
June 12th, 2010
so, last week my newish (purchased in nov) sony vaio was stolen from my car

so most of my pictures were on there, but luckily a lot of them i had uploaded to flickr, and left the really good fave ones on my memory card....

a good friend of ours gave me an old macbook that he had (just bought his wife a new one, this is her old one) and i'm having a hell of a time uploading pictures from my does not recognize it as a new drive, and it takes forever for iphoto to recognize it, and when it does, it want's to import all the pictures on my card....i already imported like, 900+ when i first hooked it up, but i only now want to upload whatever i've taken that day...but it still wants to take all of them off my gives me the "this file already exists, replace or ignore" type of warning, but then it goes through that for all, so i select ignore all, but it still takes FOREVER
when it shows up in iphoto, i just see the icon for the camera and the number of files on the card....
the other day i was so frustrated i took my camera to work to upload the pictures
i'm really not a mac girl, and i have loaded windows xp onto this thing, but its not connecting through the internet from i'm trying to be a mac person (until i can find an awesome new laptop on sale like the sale when i got mine)
any help with how to get my pictures onto this mac easier would be greatly appreciated
June 12th, 2010
click on the Macintosh HD icon on the desktop, look at the bottom of the window it opens and it should say how many GB is available.. anything less than 12GB and the macbook drags soooo slowly...
June 12th, 2010
Is it worth trying a card reader instead of connecting the camera direct to the mac? It shouldnt download then and you can just drag what you need into a folder or onto the desktop.
and yeah, please check the memory. They get very slow..
Mac's rule tho, lol.
June 12th, 2010
Also there should be a choice on the iPhoto window once you've attached your camera, that enables you to only show photos you haven't downloaded.
June 12th, 2010
@simon- it says i have 51 gb available.....he wiped the laptop before giving it to me, and i had to install the snow leopard os or something (like i said- i don't know macs)

@freida- i would get a card reader, but, i don't really want to go and spend money on peripherals since i hopefully will go and get me a pc laptop eventually- my old one had a built in card reader, but if i can find one pretty cheap, i might just get that

@allison- where would i find this choice? mh has a macbook too (also a hand me down from said friend- he tends to buy a new one every 6 months) and when i hooked up my camera to his, it showed me the actual pictures.....but not on this one....where is this option? i couldn't find anything like that, but i wasn't sure also what i was looking for.....

thanks everyone! i really want to make the best of this situation, but this uploading pictures things has gotten me really frustrated!
June 12th, 2010
51gb - cool, loads of room, thats good.

Maybe a card reader would help, but it sounds like smething isnt running right... it could be that XP doesnt take to iPhoto I guess, but hmm not sure sorry!
June 13th, 2010
Interesting reading since I am thinking about getting a laptop, external hard drive and a negative scanner that would all go together. I have been debating about PC vs mac, but I have only experience with PC. Thanks for this discussion topic.
June 13th, 2010
In the UK (not sure where you are) you can get a card reader for less than a tenner.. and its a handy thing to have, and rarely break! Might be money well spent if it saves you heaps of time and stress levels!
June 13th, 2010
ok so thanks for recommending a card reader
for some reason i had it in my head that it would be a pricey thing, since its an apple, i figured all apple things are pricey
but i was online at target, saw they had one for like $9.99, got there, didn't see that one, but saw one for $5.99, even better!
i just put it in, put the card it, and it recognized it right away, but its still showing me just the total number of pictures, and not the pictures themselves for me to pick from.....i just want to load whatever ones i took yesterday and today!
how do i do that?
thanks everyone!
i'm mac illiterate apparently....but i'm trying
June 13th, 2010
I import photos onto my Mac using Picasa, it takes a minute for it to get all the photos if it's a lot, but that's how I do it. :]
June 13th, 2010
My Nikon D3000 doesn't became a drive when connected to my Macbook, I always use a cardreader :)
June 14th, 2010
Danielle, I'm intrigued to know why you keep your pictures on your memory card once you have uploaded them. I upload mine to a external hard drive on my lap top then delete them from the memory card.
June 14th, 2010
i had saved most of my pictures onto my laptop, and i'm glad i didn't delete all the picutres off the card...i had deleted most off my card, but kept the ones i loved the most...
but now all the pictures i took off my card, are now gone since my laptop was stolen
i didn't think to save them to my external because i didn't think not having my laption was ever an option...i never thought i'd be not be in my posession...

i just downloaded picasa to the mac, hopefully that with the card reader will make it easier....otherwise, i will have to abuse the use of my work laptop....
June 14th, 2010
I use a MacBook Pro (OS 10.5.8), D300, iPhoto '09, and Firewire 800 card reader and have zero problems. I know that doesn't help you, but it's a vote of confidence that it does work. You may want to check your iPhoto > Preferences for your import options. I can't feed you details since I'm guessing you're on an older version of iPhoto. For me I plug in my CF card and it fires up iPhoto and displays just the photos that do not exist in iPhoto. So just the pictures that are new or pictures that I may have deleted from iPhoto, but still exist on the card. At that point I select which photos I want to import or select Import All. Super easy. I shoot RAW too by the way. Good luck! My guess is it has something to do with the iPhoto version you're using. The slow speed might be the age of the Mac. My old Mac was a Powerbook G4 and it really started to crawl, but it was over 5 years old and I was connecting to an external drive to store all my photos. Hope it all works out for ya.
June 14th, 2010
Danielle, all you have to do is open them in preview. Then you can just note down the numbers of the pics you want and drag them onto your desktop. Or you could get something like adobe bridge, there's prob an old version thats downloadable for free. Do you use photoshop on the mac or has it got iphoto?
Good luck!
June 14th, 2010
the macbook itself i think is from 2006.....and they gave me the mac osx snow leopard as the operating system to load do i know what version of iphoto i have?
when i go to the preferences for iphoto, there's no import preferences, unless i go under advanced, and then for import it says- copy files to iphoto library folder when adding to library, and it also has add colorsync profile......both are checked off...
where else would i look or what do i need to pick for it to only show the new pictures? also, i have a few raw pictures on my card and they won't upload to iphoto.....but since i got the card reader, it opens iphoto right up, and it imports the pictures quicker, but still goes through the whole card and asks about the files already imported

