Minolta SRT 202

June 20th, 2010
I found this fantastic Minolta SRT 202, but I have NO idea how it works. I should start by telling you that I'm still very new to manual mode on my digital (I have a terribly hard time understanding shutter speed/aperture/etc) and the settings on this camera, obviously, require some knowledge of these things. Is there anyone out there who can help me get started? It would be greatly appreciated!

Here's a link to what the camera looks like...

June 20th, 2010
I actually think shooting on a film camera like that is so much easier than a digital camera.
And I say this because slr camera's have the light meter. So to be able to take pictures at the right shutter speed + aperture:
First make sure there is a working battery in the bottom of the camera.
Then play around with it without film in it. Get a feel how the aperture and shutter speed work together.
When you use the light meter and you are ready to take your shot (or when pretending to take a shot to get a feel for the camera) the line in the light meter should be in the center. If the line is too high up the photo will come out over exposed. If the line is under the center your photo will come out underexposed.

I hope this helps! =)
June 20th, 2010
Here is a link to the manual: http://ca.konicaminolta.com/support/manuals/film-cameras/film_mf_slr/sr_t202/SR-T_202.pdf
The page takes a little while to load, but you can download it to your computer. I have the Minolta slr 101. I bought it new in 1973 and it never takes a bad photo. I've had offers for it, but no way I would part with it. Congratulations on the new to you camera. I know it will bring you years of great memories. Can't wait to see your photos.
June 20th, 2010
Ive got a SR T303 and I love it. My light meter is broken so there's a bit of guess work involved but its a really good way to get used to using manual and film is pretty forgiving when making mistakes. good luck!!
June 20th, 2010
If you aren't sure of how to use it buy expired film, is a lot cheaper and it's quality it's almost identical to not expired film
June 20th, 2010
Wow! Thank you guys for all of the advice! It REALLY helped me a lot. I also took the camera to my grandfather today (who knows a lot about photography) and he helped me as well. Most of my problems revolve around understanding shutter speed/aperture, but I *think* I'm slowly getting the hang of it!

Chris--There are no batteries in this camera...it's entirely manual, which is why I am completely confused! I'm not quite sure how to ask this, but I'm going to try: With the light meter--is it supposed to be centered with the center circles? Or centered within the dark brackets?
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