is your photo might get on there.
just how it feels to me. when I am gone for a day or two it really seems to take awhile to get people back to looking at your photos again.
i remind myself that this whole project is for me to push myself to take a picture a day and make it of something I like and is really a part of my world. at the end I will be happy to look back and see my year on here, day by day.
the rest is extras.
i will keep on looking at your pictures.
September 15th, 2011
And while we're worrying about it we should have a look at Sarah-Jane's post ('I miss you all~...') - it puts a lot of things into perspective!!
September 15th, 2011
@rainbowsnic42 I get 5 fav's straight away and dont even make the PP :o) Dont get pee'd off Nic, those that follow you know your shots are great and i personally loved your shot on the 13th Sept.
September 15th, 2011
@jannaellen @judithg @tori3012 @judithg thanks for feedback i know its not just me just seems to have been alot of late not searching for compliments just wanted a rant really and yes @judithg have just read it and thats just how i felt but had already posted x
September 15th, 2011
i can sympthasise! one of my photos wason the PP for the first ever time the day before yesterday; i was ridiculously happy and excited, but when i went to show my mum half an hour later (i know, i'm a geek), it wasn't there anymore!! :(
September 15th, 2011
I'm never sure how the magic photo monkeys decide. I'm lucky to have had quite a few pics on there, and some made it on with just a few faves. But a few days ago, one of my pics reached 20 faves and it never got onto the PP. I'm not complaining, I've just concluded that it's nothing to do with how many faves you get. Then some pics have been on for maybe 4 days, and others about 1 hour it seems!! Those monkeys work in mysterious ways.....
September 15th, 2011
I don't get the pp at all so I hope you're rant doesn't annoy you for too long....i find this site kinda crazy...I've seen others do similar shots to me (and not as good in my opinion)and get on there I feel quite hidden on here..BUT being popular isn't the point of this site 365 is the challenge and the fact that i've improved is the most important thing :)
September 15th, 2011
I'd say the point is that the PP isn't "all that." :)
September 15th, 2011
@rainbowsnic42 i love your work Nic. Like most people have said, some of mine with lots of favs don't get on the PP, some stay up for a short amount of time, some for ages. Don't let it get you down....x
September 15th, 2011
@houdiniem @sdpace see i think pp introuduces you to some great photography to which i wouldnt necessary see due to 365 being global ie posting time zones and tbh i havnt got time to look at every photo that has been on the day to day shots so im grateful that i have found a lot of aussies and americans japenese thai etc through pp and new faces so for me getting on pp lets ppl connect to me with similar tastes in photography and getting more feed back ..as one day years from now when im good enough maybe i would like to turn this hobby into a functional business ..ive a lot to learn and im not that good at the academic side of things and would hope when the kids have fled the nest it might give me a little income or not lol anyway thanks for feedback ..I PUT THE RANT DOWN TO HORMONES LOL
September 15th, 2011
@bec01 THANKS see above :) xx
September 15th, 2011
@smevvy I always print screen mine...because, yes, I am a dork too.
September 15th, 2011
I had one photo make it sometime in the night. It was there for the morning until about noon...it's still getting hits and faves, so how come it's not on the PP? Who knows. I used to think I understood it. but not anymore. It is what it is. :-D It's not really so much a measure of how awesome your photo is as it is some monkey's decision.
September 15th, 2011
I've been lucky enough to get on to the PP twice and have been so happy! like everyone else it seems, wanted to show the whole family! I always assumed that to get on you have to have had it fav'd quite a few times (which explains why only 2 of mine have ever made it!!) I love browsing through other peoples photo's and find them completely inspirational, and a great source for new ideas. I've never used my camera so much! But I have had to tell myself a few times that my pictures are for me, and not to worry to much if I haven't had too many people view or comment!
September 15th, 2011
I came across this logic by @icywarm when I was new to the site and I still laugh at it. I hope it makes you feel better. http://365project.org/discuss/general/2189/does-popular-make-a-good-photo

You could always take a screen shot of the PP when you make it for proof for your suspecting kids. :)
September 15th, 2011
@cfitzgerald lol kool blog :)
September 15th, 2011
THANKS ALL FOR YOUR COMMENTS im off to photograph a toilet roll :P x
September 15th, 2011
@rainbowsnic42 I photographed a staple remover.
September 15th, 2011
sometimes theyseem like they have gone you cant find them ..then when u look again later they are back
September 15th, 2011
@rainbowsnic42 - the inside of my toilet roll says "Quilton (that's the brand name) loves your bum".

