Help: Macro Extenstion Tube

June 15th, 2010
Hey Guys

Does anyone have any advice or experience with macro extension tubes? Im still quite the novice with my gear and cant figure out why I cant get it to focus.. at all.
Using it with the 18-55mm lense that came as part of the twin lense kit with my Canon 450D.

I put it together as I imagine it should go .. which could be my problem right there lol.
Also I went el cheapo on ebay due to lack of funds but lots of enthusiasm...

Any ideas?
June 15th, 2010
You're focusing manually right? AF won't work with an extension tube...
June 15th, 2010
yep was on manual focus.

So tube to camera...lense to tube...manual focus.. lense at 55mm manually adjust focus on lense...

no joy
June 15th, 2010
HA HA! I got it...
I the extension tube has 3 rings.. using all 3 rings you have to get right up 2cm from the subject to get it to focus..

Im off to find my tripod lol
June 15th, 2010
Reid, thats incorrect. It may have to do with which extension tube you purchase but my Canon EF 25 ii extension tube auto focuses just fine.
June 15th, 2010
I think there are a couple of different types. Mine wont work on auto focus.
June 15th, 2010
I probably came across looking like i expect yours to auto focus haha.

I figure there are many that wont auto focus but I know some do so i thought i'd say something :)
June 15th, 2010
I was coming to say to make sure you are getting close enough LOL. I had a set of 4 screw on macro filters before I got my real macro lens. They worked great and I was happy I got them before I spent the money on a good one. They took some wonderful pictures!
June 15th, 2010
"I was coming to say to make sure you are getting close enough LOL."

i agree 110%!

That threw me off something serious when i first tried out my extension tube haha.
June 16th, 2010
LOL Mark.. it did take a bit of fiddling and im not where near expert.. but im getting the hang of it. Ive posted a few already in my albums
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