Photohunt (

June 11th, 2010
I discovered about a year and a half ago, and always wanted to take part in the weekly photohunt. In fact, this is the site that kinda inspired me to do the 365. I never ended up doing it because I had nowhere to host/post the photos, but now I'm on this site I'm realizing that I put them up here.

I'm looking forward to trying it out because it helps me see things in a different way.... this week's theme is "sparkle" which I always think of glitter but her sample shot is wonderful and creative.

Has anyone ever done the photohunts?

June 11th, 2010
Photo hunts are so awesome!! We've done a few on 365 in the past. If it is an idea that many people like, we should definitely do one again!
June 11th, 2010
Isn't that what the themes are for?
June 12th, 2010
We do them in photography class and I really enjoy them.
June 12th, 2010
If you look at some of the groups on flickr they do things like that.
One i just joined does a similar thing. Also in alot of their themed threads they state wether it must be a new pic or one you already have which can be harder.

Like finding these things already in your photostream or on your hard drive. Not as easy as it may seem.


1. Macro
2. Landscape
3. Portrait of a human


4. Steel
5. Leaves
6. Red
7. Number

Another thing they have is a collection of photos you help add to.. photos from everyone for each postcode in their catchment area.

They have photohunts as an outing with a similar list to the above.

Im stoked to have found a couple of groups in my area and plan to go on a field trip with them next weekend.

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