Loooooooooong EXPOSURES

November 14th, 2011
I can't exactly remember when it happened. I can't remember where I was. I'm sure I had a look on my face something like this O_O. But one day, somehow, I realized: the world looks different at night.

I know. Shocking! Rocked my world. I think I was about two at the time. And it was probably a Tuesday.

I'm continuing my little series of different types of night photography this week because us simple folk in the northern hemisphere are stuck with less daylight and more of that black crap that blocks the sky (but makes the stars looks all shiny).

I especially feel sorry for my UK friends. During my week there this summer I actually had a rather difficult time sleeping. The sky was still lit up until nearly 11PM each night and then dawn reared its ugly head by around 4:30AM. I couldn't handle that. I imagine it's the opposite now. I just can't handle that. I'm pretty sure I"m part plant; I need sunlight to live. Either that or I'm really Superman.

Despite the obvious of how landscapes and locations look different at night you also are presented with a better opportunity to experiment. Long exposures can create motion blur from rushing water, people walking, and create interesting textures in the sky. And: it's easy. All you need is a tripod, use your self-timer to prevent camera shake, and away you go.

Show us your long exposure shots. Note: don't post light trails since that was yesterday's thread, even though light trails are long exposures. By my definition, I say a long exposure as any shot with a shutter speed of one second or longer.
November 14th, 2011

November 14th, 2011
This is one of my longest at I think about 15 minutes? I have a 30 minute one that I didn't get around to posting. And yes, it has star trails in it - which count as light trails. But I didn't post in that thread, so.....yeah.
November 14th, 2011
Oh, and this one's a little experiment I was doing with daytime long exposure. I need an ND filter
November 14th, 2011
i don't think i know how to do this on my camera...i've got a panasonic lumix ft3 - any tips? or i could go and look at the manual...
November 14th, 2011

this one is a little experiment, i shot this at F3.5, ISO 3200, 30 secs

November 14th, 2011
Kind of annoyed me because the boat was rocking slightly so it's a little blurry.

November 14th, 2011
@pwallis Remember the part where I said "night photography?" Like...a thousand times? And then you post a daytime long exposure? You could not be more lame haha.

That looks like a great attempt, but you need an ND filter! I wish I lived near rivers like that cause I would love to shoot long exposures of them all day long.

The starry night looks awesome, too. I'm doing that later this week. I hope to find a nice, dark beach nearby and either shoot star fields or full star trails.
November 14th, 2011
I have 3 from way earlier in my year, man I've got to try some more of these again.

November 14th, 2011
@jasonbarnette no, I didn't read that part, lol. I just saw loooooooooong exposures and then assumed the rest was about your awesome-inity (new word!). Yeah, I discovered the only lens I had that worked well for daytime long exposures was my macro, in a heavily shadowed situation. Not super happy with the shot, but it was a learning experience.
November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
This is an indoor long-exposure taken during daytime...

So, if that doesn't count I got two more taken at night:

For the last one I actually tried to take a good shot of the fountain in the background but then really liked how these two guys seem to be disapparating (I'm a Harry Potter geek...)
November 14th, 2011
So here's another NIGHT shot for you then:)
November 14th, 2011
My first real attempt at night shooting, from way back. Just pretend you don't see the light trails.
November 14th, 2011

November 14th, 2011
Been doing quite a lot recently, now that I've got a tripod!
November 14th, 2011
TWENTY seconds! :oD

Three seconds:

Ten seconds:
November 14th, 2011
Hijack the thread much? lol.
November 14th, 2011
@mej2011 I do my best:)
November 14th, 2011
@mej2011 Not possible to hijack one of my threads.
November 14th, 2011
Is that a challenge?
November 14th, 2011
@mej2011 Nope. Threat :P
November 14th, 2011
I'm so scared. What are you gonna do , not answer my message on facebook?
November 14th, 2011
@mej2011 Hahaha. Ouch. Yeah I'm still getting around to that. I blame it on cute people who distract me for hours and then I suddenly realize I had work to do! And no...I'll probably just damage your eyesight with another shadow photo bwahaha
November 14th, 2011
No worries. You're too busy, you're too busy.
November 14th, 2011
@mej2011 I'm working on a response right now. It's long haha.
November 14th, 2011
My only one with my p&s.

