Goodbye, Steve.

October 6th, 2011
I am deeply saddened by the news that Steve Jobs passed away today. He has had such a profound influence on the technology we use and take for granted every day. The iPhone helped to rekindle my creativity and continues to inspire me to try new things. I am so grateful for his touch on the world - he certainly changed mine. He will be missed.
October 6th, 2011
I know...just found out moments ago. :-(
October 6th, 2011
I couldn't agree more. I found part of Apple's "Think Different" campaign - the text below was on a poster they created for the campaign - and I think it's a perfect tribute:

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. - Apple Inc.
October 6th, 2011
@melissapike Could not be a more fitting tribute. I am so sad!
October 6th, 2011
So sad, I was shocked to just find out about Steve's passing. I myself love my ipod's. He will be missed.
October 6th, 2011
I wasn't surprised, but am deeply saddened. He was a modern day Edison.
October 6th, 2011
HE was pure genius and an amazing man! I used one of the very first mp3 players when they came they had issues. Then IPOD and Apple software came along. I predicted they'd take over the world. They have. He worked until the very end. Bless him.
October 6th, 2011
So sad. He will definitely be missed.
October 6th, 2011
So saddened by this! What a great leader and creative mind! He definitely made his mark on this world and made many of us better at what we do through his accomplishments. He was one of the great people of our day.
October 6th, 2011
He will be missed.
Excerpt from his speech at Stanford in 2005:
“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
October 6th, 2011
I just found out about Steve' s death. He will be missed. He was an inspiration to me with his creativity and foresight.
October 6th, 2011
October 6th, 2011
A tribute shot - all iPhone:

October 6th, 2011
I was very sad to hear that. What a brilliant man. He most definitely will be missed.
October 6th, 2011
Devastated - just heard the news. Apple was my first "real job" out of Uni and I have some fantastic memories of my time working the company. The world has lost such a visionary. A sad, sad day, and a reminder to live every day like it is the last.
October 6th, 2011
Apple has changed my life in very simple ways. I wonder how it will change my little guy's 25 years from now.
October 6th, 2011
Found this in tribute... Each mosaic is made out of apple products
October 6th, 2011
October 6th, 2011
What more to say... A brilliant, out-of-the-box thinker. RIP, Mr. Jobs.
October 6th, 2011
October 6th, 2011
His work is transformational; he was inspirational. He meant a lot to the tech industry here in the Bay Area, where he lived and worked. Totally a man driven to perfection, somehow he balanced that with a real closeness to his family and friends. We have been macheads since 1992. We'll miss him.
October 6th, 2011
Very very sad-he was an inspirational and visionary man
October 6th, 2011
. . .a true visionary. . .his brilliance will be missed. . .
October 6th, 2011
Also just heard.... Terribly sad news. I have been using Apple for years (G4 PowerMac and iMac, as well as iPods) and have found them infinitely superior to anything else.
The world will surely be a poorer place for his passing.
October 6th, 2011
So sad, he's had such an impact on so many people's everyday life with his clever designs. He will certainly be missed.
October 6th, 2011
Sad sad news. :(

“I’m truly saddened to learn of Steve Jobs’ death. Melinda and I extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends, and to everyone Steve has touched through his work.
Steve and I first met nearly 30 years ago, and have been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives.
The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come.
For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it’s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely.”
- Bill Gates.
October 6th, 2011
A real loss to the world of technology, design and simplicity.

I think the most fitting tribute I've seen was: "The world has lost a visionary. And there may be no greater tribute to Steve’s success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented." (Obama)
October 6th, 2011
@pepitaliang - very nice tribute.

@alia_801 - thank you for sharing President Obama's quote; I also thought this was quite fitting. Steve will be sadly missed but somehow I don't think he will ever be forgotten.
October 6th, 2011
@altadc - wonderful tribute photo.
October 6th, 2011
Very sad... :-( He will be missed.

@lintbrush @altadc @pennymilner : wonderful tribute pictures, thanks for sharing.

@alia_801 : Loved Obama's quote also.
October 6th, 2011
@nicolecampbell Thank you Nicole.
October 6th, 2011
@shadowdancer Thank you.
October 6th, 2011
Taken with my iPhone:
October 6th, 2011
Thank you Steve. ♥

October 6th, 2011
He will be missed! Like so many others, I love my mac.
October 7th, 2011
October 7th, 2011
Sometimes, during our lives, there is a person who reshapes the world we live in. Steve Jobs did just that. His innovation and vision have changed the world we live in. Through his genius, he touched all of us in such a profound way. He was relentless and tireless in seeing his visions come to pass. He exemplified the strengths that this county was built on, and I am honored to have been a witness to it.
October 7th, 2011
Here's a picture representative of the first Apple product that came into the's a 5.25" Drive Controller from our first Apple IIe. Now I know why I saved it.

Almost 30 years of service from Apple products...and they all worked, right out of the box. The computer for the rest of us...Thanks Steve.

October 7th, 2011
@sbloom2 I have an iPhone 4 which replaced my iPhone 3GS (which my husband is happily using until he can get my 4 when I get the 4S next month). iPhone replaced a Blackberry that I had to reboot via battery pull at least once per week. After having my iPhone for months I decided I should learn how to turn it off (very simple by the way) since I had NEVER had to reboot my phone. In the years I have had my iPhone, I have had it crash twice. Yes... twice. That's it. And I can't tell you how many apps I had running at the time when it happened! THIS is why I love Apple and why I desperately want to be a Mac instead. My experience with my iPhone alone has shown me that they are intuitive and reliable!
October 7th, 2011
@terryd2011 Fantastic!
October 7th, 2011

Steve, You will be missed by so many.
October 7th, 2011
Thanks for your reply..I've heard of him .... very sad.
October 10th, 2011
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