I entered "Frankenbelly" in a photo contest

June 1st, 2010
My family totally needs this. Even though we have one medical issue figured out, I continue to have the other issues. The head jerking the disabling arm pain, etc. I'm like my own episode of House. I have been sick for a YEAR now and no one knows why. We had hoped that they tumor would have been the cause of the other issues...no such luck. I will be continuing to see specialists in hopes of getting me fixed up. So I entered my photo in a contest and I can totally win it with your help. Voting is daily! Photo is labeled Brandy A and it is the black and white photo of my Frankenbelly. We have NEVER had a family vacation. We had actually planned to finally take one this summer and then all the medical bills started adding up. There is no way we could afford to go on one for many years now. Please help me win this! http://ineedavacation.hotels.com/Gallery.aspx
June 1st, 2010
You got my vote!!!Good luck hun and feel better!!
June 1st, 2010
Oh my Brandy...I'm so sorry you're going through all this!! but I'm sure with the help of 365 you are very likely to win...and you DESERVE it!!!! You've got my vote as well! :)
June 1st, 2010
I just voted! Yours is the best I've seen, too.
June 1st, 2010
You've just gotten my vote, too. I hope you win, and that they are able to find and fix whatever is wrong. I just finished one big round of expensive medical stuff that I'll spend the next two years paying for, only to come down with something that could be much worse (and even more expensive), so I understand your frustration...and I wouldn't doubt that there's some fear mixed in with it, too. Best of luck to you, and take care.
June 1st, 2010
I just voted! Brandy, if anyone deserves a vacation it's you and your family! Hope they soon find the cause of your pain.
June 1st, 2010
You def got my vote! Best of luck to you and your family!
June 1st, 2010
Now ask me to do something a little more difficult... That was too easy! Good luck!
June 1st, 2010
I voted! I really hope you get it xxx
June 1st, 2010
I voted. Good luck!
June 1st, 2010
I voted :) I also sent you a donation the other day x
June 1st, 2010
i too voted , good luck brandy xx
June 1st, 2010
I voted, good luck!!!! :)
June 1st, 2010
Done. In viewing the other photos you are up against...I'd have to say, yours is going to win hands down. Everyone else just has there hand on their head like it weighs too much. Whatever! Good luck!
June 1st, 2010
I also voted for you, good luck!
June 2nd, 2010

I know how frustrating it can be waiting for a diagnosis. It took over 2 years to get a diagnosis for me.

Good luck!
June 2nd, 2010
tou got my vote to..... i hope you win this
June 2nd, 2010
voted...good luck! :)
June 2nd, 2010
June 2nd, 2010
Voted, hope u win:)
June 2nd, 2010
You got my vote, too, Brandy!! I hope you win!!! ;-))
June 2nd, 2010
Definitely the best and most creative shot there. You have my vote. If all the 365'ers who have been following your story over the last few months vote you should be a shoo-in :-)

I'm sorry to hear your other issues have yet to be resolved. I hope you get some good news (or at least a diagnosis) on that front soon.
June 2nd, 2010
Easy! Hope you win this!!!
June 2nd, 2010
got my vote!!!
looooove frankenbelly:) so awesome. hope you win!! you deserve it!
June 2nd, 2010
I'll be voting every single day Brandy. Please be well!!
June 2nd, 2010
Done.I think is the best photo of them.
June 2nd, 2010
I voted for you too! Good luck
June 2nd, 2010
June 2nd, 2010
Voted! Good luck!
June 2nd, 2010
Voted. Good Luck!
June 2nd, 2010
Thanks everyone! I noticed that you have to confirm your vote in an email they send you. It's an extra step where you click the link in the email. I hope people will still do it. Voting is once per day. Y'all rock. If you need any votes anywhere from me, please let me know!
June 2nd, 2010
just voted for you. Good luck!
June 2nd, 2010
i just voted! good luck
June 2nd, 2010
I just voted for you, good luck !
June 2nd, 2010
Good Luck! I voted for you!
June 2nd, 2010
Your picture is definitely the most deserving :). Voted for you and good luck!
June 2nd, 2010
got my vote darling!!
June 2nd, 2010
Have just voted for you Brandy ! think you are a very deserving winner :)
June 2nd, 2010
just voted...good luck
June 2nd, 2010
just voted.. Good luck, I hope you win!!
June 2nd, 2010
Just voted! Wish you the best of luck friend!
June 2nd, 2010
Voting done! I hope you win!
June 2nd, 2010
you've got my vote..best picture i've seen there, too.
June 2nd, 2010
Voted too, good luck!
June 3rd, 2010
Thanks everyone! You can vote everyday! I love youssssss!!!!
June 3rd, 2010
voted for you! Hope you get it!
June 3rd, 2010
Good luck! I just voted for the second time - you can vote once a day, so keep voting!
June 3rd, 2010
Voted. :)
June 4th, 2010
Thanks everyone! If you can, please vote daily! So far I am in the top spot, but will only stay there with your help! You can win a FLIP ULTRA just for voting!!!
June 4th, 2010
voted for you...
June 5th, 2010
Thanks!!!! If any of you need any votes on ANYTHING, let me know!!!
June 5th, 2010
I'm voting for you too!
June 5th, 2010
I didn't know we could vote daily...glad we can continue to help! All we ask is that you send us pictures from your vacation! (fingers crossed!)
June 5th, 2010
will do so!! good luck!!
June 5th, 2010
Just voted again and looked on the popular tab - you're top!
June 5th, 2010
Just voted for you! Good luck!
June 7th, 2010
Thank you all!!! Your continued votes are totally needed! If you ever need a vote from me on something please contact me! I will totally vote for you guys! It is one vote per day per email address. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
June 8th, 2010
You got my vote.
June 13th, 2010
Thanks so much! I know it is a pain but if you could please continue to vote for me I would be soooo happy! You also are entered to win a Flip Ultra every time you vote!!!
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