How do you feel about being the subject?

June 21st, 2010
As opposed to the photographer? Just a thought that popped into my mind earlier as I was on my balcony and I saw a flash go off and suddenly felt very paranoid. How do you all feel about it - do you prefer to be behind the camera or do you embrace being a part of another person's art?
June 21st, 2010
I like being in pictures.

But alas, I really suck at taking self-portraits.
June 21st, 2010
I'd rather be taking it than be in it, but, if nothing else, doing this and "having" to do some self portraits at various points has helped make it less of an issue.
June 21st, 2010
I sometimes don't mind depends, But i'm very shy and have very little confidence, I prefer to be behind the lens!
June 21st, 2010
I'm not a big fan of being in front of the lens... i'd much rather be behind the camera and i'm sure many people would thank me for not being in front of it too :)
June 21st, 2010
I definately prefer being behind the camera, instead of in front of it.
June 22nd, 2010
I much prefer being behind the camera. I never feel like I photograph well, and like Naomi, I'm not exactly the most confident person so I'm just much more comfortable behind the camera.
June 22nd, 2010
Umm, well, people take my picture quite a bit, at gigs... Doesn't really bother me! "Posed" shots - photoshoots, family album things, and so, are a bit weird though...
June 22nd, 2010
Today was my day to be the photographed instead of the photographer (times 8)
I much prefer being on the other end of the lens.
June 22nd, 2010
I've never really been a subject in a proper photo shoot. I wouldn't mind it - it would be an interesting experience. But I much prefer being behind the lens. :D
June 22nd, 2010
I don't really like having my picture taken, unless for some reason I feel like I look really nice that day or it's a special occasion (graduation or something). Most of the time I would much, much rather be the one taking the picture!
June 22nd, 2010
First, see my avatar. behind the camera definitely...except that I hate being the one with the camera when someone is telling me what to take pictures of. This happens at family gatherings; if you want pictures of those things, bring your own camera and use it! And they expect me to make them copies...uh, those cost money?
June 22nd, 2010
Personally, I like being in charge of the photo, but I was often the subject of my dad's photography when I was growing up, and later I had a b-f who was an artist & photographer. I've tried to teach Ken what I know about composition, and he's learning well, but I'm often critical of myself in photos (aren't we all?) All that said, I'm better behind the camera, and I probably take 1000 of my own before there's one of me...

I admire the heck out of all of you who take sensational selfies! Time and again I'm so impressed with how well you compose your pictures and create an artistic image. My hats off to all of you!!!
June 22nd, 2010
I hate being in pictures. I'm not at all photogenic and am far too self conscious to enjoy being photographed.
June 22nd, 2010
I hate it! I use my camera as a shield most of the time! I almost feel invisible to the rest of the world as long as I am the one taking the pictures. On the opposite side of the lens my nerves get the best of me!! lol It is such a tiny little thing to hide behind, but it feels like a safe place for me!
June 22nd, 2010
I think my profile pic says it best...I prefer to hide behind the lens. And if i do show my face, and I get to...I process the heck out of the picture.
June 22nd, 2010
who... me?

attention seeker?

pfft... never!
June 22nd, 2010
it's a mixed bag for to have shots of myself participating in various activities, playing with my son, hanging with family/friends...but can't take a decent self-portrait to save my life...not sure why that is...and feel too self conscious to ask someone else to shoot me (with a camera that is :P)...absolutely understand your feelings...think i would respond the same way!
June 22nd, 2010
I hated having my profile captured, THEN I got a nose job. Now I just expect to preview the product and retain rights of veto if need be :-/
June 22nd, 2010
I'd rather be taking the photo than in the photo. I'm camera shy.
June 22nd, 2010
I don't mind as long as I have final approval and I was told first!
June 22nd, 2010
i dont mind if im in a photo, but im good at avoiding it with out saying no- i am defiantly a full fledged photographer...always taking the photos but never in them!
June 22nd, 2010
I had to give up my self portrait 365 because I was really struggling with taking photos of myself. I have a sense of dread when I get emails saying someone has tagged me in photos on facebook etc. I think it's more to do with my hang ups than anything else. I don't mind photos being out there of me, I just don't want to see them! On a related note, it's funny how you can see photos of yourself in different lights, I looked at a photo of myself 6 months ago and I feel I look better in it than when I last looked at it 3 months ago.
June 22nd, 2010
just as long as I dont have to do the fake smile and "get closer" rubbish!! Much prefer to be the taker!!
June 22nd, 2010
I don't mind having my photo taken, not at all actually. A couple of times I've noticed strangers taking photos of me (often Asians and mostly Japanese people...) I always try to play along and just keep doing my thing and letting them get their shots. When doing that I feel like I somehow pay back a little of all the MANY times I've taken pictures of strangers when I've been traveling :)
And to Emma, I love it when someone tags me on facebook - I get all excited :) I then sometimes untag myself if I look dreadful or if I'm in a too compromising situation Ha ha!
I actually often don't look very good in photos, I'm not super photogenic, but I've learned that if I don't keep trying (to do self-portraits and also letting people take photos of me) I'll definitely never get any good photos of myself. Before I started this project I didn’t really have any good up-close photos of myself, and now I feel like I do – that is a nice feeling! :)
June 22nd, 2010
I did 6 months of the self portrait 365 project and I'm probably less comfortable people taking photos now than I was at the beginning :( I think a lack of feedback on flickr doesn't help either, no matter how you feel about yourself you can only jump to the worst conclusions!
June 22nd, 2010
I do not like my picture taken... I often find myself offended though of people who won't let me take their picture... my excuses: i'm not comfortable with myself and find excuse after excuse to not allow my picture to be taken. Some people get lucky and about 5 times a year a picture is taken. One of my photograhper friends keeps trying to take my picture and something always happens... last night, my flash went off at exactly the same time he was taking my picture and all you can see is flash and not me :) Funny... Maybe some day I'll get over it....
June 22nd, 2010
I'm not photogenic.
June 22nd, 2010
my not wanting to be in the camera has more to do with me not being photogenic rather than me wanting to be in charge of the photo.
June 22nd, 2010
I have a hard time with trying to put myself in my pictures too, but then I guess we change too in a year, so we ought to incorporate ourselves.
June 23rd, 2010
I dont mind being in a picture as long as I think I look okay in it, hehe. I am very self conscious I guess.
June 23rd, 2010
I like being in the picture as long as I am the one taking it. That way I know I have my make-up on and my hair combed. lol Kinda weird since I once wanted to be a model. Glad I didn't follow that route. Would have ended badly. haha I guess I just don't like other peoples photos of me.
June 23rd, 2010
I love being both.

