I'm a month behind and need ideas for catching up :)

June 17th, 2010
I recently started going to the gym, which has been wonderful, but has been taking up a lot of my spare time. I'm a month behind in my photos :( and I was hoping for ideas to help me catch up! Are there any themes you can suggest that would help me get back on track?!
June 17th, 2010
hmmm.... there's always the alphabet haha
or numbers....or colors....
If I were you I would take some pictures that I had taken in the past (that I havnt uploaded yet), edit those, and then add them :) with whatever space you dont have left you could do the alphabet, number, or color idea...OR you could do a portrait of everyone in your family...or your pets...or...yea I dont have anymore ideas...but I'm sure youll find something :)
June 17th, 2010
I'm doing a series about things that make me happy, maybe you could try that?
I don't really know, I just take photos of pretty much everything around me.
June 17th, 2010
I was going to suggest the alphabet, numbers, colors, etc but it seems Lauren beat me to it :) What Stephanie suggested is also a good idea I think.

I usually take a lot of pictures throughout the day of what im doing, where im at, something I cooked, something important to me, or something just pretty, etc and at the end of the day I pick the one I like the best to upload.
June 17th, 2010
was gonna suggest the alphabet, too!
June 17th, 2010
you could choose a specific object that you can carry with you places and take a different photo of it everyday for the week, i am doing that this week as i have a busy week, and it is great because you can plan your ideas in advance, and know what you are going to do every day.
June 17th, 2010
I've been going to the gym too and having the same issue but have done a few fitness related photos that have gotten a lot of positive feedback. I just try to integrate my life as much as I can so that I am not having to take time to create and set up too many shots. Also, clouds. When in doubt and desperation shoot the sky. =)

here are the ones that the gym inspired. http://365project.org/sassyinthecity/365/2010-06-05 http://365project.org/sassyinthecity/365/2010-06-07 http://365project.org/sassyinthecity/365/2010-06-10 http://365project.org/sassyinthecity/365/2010-06-16
June 17th, 2010
dedicating yourself to the weekly theme is always a good way to get out of your funk. Keeping your camera with you at all times will also help. There are a bunch of great tips and ideas in the Tips * Tricks category as well
June 17th, 2010
things with lines
"insert color here" things
shadows and reflections
a birds eye view
a worms eye view
a cloud, or sky journal...this is how the sky was Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...and so on
action shots, put your camera on continuous shutter clicks and catch someone in mid jump or something in flight, or some other shot that would not be possible in still motion.

My favourite things.....

things that I pass on the way to the gym...
June 17th, 2010
Set aside one day, and take one photograph on the hour, every hour! Go out, explore, bet you'll look at everything different :-)
Good luck in catching up, be fun am sure whatever you decide to do.
June 17th, 2010
try not to see it as a burden! if anything... missing a few days just means you have more opportunity to upload if you come across a place worth photographing!

take a day off on the weekend or something and travel somewhere beautiful that you haven't been before, maybe with a friend or something. seek out interesting places and things and then you'll catch up in no time!
June 17th, 2010
Thank you all so much for your suggestions and encouragement!! I've got a lot of good ideas now, and can't wait to get started! :)
I'll be taking some time off work soon which will definitely help in getting me caught up. And if all goes well at the gym, maybe I'll feel more comfortable doing self portraits haha
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