I want to apologize

June 4th, 2010
Lately, I have not been able to comment on peoples images as much as they have been on my images. My only excuse is like most of us here, I just run out of time and energy by the end of the day. I do look at a lot of your images, just have not been able to comment on them. I don't want anyone to feel under appreciated for their efforts. So for that I am sorry and will try better to comment more on your photos, and thank you very much for those that have taken the time to comment on mine.
June 4th, 2010
I feel the same way. I second what you said. No need to apologize though Jeff :)
June 4th, 2010
I agree with Lauren. No need to apologize, plus we all have times like that. As a matter of fact, your post made me take a look at your images, and I haven't checked in on you for quite a while!
June 4th, 2010
Jeff, no problem--I (we all?) understand! There *is* life outside of 365, and sometimes it can really get busy. I ditto the others ;)
June 4th, 2010
hi jeff , dont apologize we all get stuck for time .. Just dont loose the time to stop shooting cos we'd all miss ur creativity !!! Your a great one to follow !!! Keep it up xxx
June 4th, 2010
I appreciate the responses, I just don't want people to feel as though I am taker and not a giver of the comments. Especially since there are so many really fantastic images out there they I only viewed and not honored them with a comment.
June 4th, 2010
Don't worry Jeff, I think a lot of us are in the same boat. What comments I've had time to leave lately have been mostly fluffy and insubstantial, *when* I have been able to leave them. Work and life get in the way sometimes!
June 4th, 2010
Sorry jeff - its just not good enough. you'll have to do much better from now on.

June 4th, 2010
I think everyone totally understands. I'm fortunate in that I'm writing on my computer all day so when I hit a writers block, I can jump over to this site and clear my head with people's beautiful photos. I'm embarrassed I have nothing clever or professional to say other than "Wow" or "Nice (insert something here)." Ironic for a writer. I do enjoy every single one though.
June 4th, 2010
Hey... it is okay! We all have the times when commenting isn't possible and that's really okay!! When 365 becomes a burden, a guilt trip or just a nuisance... then we've let it do something for which it was never designed. Dip in and out with comments as time/energy permits... I do..... some days very few comments... other days.... scattering them like confetti. Just do your own thing and keep priorities straight.... 365 probably isn't top of the list when "push comes to shove"!!
June 4th, 2010
i have been doing a lot less commenting myself because of the same reason. so no need to apologize at all. my goal is at least still posting one photo a day, and i try to catch up on the weekends, but as Summer comes, it becomes harder and harder to accomplish. i don't think anybody will be mad at you :)
June 4th, 2010
Again thanks everyone, I realize the time of year (here in the states) and life comes up. I just felt I needed to say something. Good to know I am not a lone.
June 4th, 2010
What, you thought you could have a life and all that? pfft. Promise to chain yourself to the computer and all will be forgiven.
June 4th, 2010
oh man, I am feeling the exact same!
I feel like I can't keep up most days. My daughter is into everything now and every time I start commenting I have to go tend to some new mess she has created. haha! oy, toddlers. : /
June 4th, 2010
Hey, I am hurt and disappointed in you, Jeff! No - no, JUST KIDDING! I certainly don't expect reciprocal comments from anyone. I think it's pretty amazing that so many people are faithful to this project since life has a way of daily interfering with it! Absolutely no apology necessary. Just keep posting those photos, though!
June 5th, 2010
Yeah I feel the same Jeff, after working 12 hours shift a day and having other responsibilities, like been a husband at home sometime not enough time to respond to comments for you LOVELY people left for my photos or to comment on your great photos. But I LOVE 365 and fellow 365ers.
June 5th, 2010
I completely understand Jeff. Some days I do have time and can sit here for a few hours catching up, other days I quickly check in a few times a day and then other days I just don't get a chance to do more than upload my latest shot (and sometimes I don't even have the time for that!). Like everyone here I do appreciate the comments and do try to comment back but I have been guilty of forgetting people.
June 5th, 2010
I feel the same way. I love to look at the pics, but just don't have time to make many comments. Sitting by the computer for hours is really more of a winter pastime. :-)
June 5th, 2010
You are not alone here my friend! I have been away on vacation all week and have not had a chance to comment but one a random photo here and there! I feel like a need a week to recover from vacation and another to catch up on 365! =D
June 5th, 2010
Oh my, I feel the same. I am just getting by taking my photo a day, but haven't uploaded for almost two weeks until today, let alone browsing photos.
I feel like I am missing out on so many great shots and inspiration from other people...but going back to work after maternity leave has meant some things have dropped away...will try and be better though, especially at leaving comments.
June 5th, 2010
I am the same. Life has gotten incredibly busy with work, and just other things have taken their toll. Sometimes I just cannot be bothered (As I want to hop in bed and just relax)

But I always enjoy everyone's photos & don't love them any less if I don't comment!
June 5th, 2010
Oh Jeff O - now we have all got that off our chests, go back to what you were enjoying. Go on off you go, I don't mind if I am left here all alone, just cause I am retired and can stay up half the night looking at all these - Awesome - Beautiful - Clever - Delightful - Energising - Fantastic - Gorgeous - Hillarious - Intriguing - Joyous - Kindly - Luscious - Marvelous - Nautical - Over the Top - Priceless - Quaint - Remarkable - Stupendous - Thrilling - Unique - Victorious - Wonderful - Xcellent - Ycan't i be like you kinda - Zany pictures - that you all give me so much pleasure looking at them especially when I am feeling a little low.
Thank You JEFF, O you have again got us all together and agreeing. Why can't the world be more like Us ? Love & Peace to all.
Glenys xx
June 5th, 2010
Well, I’m glad somebody said it – Thank you! Not about you but about the feeling that obviously a lot of 365ers experience! I’m unbelievably grateful when anybody comments on my photos, as I am very hard on myself and when I look around on this site I often feel I am unworthy…So I always try to reciprocate, but reality is that…well, reality IS. Then I feel guilty because even when I do comment, quite often I do not have the energy to make a specific comment -- which I get the feeling most people at this site prefer…I have to give myself a pass and just tell myself that even though people would prefer a specific compliment, they probably appreciate just a positive generic one too…
June 5th, 2010
I love what this thread has turned into Jeff... ...We've all come together to say you're not alone! I knew it was going to happen to me this summer...running out of time...but I've felt like I'm drowning, trying my best to snag those last hours in the day and the first hours after midnight to return the nice comments others have left. If I manage that, then the pictures on the home page slip away, and I don't want to miss a thing! It's a compulsion to be sure, but it's so ingrained in my life now!

Just know I appreciate all the thoughtful comments that each of you has taken the time to leave me, and know I'm trying to be as involved as time allows. I just love this site and the people here I've come to know... I guess we all agree to agree that we know we're checking in as time permits, and I count myself lucky if I come across a comment left by any of you as I'm looking through pictures. It's like a Post-it Note that you've been by :-) Fair 'nuf?
June 5th, 2010
Life happens and so often gets in the way of priorities! LOL! Hi everyone! I simply don't make it here as often as I did in the beginning. My life has been hectic and photography has taken a back seat {sob}. The school's are closing shortly and I hope to grab loads of photo ops as we're going away on holiday. So hope to see more of you guys again and be able to upload as well as comment on your great photos!
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