Who Finds this somewhat Ironic

June 10th, 2010
Ok to start off, I want to say I am not criticizing the committee who has to choose the TOP 5 for the weekly themes.... Ok are we clear on this... goood...

Who finds it humorous/ironic that the weekly theme of FACES, techinically only has one actual face "living" face as the main subject, "mr potatoe head". The rest are marker or ornament faces. I think the challenge should be relabelled to something else.

Sorry I had to write something due to the irony that the faces chosen where not faces, granted the qualifier was "Faces could be... peoples faces, an objects face, a clock face; Hopefully you will come up with some clever ideas for us!" and I understand, but you would have thought that a human face would be featured in the voting. but it was probably hard to pick actual faces out of the lot of so many entries.

Again I am not criticizing just think it is somewhat humorous.
June 10th, 2010
hey. you're not the only one who feels that way. it is funny.
June 10th, 2010
I thought that was pretty ironic too that out of the 5 chosen only one was an actual face, and that too really wasn't real..lol
Oh well.
June 10th, 2010
i'm with you. i was kind of surprised. all the pics are good, but none of them are really what I had in mind when they announced the theme. but that's ok
June 10th, 2010
Sooo, thanks Jeff for volunteering yourself to pick the top 5 next week :-)

Everyone has a face, the themes are about pushing yourself, being creative and coming up with new ideas, anyone can take a picture of their face, nothing wrong with that, but why would we choose those over a more innovative picture?
June 10th, 2010
I don't find it ironic. You can find a face in almost anything. But hey, I adore abstract art and ideas, so that's probably why.
June 10th, 2010
I don't always agree with the top choices every week, but everyone has a different opinion :)
June 10th, 2010
I'm still smarting at Ross calling me weird ...!
June 10th, 2010
Oh ... And technically my weird photos have 2 faces in them!
June 10th, 2010
lol, I didn't say you were weird Ed, just the photo.
June 10th, 2010
@Ross, I was afraid you would take some offense to this, however this is not my intent. As @jessica g stated, the theme faces makes one think of, well faces human or pet or like. Not cartoon drawn faces. they are faces and you do a great job at picking top 5. I just think the stereotype of "faces" would lend itself to have more human, pet faces in the selection versus more drawn faces. This would be a nice theme for the winner to pick though, drawn faces. Again, you are doing a great job on the themes and overall on the site itself. You do a lot and it is appreciated. However I find this one time, as something humorous that my envision of faces was not even a selection.

That is all. I hope there are no hard feelings.
June 10th, 2010
Ahhh... well I always think that art is like beauty, its in the eye of the beholder..
I dont think its ironic, but I do sometimes wonder how the pics are chosen.

I do always like the pics up there, but I think Ross should explain his reasons because I think it would be helpful, and educational, bit like a critique.
June 10th, 2010
@Ross, if you really want me to do next weeks, I will. I have no problem picking the top 5 that I like in any category. I will even make sure I don't enter anything in the theme.
June 10th, 2010
Jeff, honestly, not offended, it's a community here and we all have input into these things, i'm open to recommendations as much as anyone else.

Freida, i usually pick the photos, mostly based on my own opinion of what I consider the most creative photos, and also those I think other people would like to see. We've had this discussion a million times, but unless a lot of effort goes in to it, it's very hard to have a more democratic way of choosing a winner.

I love it that people take these themes so seriously and get in to it, but lets not forget, it's primary function is to aid people in their projects and have a bit of fun - as Sarah says, The joy is in the ride.
June 10th, 2010
He he, its okay Ross, I realise its impossible. Thats why I said its in the eye of the beholder :-)

Aaaaaand..without sounding like am creeping, you do such a fab job, and this place is a lot of fun, so thanks :-)
June 10th, 2010
I'll second that Freida, I can't think of a better place to be, thanks Ross
June 10th, 2010
I dunno... I thought the theme was pretty well defined:

"Faces could be... people’s faces, an objects face, and a clock face; hopefully you will come up with some clever ideas for us!"

I was able to understand and accept it as it was without qualm. I like the challenge of coming up with an interpretation more so than just taking pictures of human faces. And if that were the narrow boundaries we had to work to within this project, I feel it would be boring and not worth the bother.

Please continue to keep it open and free Ross,

Thank you and well done.
June 10th, 2010
If actual faces had been shot it'd just be a beauty contest. Keeping it interesting was definitely a good move.
June 10th, 2010
I agree, to be honest I'm not too fond of the top 5 this week, I've seen a lot of great entries that I would've picked instead. But I can't complain, it was a fun theme.
June 10th, 2010
@Freida - Great idea about the bit of critique. I find the comments to be educational as well. When I like a photo and take time to read the comments, I often see things I didn't easily notice at first glance. It helps me to see what others see and makes it more interesting for me. Sooooo, Ross, is it possible to get your thoughts on the photos when you pick them? Just for grins. I am strictly here to learn and have fun. Thanks for a great job! And, as a BONUS it may help answer the million dollar question...WHY THIS ONE? (Yes, it is a pun based on your use of "million"...lol)
June 10th, 2010
As you said it was defined that faces could be of all kinds of things even clock faces...as not to limit the possibilities...
Hey at least one was a persons face..

I would have to have to stick to the strictest of definitions (as you can see I dont) in a theme..