also, with preview, does it only show you one picture at a time? on windows, if you click one, you would be able to scroll through all the pictures. on here, you have to click each one individually?
i don't have photoshop, just iphoto, and i just downloaded picasa....i had downloaded gimp on my other laptop, but haven't here yet

thanks for everyone's insight....i'm sure i'm probably making this harder than it needs to be, its probably my subconscious trying to sabotage my attempt to like a mac,,,,,,,
June 14th, 2010
I got rid of my iphoto and cant remember how it works tbh, sorry. Adobe Bridge, although not used for many years, does show them all as little thumbnails, so perhaps see if your computer has that on it, or have a look for a free download.

On your mac as it is now, you can preview as many shots as you like. Open the files in your card icon and you'll see a list of numbers for your pics. You can either click once on a number and drag it down to highlight a clump, or click with the apple key pressed down and while keeping the key pressed down click on any others you like.. then go into "open preview", or you can just click on slideshow which will be available on the card folder you are opening, or just simply press 'Apple o' for open.

You've a much more up to date computer than I have, and I dont have any trouble, touch wood!! lol.
I havent used a windows system in 15 years, and never with photography, so not sure what that had available, but I've not had a computer that was able to just show the most recent pics taken, so not sure what you are after. (In fact, that would annoy me). I just simply look at the dates and know which are new, so I dont look at others. Mac's are very user-friendly, honest lol, and fantastic for photography - they've always been the better of the two computers for art based things....Its just a bit of getting used to?
June 14th, 2010
To determine your iPhoto version just got to iPhoto > About iPhoto. I don't want to confuse matters further, but iPhoto attempts to store photos in its library, which I've had past bag experiences with when it gets corrupted. Also, when you want to edit a photo outside of iPhoto, you have to initiate it from within iPhoto which is a drag. So if you really want to use iPhoto you may want to explore using a referenced library. I did a quick google search and found this that might help: Or you can use Freida's solution. Good luck!
June 14th, 2010
Didn't read through all of this but I just pull my card from my camera and stick it in a reader every time and now that I have the new mac book pro (last mac book pro was 5 years old) the transfer is even quicker with the card reader built in. I have a D90 BTW. Don't use iphoto to store and sort your photos, one false move and all your photos will be gone. If you have adobe bridge it is MUCH safer!
June 14th, 2010
i don't want to show just the most recent pictures taken, i just want it to upload only the most recent pictures taken, without going through the entire card

what is this adobe bridge? its been mentioned more than once...where does one get it?
i'd like to spend as little money possible with this mac, as i don't really plan on keeping it forever (watching the ads for crazy sales or something...its not like i hate the mac, i'm just not used it, and i'm trying to learn, but i'm getting very frustrated...i miss my pc)

again, i thank you all for your help!
June 14th, 2010
The dates, and times on the lists of the pics taken show up, just check that and you wont have to go through the whole card!
Google bridge, and see if there is something free - quite often there is a trial period, perfect if you arent going to keep the mac.
June 15th, 2010
Danielle, I have an iMac and a MacBook and have a card reader for both, but have uploaded directly from my camera. In iPhoto, or the version I have, which is 7.1.5 so I can only give advice based on what I see with mine. When I use the card reader or connect the camera directly iPhoto will open up and all the pics will be visible. If I then want to upload only a few pics I will select them and at the bottom of the screen there is a "button" option where it says "upload selected" which allows you to only upload those you selected. I hope this helps. I have been a Mac guy since '97 and it is all I know, so if you need more info you can email me (yes that is real; an Apple mail account)
June 15th, 2010
when i put the card in the card reader, iphoto opens, but, its still just giving me a camera icon with the number of files on the card, i guess i just need to know how to change it so that the actual pictures show up, not this camera icon with the number of pictures
i'd take a picture and show you, but the battery for my other camera is dead
if i just open iphoto, it will show me all the pictures i've already imported

i downloaded picasa, and was just able to see all the pictures on the card, and select only the ones i want to import

i'm going to figure this stuff out eventually! i feel like its keeping me from taking pictures b/c i'm so annoyed with uploading the pictures
June 15th, 2010
if you don't want to use iphoto just turn it off in the preferences so it doesn't auto open. iphoto will not let you preview your photos without importing them into iphoto.... if you just open your camera off the desktop and make your icons larger you get a small thumbnail or you can view them in the program called "preview" Honestly though loading directly off the camera is slowing you down.

June 15th, 2010
After connecting your camera, (though a card reader would be faster), and iPhoto opens up, try this: go to "file>import". That should open a window where you have to choose where to get the pics to import. You should then be able to navigate to the icon of your camera and hopefully the pics will show up. Then you can select which and how many to import.
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