Camera Troubles

June 11th, 2010
My camera stopped working yesterday. In the middle of a cemetary, kinda creepy... like they didnt want their pictures taken lol. Anyways I was hoping maybe someone might know a lot about camera's and might be able to help me figure out the problem.

Its a Samsung SL102 .When it stopped working it was on, but the screen was black (it does that after a minute or so to save battery) I went to turn it off and the lens went back, but not all the way. I thought maybe it froze because it had done something like that before and I just had to take the battery out, put it back in and it was fine. Well this time when I took the battery out and put it back in and hit the power button the lens came all the way out but that was it. The camera didnt turn on. Now it is stuck that way! I tried it again after a little while and when I picked up my camera it felt somewhat hot. I hope something on the inside didnt fry :( So its stuck with the lens open and wont turn on, and I have the battery taken out.

Has anyone had a similar problem before? Does it sound like something that can be easily fixed or do I have to get a new camera? I have only had this camera for a year and I have had others before that lasted much longer but they were kodak.

I am so upset over this because I do not have the extra money to get another camera right now :(
June 11th, 2010
This may sound like a dumb question, but have you tried checking you battery to make sure it is charging (if it is a rechargable) or putting in new batteries? I had a similar problem with a camera once.
June 11th, 2010
lol yes I did check. It has a rechargable battery.... and it had charged yesterday morning so I know thats not the problem. It takes several days of using my camera to run the battery low enough that it will shut off. I wish the problem was that simple though! Thanks :)
June 11th, 2010
Just for the heck of it I just put the battery back in and plugged it in. I hit the power button and the lens went in all the way but then popped right back out and it still didnt come on. :/ Even when the battery has just gotten too low the lens goes in all the way.
June 11th, 2010
From the description it could be a few things, but unfortunately none of them are very good :( First try cleaning the contact in the battery compartment and replacing the battery. If the camera comes on but the LCD screen doesn't take a picture anyway and check it on the computer. It may just be the LCD screen thats broken. If the lens is the main problem then the plastic gears that move the lens may be obstructed or wearing down in which case there's really nothing you can do except replace the camera. If, however, it moves but won't go fully in or out it may have just gotten of track and you can gently force it back to working order. If none of that works you can take it to the camera store and have them check it out but in most cases with that brand it takes about 4 to 6 weeks to get it fixed it's cheaper to replace the camera...I worked in camera repairs for a while ;) I'm sorry it's not working but I hope that helps! Good luck
June 11th, 2010
Jessica, thank you for your reply!

I did try cleaning the battery contact, no luck :( The lens can go in and out all the way but its stopping all the way out, the camera will not stay on at all, just for the second or so it takes for the lens to move. It sounds like I am out of luck. I appreciate your help though!

Ok well I just checked it and now it wont come on at all, and it feels really hot. I really think its done for. Is it bad that I literally want to cry? lol
June 12th, 2010
How old is the camera? If it's still under warantee it might be worth asking Samsung to have a look. It might be worth doing that anyway - it might be cheaper to fix it than replace it.
June 13th, 2010
Rachael it is not covered by warranty anymore unfortunantly.
June 13th, 2010
Sounds like a problem I had a while back... it was a virus that lodged on the memory card and subsequently did it to THREE more cameras in the dealer's. Fortunately the dealer had moved the card from camera to camera! My Canon and three brand new Panasonics all dead!!! quite a line up on the counter.
Canon sent off and was fixed - about £100 sterling in UK. don't know what happened to the Panasonics... imagine they were fixed too.
Memory Card burned!!!!
No problems since. But, like your camera, mine just froze with lens out and nothing responded to any battery moving, cleaning.....
June 14th, 2010
Wow I did not even know that a memory card could get a virus!! Did they tell you how that could happen?

I think I am going to save money to get a new camera instead of having this one fixed because I found a new one I really want hehe. But thank you for the info I will get a new memory card when I get the new camera just incase :)
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