Themes -do you know what's going on.....

October 29th, 2013
There are many themes to keep us all going/inspired - do you know them all? Let's see who can mention (without looking up) those themes that repeat weekly or monthly with subject changes. Off top of my head I've come up with 9, but have 5 lumped under one heading.
October 29th, 2013
rust b&w EOTB some of my favourites :o)
October 29th, 2013
@gozoinklings ah see you have come up with one I left out and 2 I lumped together.
October 29th, 2013
Macro-Monday, GRT, BWW, TBTH, Thank-thurs, Food-Friday, EOTB
October 29th, 2013
dont forget ETOOSI!! lol and Raw-comp
October 29th, 2013
Okay seems many views, few responses ( I'm laid up in bed with back pain so obviously needing to entertain myself). Thanks @kbird61 & @gozoinklings for responding. Off the top of my head we have -
1 - Ross' Weekly Theme - this week is orange
2 - The Daily Themes which include Macro Monday, Gloriously Rusty Tuesday, black and White Wednesday, Throwback Thursday and Food Friday - as Kay mentioned it can also be Thankful Thursday.
3 - There are the 2 mundane challenges - waiting for the new subject to be announced.
4 - there is the technique challenge - not sure of this weeks challenge
5 - there is a camera settings challenge - get off auto mode this week
6 - @bulldogs monthly words challenge - still time to suggest words
7 - the ETSOOI challenge - think its motion this week
8 - the artists challenge
9 - under 18 weekly challenge
10 - get pushed challenge
11 - as mentioned above EOTB - eye of the beholder
12 - a fairly new one is the b2b - back to basics
13 - there is also the group projects that have a weekly theme - check them out @fiveplustwo & the newly formed @theclick
I know I'm missing at least one, but as you can see lots of ideas to inspire and increase your involvement. For more information just use the search bar to pull up the challenges or go to themes and challenges under the discussion heading.

Wowzer did all that with only looking up correct tag (@...) names! Have fun on this awesome site.
October 29th, 2013
@acloserlookpbd ah see there's one I forgot - RAW- comp.
October 29th, 2013
@sianipops That's a helpful list ... thanks for reminding us of all the wonderful themes and competitions going on.
October 29th, 2013
As a newcomer I've found there are a lot of themes and challenges to the point it is actually confusing to keep them straight as to which is which and when they "run". Several also have dependencies on gear, software, or push beyond photography into photo illustration -- the latter of which I have absolutely no interest in. I've kind of been disappointed in that regard and so far have avoided the themes/challenges.
October 29th, 2013
@rellimdj I'm sorry to hear that you are avoiding the challenges - yes all the different dates are confusing, yes there are a few that would require either some equipment or editing but there are a lot that don't. I started this thread as sort of a "what's going on" due to the fact that there are many challenges - there is no requirement to participate, some never do, they are handy when you are stumped/have photo mojo. I have enjoyed some of the challenges but do very little in the way of editing - have Lightroom but have yet to load it! And have to say that my 365 journey has pushed me in such a great way without pushing me towards photoshop so much so that I was able to participate and win in a local instant gratification contest. So enjoy your 365 journey your way - your project, your own rules and I'm sure you will learn so much and like myself and many others look back in awe at what you accomplished by the time you post that 365th shot.
October 29th, 2013
@sianipops Thank you for replying. Although my post follows your posting of the theme/challenge list, due to the timing of posting I hadn't actually seen it until *after* I posted. Having / Seeing them listed out as you have done *really* does help a lot. Also thanks for the encouragement on the project, and I've already seen benefit from it so looking forward to the rest of it. And by the way, please feel better soon! :)
October 29th, 2013
The Wwyd challenge cld be added to your list... Is the click running a challenge? Must chk on that!