And please Nic, don't get hung up on how the Magic Monkeys work or how they derive the PP. Because just when you think you nutted out the code, those Monkeys just go and throw a spanner in the works.
September 15th, 2011
@bobfoto YES! I used to be able to call it, now I can't.
September 15th, 2011
y'know, even if you are not on the popular page it doesn't mean you're not improving, you can't judge yourself against others (as that's all the PP does). The only real competition is yourself, so i'd concentrate more on your skill and having a fun time than worrying about what an algorithm thinks of your photos.
September 15th, 2011
I've always had a sneaking suspicion that your activity on the site somehow figures in. That is, do you spend much time viewing and commenting on others' pictures?
It's just a theory, but I've wondered.
September 15th, 2011
@Scrivna is right but I know we all enjoy some of that sweet, sweet algorithm love when it does happen! Just enjoy it when you can. =)
September 15th, 2011
I tried to get stacks of views and favs on a couple of photos, just to see if they made the PP. I didn't get either and, needless to say, none of my photos have ever made it. However, once I got over the initial feeling that my photos were simply too crap to qualify, I just went back to enjoying the project.

I haven't got many followers and don't really chat much on here; but I'm learning so much from the comments that people take the time to post - and just one fav is enough to make my day!

Who knows how the Magic Monkeys work? I just hope they're enjoying their bananas :)
September 15th, 2011
I confess, I got hung up on the PP too - it started to rule my life! I got furious when a shot with four favs stayed on for what seemed days, and one of mine with seven favs disappeared after a couple of hours! I'm not daft when it comes to nerdy things like formulas, but I can't figure it out - nor the account statistics, which seem to defy all logic. I've now just about managed to count my favs and pretty much forget about the PP. Mainly, I've looked through my meagre collection and discovered that I'm taking shots of things I never would have bothered about before. I'm constantly on the lookout for opportunities and I'm becoming less self-conscious about whipping out a camera and snapping away. The PP is a chimera, a will-o-wisp, a vain fancy.

If you believe any of this, I've got a car for sale, one careful owner...
September 15th, 2011
I had this happen with my 'Bloom' shot. I went on the PP and all of a sudden i saw it on there and was so chuffed! And it's such a lovely feeling to see it up there. I too showed my family and was very proud and then when i went back on about an hour later it has dissappeared. I 'Shuffled' a couple of times, but sadly it didnt do any good :(
I think it's fantastic to have the PP's, and am amazed and inspired by the pictures that make it up there, but i have had a few pics with fav's on it and lots of views that have never made it. Maybe it's because there are just too many photo's to choose from, who knows? But i think i've realised that PP is fickle thing! ;-)
September 15th, 2011
(Red face) I can't remember the last time I looked, just got out of the habit.
September 15th, 2011
@jjsooner it doesn't factor that in to account, any coincidence comes from (depending on your perspective on life) Karma or making friends
September 15th, 2011
You really shouldnt let this be a hang up! Be pleased you at least got on it, I aint been on it for months and i hit loadsa times last year, others have never been on it at all. Now, i couldnt give a sh*t.
September 15th, 2011
I have noticed that the longer/more popular a photo is and stays on the page, the larger it gets. I have watched photos get large and then small again. Maybe a coincidence but it seems to happen quite a bit. My two have never gotten very large but the first one did get bigger than the smallest ones for a while. I think it has to do with subsquent views and favs after the appearance on the PP. I noticed my second one was on then off, then on again and never got any bigger. It didn't stay on as long as the first either....just my two cents!
September 15th, 2011
@azza_l LOL... Seems us old timers never get on it nowadays (apart from bloody Rich that is :-)...

At least, if I do get on it, I never notice
September 15th, 2011
It happened to me too. And last time I had a pic with 9 favs, it never reached the PP. Not that I expected any fav on it when I uploaded it, but once I saw the favs I thought it would make it. Oh well, I was more than glad for the favs anyway, but just surprised.
September 15th, 2011
@Scrivna oh thankyou sir i never knew what you look like or even that you had a profile on here *shakes your hand* i do enjoy 365 maybe too much lol :)
September 15th, 2011
I haven't been on much these days but remember from the past times I made PP that sometimes you're on then when you shuffle it disappears. If you keep shuffling though it may reappear. I used to spend loads of time shuffling through PP to comment on images and got excited when mine came up. If it was small I just kept shuffling until a large version appeared. It's just random. I think so many make it at a time that there isn't room for them all so just keep shuffling until you're bored with it, lol.
September 15th, 2011
I can't work it out either. Have had a few that stay for only hours and other that stay for days ... none for a while though :( I think we sometimes stress too much about the PP (me included).

