Is there life after 365?

June 16th, 2010
Forgive me if this has been posted before in the past, but I was wondering if anyone ever does this project more than once?
I find it equally enjoyable and a bind that have to come up with images, but I'd like to see it through. Problem is that its become so much of a part of my every day (or almost every day) that I will miss it when its over!!

Would anyone do this again or would it lose its magic?!
June 16th, 2010
I think a project every year would be interesting....I have seen others on here state that they have tried in the past, never seen it through, or that this is their second or third etc.

As for getting a picture, there certainly are days when I struggle, but I try not to let it occupy my entire life, sometimes the best pictures are those that you get by accident.

I am hoping that I will continue on with this project until it no longer exists. Can't wait to see what people shoot next.
June 17th, 2010
I think that taking a daily photo has already become ingrained into my life. It can be taxing a times, but I love the new perspective it has given me of the world around me. It's been a great way for me to inject creativity into life and to force me to get good use out of my camera. :D Why stop at 365? :D
June 17th, 2010
I'm about to finish up 6 consecutive years doing photo-a-day... I've just passed 2100 days. (I started September 6th, 2004).

There's a guy on flickr who started in 1989 without missing a day. He's at 7800 days or so. -
June 17th, 2010
I'm with you! I dont EVER want to stop at 365..I love the is something I enjoy doing and dont ever want to stop. theres always NEW photos added everyday that I would miss seeing and I would miss the friends I made and have grown so close too :( I cant stop. I WONT! ;) at least I hope I never will...I was wondering the same thing...if you could continue this thing...thanks for asking :)
June 17th, 2010
I agree! I love taking photos, I think it has really become a big part of my llife.
June 17th, 2010
I am only 70 something in and I am anxious about the end. this question has gone through my mind a ton of times. I love NEEDING to look for motivation when I don't have it and finding inspiration where there would normally be none.
June 17th, 2010
I have wondered about this myself.... I have told my husband that I will not know what to do with myself once this project is over hehe. I am so used to having to find my picture of the day! I agree that it is sometimes challenging but I know I will be glad to have those pictures to look back on. I think I am going to keep doing it as long as I can and make a book of pictures from every year :)
June 17th, 2010
I don't think I could stop, this has become such an important part of my day. The creative challenge and the wonderful people on here, not to mention all the wonderful photos from around the world, has become such an integral part of my life, I can no longer imagine it not being there.
June 17th, 2010
i love this project. it has become an integral part of my day as well. i'm currently documenting my 30th year. would love to focus more on the art of photography next year..y'know studying light, shadows, textures, angles, etc...
June 17th, 2010
I was wondering too. I want to keep going. My photos have improved loads and I love doing it.
June 17th, 2010
I will complete my 365 on July 4th. I am planning on a second year. I am a novice and it has taken a whole year on learning how to use my camera in different situations. Now I look forward to working on improving the compositions of my photos. I have formed such a habit of carrying my camera, I would miss it to much.
June 17th, 2010
In two days I'll let you know :)
June 17th, 2010
Yes, I think I'll continue... maybe allow myself more flexibility next year, but this year I'm on a personal challenge to take and upload every day. There might be days later in the summer when I'll have to take pictures but then have to store them until I'm near internet access....
June 17th, 2010
When this project is over I doubt I'll be taking a photo a day, but because of my new perspective on the things around me I think I'll naturally be taking regular photos. I've only done this project for one month, but I already find it a little taxing sometimes when you don't have much time in the day. Conversely, when I have taken my photo, if I'm pleased with it I do get a real sense of satisfaction.
June 17th, 2010
My life is extremely busy, and yes, there are days when I have no time to photograph the things or places I want. It has been along time since I have found anything that consumes me as much as 365, it is a healthy addiction though.
This is also something that I am not naturally good at, so I have to learn. I love looking and learning off others strengths and weaknesses.
365 is something I will do as long as I am committed!!
June 17th, 2010
OH No, how could we contemplate ever stopping this now. I want to go back & fill in the early couple of months that I wasn't on here but was taking photos as I have done for years. But I am happy just to fill in any gaps, if that is ok with the world, 365ers & the owner.
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