Toys on 365 - It's Summer!

June 22nd, 2015
Hi, there, guys and dolls! Nature is just beautiful to photograph, isn't it? We could never get tired of it! We enjoyed being out in the wild and by the lake and meeting some new friends in the process.

We are glad that our friend Danny found these 'rooms! Hey Danny, did you look if maybe there were a fairy or two underneath? @lyndemc

We would like to laud our friend Dolly's efforts for climbing that steep hill. Yay you, Dolly! @kiwinanna

We hope you had a tremendous day today and that you took advantage of the longer hours, it being summer solstice and all. That's the good news! The bad news is that the days will be getting shorter starting tomorrow! Yeah! By a nano-second!! :-) But never mind, it means summer has finally arrived. Let's enjoy it for as long as it lasts (and maybe pray for Indian summer days until next March. No, not going to happen? Oh, well!)

Quite timely, our theme this week is all about summer! What fun things do you like to do during the summer? Where is your favourite place to spend the summer days? Do you have any spectacular memories of past summers? Some of us toys have been around forever, that much we know. So please tell us about your summer and we'll tell you about ours! Better yet, ask your human friends to take a photo to remember the season by, and tag us, 365TOYS-SUMMER.

Have a wonderful and wholesome and fun start to summer!

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