I love your photos Nic! Keep sharing babe!
September 15th, 2011
I started this project just for without even knowing what the PP is or that you can be followed. After I figured it all out, I started obsessing about the PP and wanting more followers. Then I remembered they were never the point in the first place. I reminded myself I'm doing this for me and the rest is just a fun bonus.

September 15th, 2011
The next time your photos landed on the pp, hit the print screen button right away and save it for extra bragging rights with your family and friends. I did it twice. :)
September 15th, 2011
@rainbowsnic42 I've only had one photo make it to the PP and I don't even remember which one it was now. My stuff never gets noticed by whoever decides these things, so I've actually stopped looking at for the most part. Once in a while I hop over and see what's on it. All in all, for me, it's not about having tons of followers and views or pictures on the PP. It's about people who take an interest in my pictures, and I in theirs, and we encourage and challenge each other to improve or grow on a daily basis. It's about the support and seeing the world through other photographer's lenses. Would I like to win a competition, or have more pics on the PP? I'd be lying if I said no, but I've just redirected my focus so that I don't get sidetracked by those thoughts of wanting to be noticed.
September 15th, 2011
@Scrivna Ah, well. Thanks for setting me straight. :)
September 15th, 2011
I don't know what PP is.
September 16th, 2011
Ha ha, love the thread and that the mystery continues. While I have made pp a few times, I find the photos I most love often don't - guess its all down to taste! I mean, how could my 2 kids in their Ireland tops (avatar) not have made it there for WRC kick-off??? Perhaps the magic monkeys feel threatened - well, not by the Irish rugby team thats for sure:-) Anyway, fun when you get there, but not the bee all when you don't!
Wishing all a happy snappy weekend!
September 16th, 2011
@altadc I agree. I think one time I was on there for 10 minutes! Luckly I did a screen shot to prove to my husband I did it. I have a bet with him and I get a dinner date whenever I get on! How's that for motivation!! But, I do agree that often great pictures are missed and not put up there and other times not so great pictures make it. But...It s a good way to find new people to follow.
September 16th, 2011
@coastandcactus Well said.
September 16th, 2011
@andycoleborn @azza_l haha tis just a phase. It'll be weeks or months before it happens again. Seriously though PP is a good place to see stuff from people you might not know/follow but for me I'd take making friends/improving my photog/participating in the community over a years fee pass to the PP.
September 16th, 2011
*years free pass!
September 16th, 2011
@olivetreeann Hear hear!!!
September 16th, 2011
@crickle1969 It's the Popular Page which is listed under "Browse" at the top of the home page. But as you can see from the discussion above, determining what "popular" means is very tricky!
September 16th, 2011
@pennymilner Thank you Penny!
September 16th, 2011
Buggered if I can work it out @rainbowsnic42!!!!! Your work is awesome Nic so don't get disheartened by the magic monkeys....we all love ya xo
September 16th, 2011
@foolmoon pmsl :)
September 16th, 2011
There's a popular page?

Haha! Jk. I usually forget to check it. I've had prints that other pro photogs have raved about, that have barely had a handful of views, and others that I thought were just run-of-the-mill that spent all day on the PP. And others I've probably totally missed altogether, since I usually forget to check. It's fun seeing them on there every now and then, but it really doesn't mean a whole lot. And, though some awesome shots show up there, there are often a whole stack of them that I wouldn't give more than a passing glance. That stuff is so subjective, in the end, and some of the work that is very popular with the masses makes me cringe (selective colour, anyone?).

