2010 World Cup

June 11th, 2010
This really has nothing to do with photography... or maybe it does? :)

While the love of photography has brought us all together as an artistic family, maybe it's time to stir up some friendly competition amongst us.

So who is everyone cheering on for the next month during 2010 FIFA World Cup?
(Bring on the photos of you cheering on your team!)

I myself will be proudly cheering on England!
I've been eagerly awaiting the start of World Cup since the premier league ended a few months ago and Manchester United didn't take it this year.
We were robbed 4 years ago in our game against Portugal. But I think we're back this year, stronger than ever.
June 11th, 2010
haha although i don't have an interest in football, i have 2 words...GO ENGLAND!
June 11th, 2010
I'm with Katie here. Will watch if we get a long way in (as in, if we could win), but until then, I'll be supporting England without watching, waving flags or wearing the colours.
June 11th, 2010
I cannot wait for the US-England match tomorrow. USA! USA! USA!
June 11th, 2010
EN-GER-LAND etc :) I have no interest in club football but when the time comes for Le World Cup (or the Euros) I'm all about it. Me and a few (well, 51) mates are doing a tournament sweepstake-esque thing going so I've a huge interest and am planning to watch every game...

Here's a bit of fun poking for you non-football sorts though, courtesy of Adam & Joe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45NOP1OA-EQ
June 11th, 2010
Go team USA!
June 11th, 2010
I'm not a fan of the world cup...that along with Big Brother sort of rob us of decent TV for a few weeks (I don't have the concentration to watch a whole match :P) But if I had to vote for someone, it would be England :]
June 11th, 2010
AYOBA AYOBA... GO BAFANA BAFANA it is in South africa thus I will fote and support my country... Us agains Mexico 1 all.... well lets see what happens :=)
June 11th, 2010
South Africa were robbed, Helena. So unlucky with the final chance hitting the post. They should've won (and not just because I predicted them a 2-1 win in my sweepstake)
June 11th, 2010
Vive Mexico!!!!
June 12th, 2010
South Africa was robbed. I was definitely heartbroken after that game!
June 12th, 2010
Well, it's been a good year for football so far, with Norwich City being League One Champions, and being promoted back to the Championship... Let's hope that England can find success in the World Cup as well!
June 12th, 2010
June 12th, 2010
I'm not bothered by football but it doesn't offend me, therefore I will be at the England matches with my camera. There's good money to be made from documenting this sort of thing, get out there and seize the opportunity all of you!

And, of course, I'm rooting for England :)
June 12th, 2010
I will be trying to avoid it!
June 12th, 2010
ENGLAND... all the way.
June 12th, 2010
Coming from a rugby fan ... WAKA WAKA, AYOBA, VIVA BAFANA BAFANA !!! haha, i guess i'm supporting SOUTH AFRICA and yeah, the Mother City is rocking with the sound of vuvuzela's (heeeelp us puleeeez !) :)
June 12th, 2010
I think that fotball i boring, BUT i have to go with DENMARK!! One of the players are from the city vere I grow up :-) Goooooo Denmark
June 12th, 2010
June 12th, 2010
England: useless. Nothing changes.

Highlights so far: South Korea, Argentina
June 13th, 2010
Germany and USA all the way =D Unless they play each other....then I say Go Germany =D
June 13th, 2010
USA all the way!
June 13th, 2010
June 13th, 2010
Like any proud South African it's only Bafana Bafana!
June 13th, 2010
Englands year i feel it !! even after a slow start against USA ..." who by the way thought they were playing basketball last night "..4 deliberate handballs in one game come on !! Lucky lucky USA scrappy goal ...lol...
June 14th, 2010
Go Brazil!!!!

We should tag our photos "2010 World Cup"!

Tomorrow Brazil plays against North Korea. The whole country is dressed in Greens and Yellows!
June 14th, 2010
Torn between Australia (who probably won't be in for much longer) and Italy. >:D
June 14th, 2010
LOL Steve!! :)
June 14th, 2010
Yes England, I am not a great fan of football but when England play, something happens to England that reminds me of how my Mother talked about the war and how everyone would stick together!
June 14th, 2010
England for the World Cup!
June 14th, 2010
Never bet aginst the Germans... and being half-German, I always seem to do well at World Cups :-)
June 15th, 2010
Have you guys seen how the New York Post reported the USA v. England match? What a joke! http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3013091/USA-beats-England-1-1.html?OTC-RSS&ATTR=News
June 15th, 2010
hmm...given the performance of the socceroos on monday i might need to pick another team...no...got to back the boys. c'mon aussies!
June 15th, 2010
I went to the Italy-Paraguay game last night. I've loaded a picture from my cell phone, at kick-off. Tonight I will load more pictures from last night!

It's the most wonderful experience to meet and see all the fans who have arrived to support their teams. They all ROCK!
June 15th, 2010
England all the way - except we need to do a lot better (and get rid of Heskey) if we want to get there!!
I agree Carol Ann there is a great sense of patriotism during the world cup - Love it!!

Great game between NZ & Slovakia - Nice one NZ!!
June 15th, 2010
Ok after seeing the game with GERMANY... I am now changing I will vote for YOU GUYS !!!!
June 15th, 2010
Totally agree with you Vikdaddy.
What a complete and utter joke. It's an article like that, that makes me ashamed to be a Journalism grad.
June 15th, 2010
June 15th, 2010
England my second fav, first is anyone who plays against Them :))) Just kidding, BRAZIL all the way! then England ;)
I hate Vuvuzela by the way. It's ruined the world Cup for me :(
June 15th, 2010
Radio 5Live had a micky take song on last night - Rihanna's Umbrella in which alternative lyrics were sang... Included this line (now sing it along to the song)..

Think I'd better call, Nelson Mandela,
See if he can buy me a vuvuzela, ela ela ela...

Well... made me laugh...
June 16th, 2010
Team USA and then Italy.

June 16th, 2010
USA then Netherlands then England... the more teams you have the better your chances of not being dissappointed :P
June 16th, 2010
Wow, Swiss-based craziness this afternoon, as Spain get beaten in their opening group game!

I agree - I hate the vuvuzelas as well... :(
June 18th, 2010
Good luck today England!! My great-great grandparents hail from Cornwall and Yorkshire, so I am officially part English! :-)

And here's an article on how to deal with the vuvuzelas:
June 19th, 2010
Im supporting England while living in USA. However, England team are making me feel ashamed to be English! I may even start rooting for Argentina instead they certainly have a better chance and are more fun to watch. England are playing like school boys! No aggression, no tactics, as if they never met each other and are all playing different games! Don't get me started! Grrr! hope they prove me wrong soon and get it together!
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