Lessons from Alphabet Challenge

March 7th, 2010
Now that we are half-way done with the Alphabet Challenge, I am curious - how has it changed your photography or your 365 project?

I have found the Alphabet Challenge really interesting, but noticed that I don't carry my camera around as much or take as many photos. I now plan ahead and have something in mind for the shot of the day. That is a good thing, I appreciate the extra structure. But now I don't snap as many shots that may be beautiful or artistic if they don't fit the letter of the day. I just don't spend as much time looking for interesting things to shoot.

Has anyone else noticed a change in their photography?
March 7th, 2010
yeah totally agree.. i'm having a lot of fun with it but find that i'm planning more and MAKING shots as opposed to taking photos of what happens to me during the day. I dont mind it as a side light to the 365 project but I do miss the aspect of using 365 to describe my day
March 7th, 2010
My family will chime in with suggestions for the letter of the day as do work collegues, but like Weng Tan I'm missing the 365 aspect of it.

I don't like the lack of spontaneity.
March 7th, 2010
agreed with you guys! i hafta pre plan soo much.
i'm glad it's not forever because it's taking up all my extra time haha.

but i guess that's the point of a project right??

you learn something and take that with you....
it's been quite an experience

and honestly, i think we have ALL grown as photographers and maybe even as people doing it....
i have seem some amazing stuff :)

i too, miss the spontaneity so it will be nice to get back to that...
but i've learned a lot about planning shots, set ups and lighting.
March 7th, 2010
p.s. - i don't think i can move this thread - prolly should have been posted in the General Discussion board but i don't wanna close it...

so just for future reference :)
March 7th, 2010
For me, the Alphabet Challenge has been kind of like putting puzzle pieces together. Since I had a personal "theme" within the challenge, my pictures still fit my life, but may not be representative of that particular DAY. It has required some planning and set-up, but overall I can say that after two months of the 365, I am noticing the world around me, I've learned more about my camera, I have discovered FREE editing software (picasa and piknic), I am using the former, I am developing interesting relationships, AND I'm taking better pictures! (I am looking forward to the end of the Alphabet Challenge so that I can record SIGNS OF SPRING! I'm going to skip the upcoming COLOR THEME.)
March 7th, 2010
I wake up and think immediately. Obsession? I never have a concept in mind. Sometimes I need to get out a Thesaurus if I have an image, but not the letter!
March 7th, 2010
it worked out pretty well for me because my SLR camera was in the shop. but i too have to almost "plan" an image and i have found that i was not taking my camera out with me as often (mostly due to not having my fav camera for a week).

it has helped me see things in a different way, like yesterday i did not have an 'M' word, *ALL* day i was trying to figure one out - and as i played a simple game with my daughter, it came to me. Something about this challenge has opened me up more in seeing everyday things around me, while still limiting me within the letter of the day. It's been a great challenge :o)
March 8th, 2010
It definitely takes some thinking...and I find that I dont shoot as much also...and find myself planning ahead. Either that or I'm just completely stumped and it takes me a while to figure something out. I like the alphabet challenge...but thankfully theres only 26 letters. I am really enjoying myself and find that my level in creativity is rising.... I just like not having to "plan" things too lol
March 8th, 2010
I didn't do the challenge (sorry!) but I think I'm still learning a lot from seeing other people's takes on it!

And Chris Ross - I love the image of somebody taking a photo, then flicking through a thesaurus to find a word for that picture which begins with the right letter... Great stuff!!
March 8th, 2010
I sometimes plan my shots but otherwise I try to find creative ways of fitting my fav shot into that day's theme. I take more photos now as I find some of the letters challenging and can end up with some right old rubbish!
March 8th, 2010
I tortured myself with this project because not only did I take the ABC's but I am doing it as a Scrabble game AND I am including the ongoing game in every picture that I take. I have also chosen to base it on things about me, not just random objects or words that will fit. I have encountered some real challenges with lighting and reflections. I have learned a lot about my lenses and what stop I need for the depth of field I need. The last one I took (N) was fun because I actually took everything out into the restaurant to get my picture. I consider it free advertising for the 365project. It has been fun!

Oh and for those that are wondering, there aren't going to be enough letters to do EVERY word I want, so I will be fudging it a bit as I go.
March 8th, 2010
I LOVED this project! I always loved taking classes, and this was a little like "turning in a project" and then we'd have a critique. It's given me the opportunity to view the work of others taking the challenge and get to know a little about the community. Each evening I've visited the photos listed under the alphabet letter of the day and it's been fun to share the creative photography and writing there. I'd love to add all of you to my "Following" list, but it could become overwhelming; I hope I'll continue to come across each of you through the year.