You'll feel better if you don't place any value in it. :)
September 16th, 2011
I'm glad you raised this question because I have been having the same thoughts. What is the criteria for making it to the pp? Like you I have had photo's fav'd a number of times which don't even make it. I realise that the point of this project is to learn about using your camera and developing your skills to the best of your ability but sometimes it is nice to be acknowledged for your efforts. Perhaps if the criteria could be explained some of us would be more wiser!
September 16th, 2011
@olivetreeann Oh. Well gosh, I thought I left all that behind in high school. I never did get to sit at the popular table... course I never wanted too... whatever.
September 16th, 2011
I agree with the above, Its nice to be noticed and on the PP BUT, photography (and life) is about bettering yourself Nic, the race is against YOURSELF, no-one else. As long as YOU feel your are progressing then who cares about PP. Its easy to say because we all value recognition, but dont take it to heart, or personally, we love ya shots !!!!
September 16th, 2011
@rainbowsnic42 Not sure for the PP, but the software for the statistics page you get as a paying member is quirky. Your photos are lovely so, were I you, not sure I'd worry.
September 16th, 2011
Hello my dear friend. First of, don't get me wrong. I would love my pic to be in the PP. More exposure and it's like receiving a star after doing your homework.


Change the name of Popular page. Again, I am not saying anything against pictures in the PP. What I am saying, is I have seen pictures with more than 100 views, lots of comments, lots of faves, and no PP. Yet, a picture has 35 views and 6 faves reach PP.

In the general essence of the word "Popular" who is more popular? By definition? (Note, I am not saying the bigger views is a better pic) What I would like to point out is that "Popular page" lost its meaning. The truth is, (happended to my first pic in PP), only my followers knew of my pic. When it went to PP, it indeed became Popular... but at first, it wasn't. So, how can the photo be named "Popular" if it only became popular because it was branded as popular.

Why not separate the "Popular page" from the "Magic Monkey Favorite page"?

Popular pictures should be popular if they reach certain views which can be obtained from people literally seeing it (due to being followers, in the latest page, in themes, or in day pictures). If they become popular enough, high faves, lots of comments, then put it in the Popular page.

If a magic monkey likes a picture enough, show it in the favorited by Magic monkey page. Like the top 20. I know photos are subjective, and I would love mine to be there... but, who chooses right? Magic monkeys... So, it's an honor to be mentioned there, but I don't strive to be there. :)

Peace... :D
September 16th, 2011
I've had two appearances on the PP. I'm not really that bothered about it, although there are some great shots on there. A lot of great shots never appear on there at all. Hey ho.
September 16th, 2011
@jinximages You don't like selective color?
September 16th, 2011
@jinximages Now I'm interested to see some photo of yours, which is raved by pros but doesn't get any views here... care to share ?
September 16th, 2011
@yotan18 But then wouldn't it rely on how many followers you have? Those with less followers would be by default viewed less.
September 16th, 2011
WTH are Magic Monkeys?
September 16th, 2011
@kirsty1975 @shenay @rainbowsnic42 Just a tip from the shuffling point of view - the mobile phone version of the site lists the whole lot in equal sized boxes - quite often pics are in the Mobile PP list but may not be on the Full Site PP when you happen to look. On the whole I think it does a good job of sharing things out - it has to cope with people with 500 Followers & loads of views/faves and new people with 20 Followers who may only get 2 Faves on a great pic - and I for one am often delighted when some of those pics pops up on pop page.
September 16th, 2011
thanks everyone think we have all had a good chin wag on the subject :) maybe this thread should now stop :) thanks NIC X
September 16th, 2011
@samdan Well, then by definition, the more followers you have, the more popular you get... right? :) And no, I've seen some friends of mine having 400+ followers yet their pictures only get 30-40 views, so it's not more followers = more views. I have 100 followers and only get 20 views... So that's not the case.

Having followers is not always the key to have lots of views. Maybe a factor, but not the only factor. This will encourage people to go the daily pictures, and actually view what pictures interest them. If you did a great picture, it will grab the attention of other people.

You can join themes and post your picture there. Have your picture critiqued. Comment on other pictures. Then, these people might notice, and view your pictures. So, I do not believe in more followers = more views... (though it can help).

As I said, if you have 500 followers, chances are you are really good... and your pictures, are really popular... Have a segregation between what's popular, and what is favored by "magic monkeys". Because as I said, how can a picture be declared popular with so little views and faves as opposed to others with more... just because the magic monkeys say they are popular.

