Sharing other people's photos on Facebook

September 18th, 2011
I confess that I've taken the liberty of sharing other people's photos on my Facebook page. I've done so only four, maybe five, times since I joined 365 in June, and I've done it because of the photo's exceptional subject matter or because of its appeal to human nature. In each case, I meant it complimentarily.

If this website had a private messaging option (I don't think it has; I'm still learning my way around it), I wouldn't hesitate either to first ask permission or to let the person know that I've already shared a photo, yet I don't want to be so bold as to say in a comment, "Oh, by the way, I shared your photo on my Facebook page." Then everyone knows I did.

Since the site gives the option to share other people's photos, I've done so quietly, but I've been bothered that it may not be appropriate to do so, hence, my confession and this thread.

I'd like to know your thoughts. Thanks.
September 18th, 2011
This site is completely public. Anyone can view any of the photos without following the photographer or even signing up for an account. The most faithful follower of my project, for example, is not a 365 member, yet she has full access to viewing all my photos. The only thing she can't do is comment on them.

The reason I mention that is to say that anyone who uses this site needs to be fully aware that by posting a photo here, they are exposing it to anyone with an internet connection. Your sharing it on Facebook doesn't change that, and, as you've mentioned, you are doing nothing more than using one of the tools that this site puts at your disposal. It's not inappropriate.
September 18th, 2011
I have shared a couple of shots, but I have asked first via the comments. But they have also already been fcbk friends prior to the 365, so they understand and agree.
September 18th, 2011
I share their websites, if they have them, but not anything from here because these projects are personal to some people. Just my opinion.

Edited to add:
Sharing a link is quite different from downloading the picture and posting it elsewhere or using it somewhere else without permission. I think all sites should never allow downloading or copying of anything they haven't been given permission to do this with. It is stealing without permission.

If we've been given permission, that information needs to be noted. I find more often than not people just take a picture and say nothing leaving those looking at them to believe they took the picture. That is plagerism and illegal. This is something we all learn in school. Just because it's been posted on the internet does not give us the right to take it and use it for whatever we want.

Check out this prime example of what it means to take someone's picture for your own use.
Noam Galai’s Stolen Scream

September 18th, 2011
I haven't shared anyone else's on facebook, only because I have never thought of it. But I agree. This is a public site... anyone posting here knows that anyone can see it. Even people who don't have a 365 account. So I don't think there should be a problem with it. Also, when you share their photo, the link goes to their 365 page, giving them full credit for their photo. I have to say, I don't agree with Dorrena saying that these projects are person for some people, as it is a public site. Once you post your photos here, ANYONE can see them, 365 or not, so it really makes no difference if someone else's facebook friends get to look to. I would be flattered if someone did that with one of mine :-)
September 18th, 2011
Recently, out of curisoty, I googled my own name... and found a link to every 365 photo I'd posted on this site! Therefore in my mind, posting your work to this website is as public as it can get & I would be very surprised if someone didn't take it for the compliment that it is... =D
September 18th, 2011
I think it can be a compliment and yes it is public but out of respect for each other if you are re-posting a photo from someones project on another public or social site I think it would be decent to ask. I know anyone looking at 365 can see my photos but wouldnt expect a cruise thru Facebook would show any. I have emailed a link to someone who I thought would like a photo but posting a photo without the link seems wrong to me.
September 18th, 2011
I disagree - posting someone's pics without consent is copyright theft. Yes, this is a public site, but that doesnt mean anything!! It gives no permission to re-post without consent, even if well-meaning. And personally I think posting them on facebook is worse, as facebook then says it owns copyright, and will use images in any way it wants.

I have no idea why people think that just because its on the internet, for all to see, means that its not stealing! Its theft, end of. I know that the intention is nice, and for some people am sure they wont mind their work being posted elsewhere, but why not ask before?
-- I found one of my images used on a religious site and the image meaning was twisted to suit. It really annoyed me as nobody asked, I am an athiest and I would've refused flat even tho they credited me. The credit made it worse as I do not want to be connected to that site.
September 18th, 2011
I have used the provided "share" button for Google+ for a photo or two. Doing so creates a link to the 365 page with the picture. My friends on G+ have to click the link to see the photo on the standard 365 page. The can then see the photographers other work too.