November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011

November 14th, 2011

November 14th, 2011
The beach about 10min from where I live (30sec exp)

My daughter(s) (15sec exp)
November 14th, 2011
This pic of Her Majesty is on the short end of long exposure - only one second. I took this in my bedroom, which was actually quite dim at the time - I have black curtains and the shades were drawn. :) I can't believe she actually held still.

November 14th, 2011
@jasonbarnette : Looks like you're hijacking your own thread. Is that even possible?
November 14th, 2011
Mine :o)

November 14th, 2011
This one was a 4 second shutter speed. I had the two women run out of the frame after 2 seconds to create the ghostly effect.

This was 3 images at 4 seconds, then stitched together to create the panoramic.
November 14th, 2011
@jannaellen It's possible because I am just *that* awesome.
November 14th, 2011
Hong Kong:
And Amsterdam:
November 14th, 2011
Great thread Idea! I loved seeing everyones work :)

November 14th, 2011
@jasonbarnette @jannaellen
Nope, I'm stealing it again. :)
November 14th, 2011
Are you reading my mind Jason?!
On the way home tonight I decided I would do a long exposure of the oak tree outside my house.
I took it, uploaded it and then saw your topic!

November 14th, 2011
@emmar84 Oh wow! This is STUNNING! You said night time long exposure and then I'm guessing you rendered it in B&W and then inverted the colors? Or IR? This is amazing.

And also: I'll be doing a night-time B&W later this week as part of my Night Photography Series. So...reading your mind? OK. Just don't read mine :P
November 14th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Thank you Jason, you got it in one. It's a 30 second exposure converted to b&w and then the colours were inverted.
Becuase of the street lights on our road the original picture had an unhealthy yellow/orange hue.

If you insist on reading my mind can I advise you to keep out of the section marked work, there are some pretty odd tales in there and many will make you feel ill. You've been warned :)
November 14th, 2011

November 14th, 2011
@mackena i love the ghost photo idea!
November 14th, 2011
A few of my most recent ones... I try to take one or two a month.

November 14th, 2011
I think this was 8 sec exposure...

November 14th, 2011

30 sec exposure...thats prob why the moon is a lil bit blurred :)
November 14th, 2011

November 14th, 2011
0.5 sec so not that long and it wasn't at night, but hey I'm posting it anyway

November 14th, 2011
November 14th, 2011
@jasonbarnette tell me about living in the UK and near the Scottish Borders...Monday to Friday now kind of my only option...

6 seconds

30 seconds

5 seconds

15 seconds
November 15th, 2011
@bmnorthernlight Huh? Haha. I must be tired.
November 15th, 2011
my favorite thing to do with a camera ..... long exposure.

November 15th, 2011
Everyone's long exposure is so beautiful. Great work everyone, very inspirational and wonderful photographs!

Here's mine-
November 15th, 2011
Had a "creative shutter speed" assignment this week. I really need to find a place with less light on the other side of the street to shoot these kind of shots, but I liked this one.

November 15th, 2011
Not nearly as nice as the previous entries, but this was my first shot at this. I'll keep working on it!
November 15th, 2011
21 seconds, taken this evening.

November 15th, 2011

November 15th, 2011
November 15th, 2011

November 15th, 2011
though i have quite a few i really like these two the most.

this one is probably my longest at 10 minutes

this is a 4 minute shot

November 15th, 2011
30 seconds

November 15th, 2011
Here is a new one I just shot this morning - 8 seconds...

November 15th, 2011
this one was really loooong.... 6 seconds!

November 15th, 2011
One from yesterday:
November 15th, 2011
14483 sec (About 4 Hours)

183 Seconds

172 Seconds

November 15th, 2011

November 15th, 2011
I just did my first long exposure experiments tonight!

November 16th, 2011
These are impressive! How do you guys do this?
November 16th, 2011
here are some of my favs!

November 16th, 2011
I lasted 25 seconds on this one:

November 16th, 2011
Here is one of my recent favorites, I was in Niagara Falls for a couple of days and took this one. It is 30 sec exp.

November 16th, 2011
Here's my first attempt at star trails - 88 * 30 second exposures, stitched together, total of 44 minutes exposure.

A two second exposure of my daughter and I watching fireworks:

And a 90 second exposure of a light show in Brisbane:
November 16th, 2011
November 16th, 2011
This one is kinda growing on me.

November 17th, 2011
306 secs Just long enough for the train to pass:
November 17th, 2011
Last one, I promise. :)

November 17th, 2011
Adding mine from last night, 'cause I'm super psyched about it:

November 17th, 2011
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