Yes - hard to keep em all straight... I keep meaning to put em in a calendar but never find the time - oh well - it's all just for fun and inspiration anyway :)

Hope you feel better soon!
October 29th, 2013
----and let's not forget the "F-word"(febraury)-but that's still 3 months away !!!:)
October 29th, 2013
ons ie. one night stand was a good one only appears randomly though
October 29th, 2013
oh and the album cover challenge, which hasn't been seen for quite a while
October 29th, 2013
and tag challenge LOL
October 29th, 2013
@northy well it says come join us, not sure now if they mean come and look at our work or join our weekly theme - they do have a weekly theme (spooky this week). Back must be getting better going by my sense of frustration :)
@jodimuli 😻lol.
@kali66 see I knew there were ones I was forgetting, I thought of the album cover challenge but hadn't seen it for a while other than a get pushed challenge. I have loved the ONS challenges, is that an @chewyteeth one? ( if it's you, c'mon you are missed). Tag challenges are still popping in, another one I haven't tried.
October 29th, 2013
@rellimdj 😊well that made me smile, good to hear that my thread has helped somewhat. If you'd like more information on any of the challenges let me know.
October 29th, 2013
The challenges are great - and I only noticed the daily challenges a couple weeks ago ! My fav is the EOTB challenge, but I enter a few others. Always fun to keep the ideas in mind when looking for something to photograph. Thanks for the list.
October 29th, 2013
One night stand is set by @orangecrush - really busy just now but I could kind of use the distraction if a ons
October 29th, 2013
Calling out to you @orangecrush ~ your one night stands are missed! - oh lord please don't anyone take that the wrong way! @northy can you just imagine the wrong take on my comment?
October 29th, 2013
@sianipops yep! Let's start some rumours ;D
October 29th, 2013
specially if you have a crush on him in orange theme week lol @sianipops
October 29th, 2013
@kali66 @northy thanks ladies for making me lol! Kali your comment may inspire a nice shot for our @orangecrush!
October 29th, 2013
@kali66 @northy @sianipops My ears are ringing! ;o) I love it when I hear my One Night Stands are enjoyed! When your gone before morning it's hard to get feed back! :o)
I've been having computer problems but I think I finally have a grip on things! What better way to celebrate...hmmm!
October 29th, 2013
don't know why I got pasted in this chat but I'm up for a one night stand!
October 29th, 2013
Yeah!! The crush heard us! :) hopefully it's good ringing Jerry! @orangecrush @northy @kali66
October 29th, 2013
@chewyteeth because I was wrong on who started ONS, but figured it was either you or Jerry and didn't bother to check my memory with a search. @orangecrush you've been missed and we would appreciate a new ONS soon, pretty please!?? With cherries on top!
October 29th, 2013
It was! Funny, those sayings always remind me of my grandpa! Always had one for every situation! @sianipops
October 29th, 2013
@orangecrush lol, I'm feeling old with my blackout but to be saying things that remind you of your grandpa, yikes! I'd better get some youthful slang going!
October 29th, 2013
Lol!! I was talking about my old timer slang! :D
October 30th, 2013
Hi Joey! I saw you posted a reply in this thread and take the opportunity to ask you what happened to your latest posts and winning shots: your project is stuck at 9/11 (mmmm, bad date!!!). Am I missing something? Why have you disappeared? I'd really like to've been missed. :((
October 30th, 2013
yeah, what Mara says @jodimuli or are you waiting for the F-word? Better not, that's too far away.
October 30th, 2013
@jodimuli Yay! Just had to say howdy you. Miss U terribly. :(
October 30th, 2013
@orangecrush Oh, please, oh please, baby please, give us another ONS!!! My fav of all challenges. It was the first time I started to really learn my camera. Would love to end my year with ONE MORE! :)
October 30th, 2013
@sianipops This is a great list. Was just thinking the other day I have no idea what is going on. I'll have to bookmark this one. This place is so inspiring!
October 30th, 2013
@sianipops wow, Nia, I didn't realise there were this many challenges! I think that's great. The more challenges the better. Let that creativity flow and participate or not :) super site and such wonderful inspiring community!
Good luck with your back!
November 1st, 2013
@jodimuli Joey! Where are you? Your project has disappeared. Miss you dear friend. Do hope all is okay ...
November 1st, 2013
@sianipops the weekly theme and b/w wednesday are what i remember.
November 4th, 2013
@jodimuli miss you :0(
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