Add your location, please

May 31st, 2010
It would really add meaning when looking at your photos, if you would include your home base in your profile information. Just a suggestion, but I hope you'll consider it.
May 31st, 2010
I agree... it makes such a difference. The country at least is useful.... after all, for example, "Richmond" or "Birmingham" could be in any number of countries..!!!
June 1st, 2010
Thank you, Allison! I so often go looking hoping to find at least the country because we have people all over the globe. Sometimes there are clues in the pictures that I look for but I am not a very good detective!
June 1st, 2010
Many a time I play a guessing game until I finally ask, but I think it's a wonderful idea for people to add the information to their profiles. And this is a little *nudge nudge* to everyone to write a profile for us in the first place! Just takes a minute!
June 1st, 2010
I agree.....when I look at photos I like to know what geographical location the picture was taken or the home base of the person taking the photo.
I am seeing pictures of landscape, wildlife, flowers, etc that I have never seen before and it adds interest to know where in the world the "new" thing is.
June 1st, 2010
Great idea Allison! I love to know where the people are, plus it will help you identify others in your area and see what they are photographing! I also love knowing where landscape or structure photos are taken, it just adds that much more to the project.
June 1st, 2010
I try to remember to put the city and state in my tags when I upload. Don't always succeed. Thankd for the reminder.
June 1st, 2010
While we don't always like to share our immediate area, the state would be helpful. Or the country that the pictures were taken in. I try to put at least the state since I travel about . Doing this gives others an insight of your country, state, city or neighborhood. I found pictures taken where my brother lives and he has gone to enjoy the sights that had been photographed. It was an area he had never thought of going to but thanks to the area being mentioned he also was able to enjoy it. So PLEASE give us and idea of where the picture was taken.
June 1st, 2010
I agree with all of you. It means a lot.
June 1st, 2010
Good idea! I just added it, I'm from the Netherlands.
June 1st, 2010
Didn't even have any information until this! Added more to my profile now :)
June 1st, 2010
Great point - I really love being able to go to people's profiles and read a bit about where they are based, who they are etc, and just realised I have nothing in my profile! Off to put something now...
June 2nd, 2010
This has just given me the impetus to add to my profile which until 2 minutes ago was bare, thanks Allison.
June 2nd, 2010
Loved reading your profile story Suzy. You sound like you have had a really interesting life.
June 2nd, 2010
I would love to know where people live
June 2nd, 2010
Alison, I am so glad you posted this.
When I discover someone on 365 and especially when I begin to follow him or her, I hope to find at least some information about the photographer and his or her location in their profile. I am so disappointed when information is lacking. Knowing in which part of the country or world people are, makes every photo they post so much more meaningful to me.
Thank you!
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