What does 365 project mean to you?

December 4th, 2011
Ok.So this was not the best year that I had and because of some things I couldn't write like I used to do.365 project started for me only as sth to do in my free time,but then I realized it's more than this,it kinda' became a diary with photos..And it really helped me with expressing my feelings.If I look on a photo from 3 months ago,I can remember what I was doing and how I was feeling then..

So,what does 365 project mean to you?
December 4th, 2011
I started basically so I could comment on my sister's photos and have become obsessed with finding a good shot and all the other activities that go along with that. However, the very best part of it for me is the community! I love the people that I follow and who follow me. They are from all over the world and I cherish the cultural differences I am learning about and experiencing through their photography.
December 4th, 2011
I've used 365 to help improve my work. I look back on January's shots and I have to admit that I'm slightly embarrassed by many of them. Back then, I was more into the "let's make sure I take at least one shot each day" mode.

I still take at least one shot each day, but that's really a misnomer. I take close to 100 each day and some days many more. A simple walk around the neighborhood can yield 30 shots easily, usually more.

My view of my 365 project has evolved. I used to view it as an on-line diary. That quickly changed to its current use as a way to get me to view the world differently. I see things and immediately wonder how I can coax an image out of it. I didn't use to think that way.
December 4th, 2011
I joined after my friend showed me the site and with no idea what kind of project I was going to do....it has given me a reason to create 'little sketches' during a period where I haven't had time to create my normal Artwork.
December 4th, 2011
I joined at the begnning of this year after I got my first DSLR. I wanted to do a daily photo diary so I could learn the ropes of photography and document a year in my life. An internet search brought me to this website so I thought, why not? What I did not anticipate is the relationships I have built with others on this site and the ability to interact with people from all over the world. The majority of the folks on here are just so darned nice! I even had the opportunity to have dinner with another 365er I didn't know before. As my project is nearing the end of its first year, I know I'll be doing this for round two. It's corny, but I can't imagine a day without my 365 friends!
December 4th, 2011
I was having a hard time to come up with creative images. I would look at other photos and be like, wow that is really creative. How did they think of that. So my 365 is all about me flexing my creative muscles. To help me do that I am photographing the same subject for the whole project. My subject is a small aqua colored bottle. I know what your thinking, (a bottle,how boring is that going to be?). It is not as boring as it sounds (well ok maybe some days), but I have managed to keep it pretty fun and creative so far. 365 is helping me gain a new way to think creatively. I am really enjoying it so far.
December 4th, 2011
My 365 project started out as a way for me to document the sights and seasons around my little home in the country. I was laid off in March, it's now December and still no job. Working to get it ready to put up for sale. Hate to but have to. At least, I will be able to take some photo memories with me when I leave.

365 also did something I never expected... It inspired me to review all the old film photography techniques I studied in college way back in the late 70s and apply them to digital. It's been a real challenge with some of them like zoning and others, but I'm still working on it.
December 4th, 2011
A girl I know in school had been doing one, and I found 365 on the internet and joined. I didn't really have a goal except to get better, and I have gotten much better (and plan to keep trying to improve). The feedback here is amazing and everyone has been so nice!! I love the comments and critique I can get here that I can't get anywhere else. It's a bit like a diary to me too, only more visual. I love it here!!
December 4th, 2011
My 365 began as an introduction to photography and it quickly grew into a daily lesson - techniques, processing, composition.. all that good stuff. Then as the months literally
F L E W by and the lessons and creativity slowed, other parts of my life sped up and where I first found it too easy to take a photo everyday it suddenly seemed more like a chore.
So my project morphed into something entirely opposite of what it started as, and now it has changed once more. It has become a determination to prove to myself that I can finish what I started. I've been very on and off these past few months but with the new year around the corner I'm going to put all my efforts into a new start and completing the full 365 days that I signed up for.
December 4th, 2011
well, my shrink adviced me to do so-----for FUN and to release my ANXIETY ---hAhA!!:) and he's right,i'm having the time of my life....!
December 4th, 2011
@jodimuli he must be a cool shrink:d
December 4th, 2011
It means a lot to me... when I started it was just a form of reducing stress keeping focus on something that was totally unrelated to my work or lifestyle.
After a while I started to notice that I was seeing the world in a different way... suddenly I started to pay attention to even the ugly things. I was more relaxed, more focused, and specially more determined because I´ve set a goal of completing the project.
My idea is to register with one image something about my day. I noticed that this way my improvement is fabulous. Now I have to take pics even when there is nothing really interesting to photograph... bad weather, good weather... cool subject, whatever you have you need to be creative.

The project is rocking my world!!! I love it and now I have set the goal that once I complete the first year I will upgrade to ACE.
December 5th, 2011
It means a creative outlet, it means exploring a whole other world I never would have discovered... it means happiness. :D
December 5th, 2011
I just started my project two weeks ago. I LOVE photography, but was finding that work and other things were getting in the way of me taking photos. I wanted a way to make sure I go out every day and keep learning and getting better at my craft. So far so good! I also want each photo to tell a story about what I did that day.
December 5th, 2011
What does 365 project mean to you?

~self expression ♥
December 6th, 2011
365 means everything to me! I really didn't think it would actually mean so much. I don't even remember why I took on the project and how I even heard about it in the first place!
This year has just totally flown by, yeah I've had a fair share of crappy days, but it doesn't matter, I think the idea is to document your day in some way, shape or form and of course to learn about photography too! The 365 community are totally awesome as well. I feel so inspired looking through peoples work. Ideas and different approaches to subjects I'd have never thought of myself. I remember when I was first introduced to bokeh through the 365 community. Had so much fun with that! I sometimes feel we try so hard to have a perfect picture everyday, when really, that isn't the point.
I think I'll be taking a small break once this year is finished and then continuing on to another. 44 days to go...
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