Thank you for selecting my photo in the last artist challenge. Lucia was so excited to hear my portrait of her won. Sorry for taking so long to get this new one started.
For the next artist challenge, I've chosen Pierre Choiniere who seems to have an eclectic style and choice of subjects. I am certain there will be something to appeal to a variety of interests. You can see some of his portofolio here : for inspiration
The Challenge:
+ STARTS February 16, 2018 (all time zones considered)
+ ENDS February 28, 2018 (all time zones considered)
+ TAG: ac-choiniere
+ Only photographs taken on or between these dates will be chosen for voting by your peers. Take a photograph that is in the artist's style, or emulate a certain work, or simply be inspired by his work. You may process your photos to emulate the artwork or stay true to your own style of processing.
+ You may enter more than one photo. In each case, however, I would appreciate very much if you would include a link to the photograph(s) that inspired yours.
Also, I encourage you to post your entry/ies in the comments section below to keep this discussion active and to inspire others. To do so, simply click on the button on the right of the star button at the bottom right of your photo’s narrative, copy the Embed Code and paste it on your comment here.
@678tabby @adayinmallacoota @alicenellis @altadc @amyhughes @anazad511 @anbeone @andrewkru @andrina @andycoleborn @angelamartel @annied @aprilmilani @archaeofrog @archielogical @baldsinger @barrowlane @bella_ss @bernicrumb @bill_fe @blahowd @bluebell @blueberry1222 @bonnielark @boxplayer @brianarmoured @brigette @bruni @cameraholic @catwoman2 @cazink @cazla @cdonohoue @cgoose @channelf @charmboxstudios @cimes1 @colie @crewnelson @custodiabaptista @cwebb @dablodger @dejongdd @denvern8v @dextermurray @dh @dibzgreasley @dixon @dmdfday @dollycreek @dtigani @edie @edpartridge @egad @eevarita @elaine55 @elfurth @epcello @flyrobin @francoise @frida @fueast @gamelee @gavincci @genealogygenie @gigiz @giverny @gizzlysghost @golftragic @gozoinklings @graemestevens @grammyn @haze65 @hjbenson @homeschoolmum @hopess13 @houdiniem @irisn @ingrid2101 @janim @jannkc @jankoos @jase_again @jayberg @jesperani @jess1204 @jillianpfennig @jo13 @joemuli @joeyc @joansmor @jocasta @jsw0109 @judithdeacon @judithg @juliac @justaspark @jyakota @kali66 @kamen088 @kcman5 @krisztinalacz @lambda @la_photographic @laynesgram @leonbuys83 @lesleyallen @lindag @lindseying @lillula @lynbonn @lizranger @lleo @louuncouth @snail @fearinnocent @cjpei @mingr @lleo @louuncouth @lstasel @luka365 @luvmynynix @lyno @m9f9l @mantha @mara19500 @mastermek @mathilde22cat @melanierivers @mercuria @mikegifford @mlulu191 @mummarazzii @mzzhope @nadaa @nancyperry @nicolecampbell @nookie72 @northy @olivetreeann @omabluebird @orangecrush @panic_c_button @paulam @payalminhas @peterdegraaff @photohoot @pipat @polarvrtx @psychographer @rachelwithey @rennes @rikshore @rockinrobyn @roseolivia @ryanarra2 @salza @sassik @sassyinma @seejillrun @semjaja @sianipops @silverlight @sioux @smapp @smevvy @so-lo-webb @soseema @spanner @stephomy @steveh @suebarni @sullivar @summerbl4ck @summerfield @sunshinephoto5 @susale @swguevin @syncope @synke @taffy @tammeray @taz_o @tealgarciaphotography @thomasthoth @tigerdreamer @transatlantic99 @twistergirl @voiceprintz @vstap @welcometocarolworld @wenbow @willowdragon @yaorenliu @zabcoloma @mdcteasers @gratefulness @christineaz