wet camera

June 13th, 2010
Yesterday I had been taking pictures with my digital point and shoot where I work at a marina, In the (heat) of taking care of a boat that had just come in for gas I had put my camera on top of a bulk ice dispenser. Things after that got very hectect.
Sooooooooooo as a result of everything when I got to work this morning the camera was still where I had put it, oh yes, it was outside. All night, and guess what, it rained most of the night. I thought I was going to be sick. I just picked it up, wiped it off, and took out the batteries. I took off earlier today so I could get home and take care of my little camera baby. I took off one little cover that was on the camera, then put in in our oven at around 125* it was in there for about 4 hours. When I took it out I let it cool down for about an hour, put the batteries in and it works just fine now. But now I think, if it hadn't come back to life I would have had a good excuse to get another camera
June 13th, 2010
Eep! I would have freaked out! That's a pretty cool story, though! :D If it had been me, I would have either
a) put the camera in rice, I heard that works with cell phones
b) put the camera in the oven and forgotten it, melting it until it was crispy. d:
I'm glad you're camera's working!!
June 13th, 2010
You're very lucky, I'd hold onto that one, it sounds like it might have as many lives as a cat!

I had a digital camera a few years ago that I took to a swimming carnival. It got one drop of water on the lens and then died completely, so I find it amazing that your camera still works!
June 13th, 2010
Great story, Richard. I never would have thought of the oven-- good idea.
June 13th, 2010
Richard you are one hell of a lucky Guy. So happy to hear you have your 'baby' back working.,
@ Stephanie Clark You broke me up LOL
@ Elo sounds pretty sad and a rip off from where you bought it.
@ Marti no way would I have put my or part in the oven. You learn something every day.
June 13th, 2010
That's so lucky! It helps that it was fresh water though. Salt kills anything.
June 13th, 2010
Good tip for if anything like this happens again:

1. Get the batteries out immediately, don't turn it on.
2. Drop it in a container of rice and store somewhere not too cool. Rice will quickly absorb all the water and vapor.
3. Leave it in for a while (day or more)
4. Pop in batteries again and cross your fingers ;-)
June 14th, 2010
haha good story!

I never thought of putting it in the oven. I try to be really careful with my camera and other electronics near water. But alas, accidents do happen.

Good tips! I'll definately keep those at the back of my mind if something happens :) thanks!

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