I see your point but I dont think its a huge deal.. just one of those little things in life that makes you chuckle..
June 11th, 2010
Well, I think it is "closed-minded" that a definition of a face is one of living face. Photography is art, and it is what you see and interpret. It is a theme, not a set in stone "shoot this or it is wrong". It is meant for individuals to think outside the box of normal sight, and express their own creative license. Personally, I like it.
June 11th, 2010
Was my first thought.
June 11th, 2010
To those that are responding that I am in the wrong, if you had actually read all my responses, Simply found it humorous that not one of the faces was a face. 3 of the 5 is marker, one tree face (ornament) and one cool PP image for potatoe head. I think it is funny, if you don't that is your opinion, but please lets keep name calling and such to other forums as I don't see the need for it here. I was not belittling Ross or any or the chosen pictures, it was my observation that I decided to post about. And from the looks of the other respondants I am not the only one that thought this, just the only one to start a thread. Ross understands that this thread is not malice or done with ill intent, so why can't you naysayyers do the same and be a little more respectful. Again my opinion.
June 11th, 2010
Well, jeff, I try to out guess which 5 would be posted for the final vote and haven't come close yet. Ross has a tough job of picking the top five, I don't always agree, but find it interesting the five that are picked.

Next week, I'll find a creative face for last weeks contest, wish me luck.
June 11th, 2010
Here: Have a smiley face :)
June 11th, 2010
yeh i dont really like the finalists. no offence
June 11th, 2010
Is it just me that thinks this is a really inane discussion? I'm not surprised it has got out of hand.
June 11th, 2010
Hmmmm ... interesting discussion. I feel that my pictures taken with a simple point-and-shoot camera are no match for those with professional skills and equipment. Does that mean I should not enter something too? Probably not but I have found that no matter what one asks for, things always come back to what the other interrpets. I like that there are no boundries and whether I ever get chosen or not is not a problem for me. I am enjoying the journey of learning and trying to take pictures of the world I live in. So vote and lets keep on thinking outside the box.
June 11th, 2010
Everyone in this thread: tl;dr. Move along.
June 11th, 2010
Darn it... I am too old. I had to look up "the steve"'s "TL DR" for any other old farts:

Well, this peculiar acronym expression stands for "Too Long, Didn't Read". It is a forum user way of saying "the thread above me is way too lengthy to be interesting

and at this point, I have to agree :)
June 11th, 2010
I read the whole thread. It was quite entertaining. I can see where everybody is comming from. but also remember....we are FAM IL Y! the 365 community! ;) I hope you know the song I am referencing to. :)
June 11th, 2010
For the record. I love this project and everything to do with it! i just like putting my thoughts down in writing sometimes! keep doing what you do Ross cause you're awesome
June 12th, 2010
It is so much fun reading the comments from names I recognize and others I don't. I don't have a dog in this fight but I love the passion every one brings to the topic. And in general the tone of 365 discussions is WAY more balanced and respectful than some forums I have followed. The one suggestion I would like to see implemented is possibly having a few sentences about why the finalists were chosen. Not to defend the choices but to educate the viewers.
June 12th, 2010
I agree with Jeff i was a bit surprized with the final 5 but fine with it. It appears that Ross is looking for creativity so that should perhaps be born in mind although it could make some people feel limited because of their camera or lack of editing skills. Here is a suggestion. How about the winner of the theme not only chooses the theme for the following week but also chooses the shortlist? That way different people are given the privilege of short listing according to what they had in mind when they chose the theme? Simple eh?
June 12th, 2010

I understand totally that Jeff found this funny, but hey! We are all taking pictures on here. For me at least, it's not about the top photos. I love pushing myself and seeing what lovely and creative things people come up with.
And Ross it's hard enough, I'm sorry about all this criticism! You're a wonderful part of this 365 business, and I'm thankful to be surrounded by such talented photographers and people!!
June 13th, 2010
How very bizarre..
I dont think that there was any criticism said here, and its not about people feeling under apprecaited. Its a shame the comments are being read that way.
June 13th, 2010
It's true, when I think I faces, I think the obvious. When I look at the entries, I was like, cool, never thought of that, or that's a different interpretation. My only problem, I do not think outside the box, I was trying to capture an actual face, but did not find anything that I thought was theme worthy. I think it's cool to see what the creative people come up with, then I try to look at things differently. The original question was, Don't you think its funny? Well, yes I do, but then again, that because I think literally, and perhaps more people are thinking outside the box, and that is what is making these themes more interesting.
June 14th, 2010
Lauren - Sister Sledge! (Played it!)

Everyone else - somewhat of an over-analysis, doncha think?
June 14th, 2010
I think that as long as the entries somewhat pertain to the theme (which they all did) then they can be picked for the top 5. It doesn't matter who chooses said top 5 - there will always be some who disagree with the choices. (Like, from some of the people I follow, I saw some amazing 'face' entries, shots of real faces, that didn't make the cut.) For me, the purpose of the themes is to encourage us to think outside the box, although that doesn't necessarily mean that a more conventional take on the theme can't be in the top 5. I guess it's down to personal preference.
June 14th, 2010
I agree with kit. I can't believe this discussion is still popular! Later points made here seem to be a regurgitation of earlier points made.
June 15th, 2010


now there's an image!


let's get out there to take our simplicity photos, people!
June 15th, 2010
Let's face it , we can all agree to dissagree if we want to. If we all agreed to the same things we would have a very boreing web-site, Jeff O , you sure opened a (can of worms) on this one and I say good for you because I like to fish. I say everyone should do an aboutface and get on with taking pictures. And put this topic right into the ground ----face down----
June 15th, 2010
well said richard!
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