Personally, since it is a free website I think this is an ok way of sharing. Taking just the photo wouldn't be ok in my opinion as there is the potential that the photographer wouldn't get the credit he/she deserves.
September 18th, 2011
@blightygal When you post the photos, it takes there credit/caption along with it, and links back to 365. So it's not copyright theft at all.
September 18th, 2011
I have done it twice and handled it two different ways.

First - "This photo was done by ..... on 365 and I just had to share this" and then facebook includes their information again.

Second "I love this photo, would you mind if I put this on my Facebook Group page (name inserted) since it is so perfect. I was told to feel free to post.

So basically if you are feeling worried, just comment on the persons photo and ask if they would mind because you want to show your friends a specific aspect.
September 18th, 2011
@blightygal It's not copyright theft at all. If you don't like the fact that 365project provides tools for linking any photo to a number of social networking sites, either petition Ross to remove those options or don't participate on this site. It's really that simple.

Sure you might like someone to ask before doing so, but you need to be fully aware that they are not obliged to do so; it is up to you to be aware of that and then make an informed decision about whether or not to continue using this site.
September 18th, 2011
Freida is correct, posting photos from here to sites such as Facebook IS copyright theft. Downloading a photo from here and posting it to another site is not acceptable, also we take a very dim view of people who do it the other way around and post photos here that are not their own. The sharing functionality on this site in the form of the Share tool are purely to link to the photographers page from other sites, the Copy and Paste code can be used to place the photo on another website but attributes the photo to the original author. This option is counter-intuitive BUT is provided because it is a better option than just having people steal the photo and not linking back.

Taking something from a shop and displaying it in your house would be theft, why should it be any different for photos online?
September 18th, 2011
Ya boo sucks to you.
Please learn a little about copyright before being condescending.
September 18th, 2011
@Scrivna --- I don't know if this is possible but it would be nice to restrict the download and copy/paste options to the user who posted the picture only. This would keep others from having the ability to get a copy of the picture while allowing the one who posted it access to share it themselves.
September 18th, 2011
@Scrivna Thank you so much Ross. I don't like the idea of people sharing my 365 on their Facebook, even if it's a public site, it's my life!
@blightygal So agree with you Freida! @dmortega great suggestion
September 18th, 2011
@dmortega anyone can steal the photo anyway, so as a way of trying to prevent that the share code is there, at least that way there is a link back to the original.
September 18th, 2011
@Scrivna ---- I don't need the share code to get a copy of the picture. Copy/paste works fine. Any way to disable it for all but the user who posted it?
September 18th, 2011
I agree with @blightygal Freida's comments. I wouldn't like someone's posting my pics somewhere else without asking me. The pics are accessible to everyone for viewing on Internet, but not for use. And I think it's very easy to ask the person before, via the comments on pics.
September 18th, 2011
So glad my photos suck so that no one has any idea to look at them, let alone copy them. :) My glass is always half full. :)
September 18th, 2011
@blightygal Thank you so much for saying this as it is how I feel as well.
@Scrivna Thank you Ross, I feel that, just because it can be done, does not mean it should be.
September 18th, 2011
lol. My thoughts are very similar.
September 18th, 2011
@blightygal "Ya boo sucks to you" - love it! Good on ya' girl, I agree with everything you've put.
September 19th, 2011
@mebswartz I don't know if you have shared some of my pictures on your Facebook page but I you did, I ask you to remove them. Thank you very much.
October 16th, 2011
I believe that Facebook claim the right to use any photos posted on Facebook whilst 365 recogise that the copyright remains that of the original photographer, for this reason I choose to publish my photographs on here and not on Facebook (or if I publish on Facebook I select photographs I'm less bothered about eg. more general record shots rather than my favourite images) so I wouldn't be happy if someone else decided to paste my photographs from here on Facebook
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