Peace everyone. :)
September 16th, 2011
Again, I have nothing against people with lesser followers and great pics. But you must learn to promote your picture through different ways. I believe you need to get your recognition, though not as "popular" when it is clearly decided by Magic Monkeys. The top 20 for the week, I can accept that recognition, because the monkeys really chose them. But to say a picture is popular because magic monkeys said so... I am not convinced... Just my two cents. :)

My request... Separate favorites of magic monkeys and/from popular pictures. That is all... :)
September 17th, 2011
Hi Nic -
As others have so rightly stated, try not to take the PP too seriously. I have found that it isn't so much about an image's overall quality (although of course there are some truly fabulous shots to be seen there!) as it is simply about some strange algorithm based on random faves (which don't always have much to do with quality, either), followers, timing, popularity on the site, participation, whatever... As someone who has admired your work for some time now, I can say you surely ARE improving regardless of PP status. Most, if not all, of my own pics that I am actually really proud of ever make it, but that's fine. I measure my own work, and if I want critique ask for honest feedback, but I generally do that at my camera club or a different site. Keep doin what you're doin--I love it!! :-D
September 17th, 2011
When you do stuff for fun you will find your best work
September 17th, 2011
I'm sorry I haven't had time to read through everyones comments so I don't know if I'm repeating what others have said, but I have had pics on the pp for short times, and sometimes you might have had pics on the pp and not even known it. Like you, I know thats not really what we are doing this for, but it is still really nice to get the recognition. What I think would be really good is if you were sent a msg of some sort if your photo gets on the popular page, so even if you don't see it, you know it was there?
September 17th, 2011
@kimmistephens I can't tell if you're being funny or not. ;) I detest selective colour.

@janmaki I'll find the one I had in mind when I made that comment, but my recent one titled "fled" is one such image - had a massive response amongst other photogs on the recent week-long workshop I attended.
September 17th, 2011
@janmaki This is one other pro photogs loved, and here (though it has had over 300 views now - it had less than 100 in the first week it was up) did not even have the fave button clicked once.

This is the one titled "fled" - (edit: ah, I see you found it! :) )
September 17th, 2011
Hey Nic, your pics are fantastic girl! no rejects thats for sure! Being on the PP is exciting but only three hours makes me say "like what the!" seems confusing hope it gets sorted x
September 17th, 2011
I hardly ever get on the PP now. I guess it's just because I have been on the Project too long.

Maybe 365 is just the right number.
September 17th, 2011
ya know ive been on the popular page like 25-30 times but not once in the last month or so and its not because my photos are not good enough its because im not getting comments like i used to. Its a combo of things, lots of my followers have stopped mid project so they are not commenting, and I am not taking as much time to comment others therefore I am receiving less comments.
You should also think about the fact that there really is nothing that says your photo is "GOOD" for making the PP page but only that it is popular, ive seen some pretty bad photos make the PP just because there was something interesting/funny going on in the photo so a lot of people commented it.
Dont let it bother you too much, just keep commenting others photos and appreciating each comment you get. Dont base your personal success on the PP.
September 17th, 2011
@jinximages I wasn't joking when I asked about selective coloring. Why don't you like selective coloring? Selective coloring is one of the first things I noticed when I started taking photos (the same time I started a 365 project).

I don't fave your photos because I would end up faving every single one of them. I think, by far, you are the best photographer on the site.
September 18th, 2011
@kimmistephens Selective colouring stands out - I'll give it that - but not usually (imo) in a good way. To me, it comes down to basic crafting of an image, right from the beginning. A good photograph leads the eye by way of light and lines, and focusses the viewer's interest by its construction. A selective colour image is a bit like sticking a post-it note with a big "LOOK HERE" scrawled across it. A good image doesn't need it. A good image is harmed by it, because it totally changes the way that image is viewed. Sure, I guess it can be fun to do, but it cheapens a photo the same way any other gimmick cheapens any other thing. I just find it very tacky, and rarely an improvement to an image. To my eyes, it just looks really wrong, and I find it difficult to judge an image's qualities when it is scarred in such a way. I have spent many hours educating clients on what makes a great photograph (as have many of my colleagues) when they've started asking for selective colour. I do realise that may sound snobbish, I mean - who am I to tell people what is art and what is not, right? But, like any other thing in life, one can appreciate it more if they have learned about it.

The last blows me away. I can't even begin to say what that means to me, especially considering the extraordinary quality of photographs on this site! Thank you, Kimmi. :)
September 18th, 2011
@jinximages That doesn't sound snobbish. It actually makes a lot of sense. I asked because I thought there was a reason, such as the one you just gave, for not liking selective coloring.

Thanks for the response
September 18th, 2011
@judithg Ah, didn't know that. Thanks for that.
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