Six Word Story 32--Starts today!

June 11th, 2015
Thanks so much for squeaking my frog prince shot into the top spot. Joey's awesome title made it. What fun to host!

To begin.....
Joey (@joemuli) started the six word story challenge and there are many of us out there who get well and truly into it - for number 32 the dates will be

Start - today Thurs. 11th June
End - Thurs 18th June

The idea is simple. Come up with six (6) words. Put them together to make up a story. Interpret them with a photograph - OR Take a photograph and come up with a six word story to relate to the image.

Photos should be taken within the dates please. Please tag your images "sixws-32".

The images can be on anything (colors, black and white, flowers, pets, selfie, landscape, macro, sports, ICM etc) as long as the 6 word story is there and relates to the images.

Most importantly: HAVE FUN!

If you have never entered this challenge please have a go - I'm looking forward to seeing your super shots and reading your wonderful stories:o). I'm a sucker for a good story.
June 11th, 2015
@joemuli Thanks, got me the win with my frog formerly known as prince:).
June 12th, 2015
@amandal -congrats!:)
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