Being behind the camera allows me to have full control over everything and I love creating, so it's wonderful.

Being in front with just myself (camera on a tripod kind of thing) is awesome too. Because it harder to capture what I'd be able to capture behind the camera. you know? It's harder to set everything perfectly when you're in front of it.

With regards to someone photographing me- I love it as well. Not in that conceited sense though, I love it in the sense that I like to see what other people create compared to what I'd do.
June 23rd, 2010
I used to hate having my picture taken but time and experience has taught me to get over it. I may feel too this or too that in a photo but I have found time and again that after time has passed I am thrilled to have had the photo after all. I remember feeling HUGE at various points in my life and then looking back and realizing that I would give a limb to look that good again (kidding of course...). You get my point. Time is precious and memories are worth keeping. Even if they feel a bit ackward at the time.
June 23rd, 2010
Dont like it much, so every time I pull a stupid face, so I have a reason to look ugly, lol.
June 23rd, 2010
hate it. that's why i'm at the back of the camera. my shyness turned into a hobby!
June 23rd, 2010
I absolutely prefer to be behind the camera. I hate pictures of my self :-)
June 23rd, 2010
i hate my picture being taken. i'd rather stay behind the camera
June 24th, 2010
I've been camera shy for years. I was overweight for many many years and I never liked seeing the evidence of that in pictures. I'm still picky about the pictures as I have some residual hangups but I am less reluctant than in the past to appear in a picture. If for no other reason as proof positive that I'm smaller now!
June 24th, 2010
I am not particularly photogenic and hate posed shots but have learned to let some pics be taken of me when we are country hoping so it does actually look like I was there. There must be quite a few pics of me and my family in Asian peoples albums/cameras tho and some of them have been posed for after all who am I to say no when I click away myself.
June 24th, 2010
I prefer to be behind the camera.
So there's my motivation to do well at it... then, I can always be the person they want to take pictures vs. being in them :) Don't we all?

Although I have taken some up close of me, but I think that could be because it's easier for me to show some skin than try to get someone else to for a photo (see: my april
June 24th, 2010
I don't like my picture taken at all
June 24th, 2010
Hate it.. thats why I bought a good camera to hide behind
June 24th, 2010
I don't like being photographed because my pictures never look like me. However, that's one thing 365 has done for me--I never, ever tried self-portraits before I started this project, and seeing some of the incredible ones here has made me attempt it. Now, it's almost getting to be a habit. :)
June 24th, 2010
I definitely like being both. I love it when my dad takes pictures on vacation of me and my family...I love looking back on them...but now I usually have the camera and have to ASK him to take pictures...and even then I'm not satisfied. and If you mean dowe like being in by a professional? I've never been in a photoshoot but I think I would like it :)
June 24th, 2010
It used to bother me, but I don't mind either side of the camera anymore. Why have an inferiority complex?
June 25th, 2010
I prefer to be behind the lens, but that's because I think I am very unphotogenic. I like having pictures taken of me, I just rarely think they are any good, and so I don't like them put on display.
June 25th, 2010
I'm comfortable infront of the camera as much as I am behind...
even though it is way more fun being the photographer!! :o)
June 25th, 2010
I'm incredibly awkward infront of the camera, though I am very shy and have very low self esteem... I much prefer to be behind the camera :p
June 25th, 2010
I hate being in photos, personally. I never seem to look the way I feel. That said, I will do a self-portrait if there's nobody else around to pick on and I want to try something out.
June 25th, 2010
It depends how experienced the photographer is. I don't like being photographed by someone who knows little about angles, lighting and all that jazz. I've modelled a couple times and it makes me feel uncomfortable to be honest but I like doing self photography. I feel more comfortable when it's just me and the camera.
I prefer being behind the camera in the end though, I don't have any aspirations of modelling or anything like that...
June 25th, 2010
well it depends on the occasion and what not.
But I much rather like being the one behind the camera and taking the pictures than being in front of it. :)
June 26th, 2010
I'd rather take photos than to be in them...
June 26th, 2010
I really feel awkward being in the photo unless it's a picture I'm taking of myself and I know the exact vision I want and don't have to try and get some kind of direction from someone that won't give it.

In other words, I'm wayyyyy more comfortable behind the camera, unless I'm the one both behind and in front.
June 26th, 2010
It's weird because I like taking photos of other people but if they try, I get a bit put off...
June 26th, 2010
Photos are like nightclubs. Better not to be seen in one after you hit 30. :)
June 29th, 2010
July 4th, 2010
I prefer being the one taking pictures, since it feels that I have control over the results. Sometimes I just can look very awkward when someone tries to take a picture of me... But in important events such as birthdays or parties, I want to be in the photos, because I want to have memories that "I was there" and not missed out!
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