My birthday month

October 20th, 2011
I am relatively new here, but am loving it. It is my birthday next month and would like to spend the month on a particular theme/project rather than the random photos I have been taking so far. Anyone got any ideas that would challenge (but not too much!) a 'learner?'
October 20th, 2011
Welcome to 365 and happy birthday to come!!!

In June many of us did a gratitude challenge. It was a great challenge and really uplifting. It might be especially appropriate if you are in the U.S. (Thanksgiving)

Many people here have done an A-Z challenge. You photograph something with the letters of the alphabet. I did it from July 28 - August 22. It was good for inspiration when I was struggling, but not especially meaningful.

Some people have done self portrait challenges. They take some type of self portrait each day or a month. I recently saw someone do this for his birthday month though I can't remember specifically who to give you a link.

Just some suggestions. I'm sure others can suggest lots more. There are always new challenges here at 365.
October 20th, 2011

This was done back in June, but could be perfect for a birthday month of November in America. You can do a month of gratitude or thanks. Take a photo of something you are thankful or grateful for each day. That way the photo subject makes you happy, you will feel positive about each photo and have a theme that has a bit of flexibility.

Other themes done here
-A photo for each letter of the Alphabet (A-Apple, B-Boredom, C-Caring etc.)
-Colors (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Purple) assign each day, and then your month calendar will be a rainbow
-Black and white
October 20th, 2011
@herussell you must also have a great mind with June Gratitude.
October 20th, 2011
Hi and welcome to 365!
You could also do Black & White pictures for the month. Or take an object and have it in your pic each day, for example a toy or a small rock etc. The A-Z challenge as Hope ( @herussell ) suggested, is a good one, I'd like to try that myself sometime! Street shots of strangers/buildings are always great to see too. Have fun choosing!
October 20th, 2011
@herussell I love this idea! Thanks! May try for November.
October 20th, 2011
Welcome to 365! Below is a challenge organized by alia_801 I am going to give it a try one of these sounds like lots of fun.

Book word challenge:

In August, I did a abstract challenge. I uploaded an abstract photo for every day of the month and I had so much fun and learned so much about editing. I use Picnik for editing. It is free...check it out.

October 21st, 2011
welcome to 365. My birthday is next month too. the 2nd. when's yours?
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