In my daily life, I seldom venture far from my neighborhood, so I'll watch for future challenges, as it's pushed me to try new things. On days in the future when I'm not inspired by my surroundings, I may dig through the closets again and set up something. It's been a pleasure Folks!
March 8th, 2010
This is the first project I take on. I usually don't even follow the weekly theme just because I don't want to be pressured for the wrong reason. But I do find it very interesting. It doesn't change much of my habbit of carrying camera around and taking pictures whenever I see something interests me. The only hard part (or i shall say "challenge") is that I have to come up a word or a phrase to "match" the photo that i take that day. Other than that, everything is the same to me :))
March 8th, 2010
Being pretty new to the 365project, I was just posting my stuff and not looking at other's work very much. However, I am looking at the 365 tags on a daily basis, seeing some great work, and feel like I am more involved in the community.

Still carrying my camera everywhere, but find myself alphabetically challenged on what I'll shoot... and to occasionally STRETCH the alphabet.
March 8th, 2010
haha. oh man, this project is driving me crazy... i've wanted to quit it on so many occasions, and just go back to taking random snap shots of the day, but then remind myself that i don't want to be a quitter. some things have been totally pointless, and a stretch (i.e. my letter J... oy) but i feel like its atleast giving me somewhat of a challenge, as well as the ability to look forward to the end. haha
March 8th, 2010
This is actually my first photo project I've committed myself into.. I'm very very new to project 365 and thus, the alphabet challenge is my very first theme as well!

As for this project, I've just been taking photos of whatever is going on with me during my days. I am constantly thinking about what to take for specific days, but somehow my plans never follow through because I end up doing something completely different. Because of my indecisive mind, I have to have my camera (or camera phone) with me no matter where I go (just in case).

Finally, the thesaurus is my best friend! Since I use it a lot in writing research papers, I decided to use it to facilitate me on this project.

March 8th, 2010
P.s.s. I have never taken photos on a daily basis before like I do now. I feel that this has become my daily vitamin and it's something that I just have to do just so I won't feel so fixated if I missed one day.
March 8th, 2010
i dont think i plan too much. i just try to find aspects of my normal day that i could use for the challenge. however that means that i have some really great pictures and others that sucks.
March 8th, 2010
I have LOVED this challenge. It has been a blast! I feel like I have grown so much in such a short amount of time and my work shows it. I am seeing the world differently and am really rediscovering my creative side (Juicy Juxtaposition anyone?). I am also getting outside more and playing and I cannot find a way to see that as being a bad thing! I have had friends and family suggest ideas for letters as well and have gotten public places to play along such as my D and E. I think I may actually be a little sad to see it end. =)
March 8th, 2010
I love this challenge as well, and I agree with Autumn.
March 8th, 2010
I'm glad I'm participating the alphabet challenge, but it has been . . . well . . . challenging. Since I have an infant, I don't get out as much as I'd like when it's really cold, which means I've been forced to take most of my photos in or directly outside of our house. Gets tricky! I find I'm spending a lot more time planning what to photograph, and a lot less time accidentally stumbling on a great photo.

Now that things are starting to warm up here, perhaps I'll enjoy the challenge more if I can outside a bit.
March 10th, 2010
This challenge has brought me into this community. Like others, I am still single digit percentage. I have taken the time to actually look at others work and explore more into their works and get inspired for my own. I have been playing a lot with my light setups and taking this time to learn them better. As far as struggling is concerned. I don't do it much for some letters; but some letters give me issues and that is expected. I also try to incorporate my daily life into the image. Like my last shot (pinewood derby), I did a side project for a friend and it happened to fall into my "P" day.

I will be sad to see this theme go, as I like the planning and playing. I also like the idea of having a meaning behind a picture that the community can get into. For instance. if I took that Pinewood Derby picture without the theme, how many people would be interested in really looking at it?

Once this theme is over I will play other reindeer games to help keep me motivated during my 365 project.

Thanks to all that have shown support to my work thus far and the great comments I have received.
March 10th, 2010
It's been creative for me and interesting for me to see other people's pictures. However, I don't know if it's helped with my photography as much. Sometimes, I feel that my pictures are a little "forced" in order to fit the letter theme. Still, since I am new to 365 and all of this, I'll have to see what happens. However, I AM having fun and really that's what this is all about.
March 10th, 2010
I didn't take part in the theme because I'd only been doing my project for about 3 days when it started, but I've really enjoyed seeing how everyone's been interpreting it differently. It seems to make some people think more about what they're taking too, so even when there have been repeat ideas, the results have been totally different. The problem is (as far as I'm concerned) that I've been thinking recently that I'd like to join in, but it seems a bit of a waste at this point. Anyone fancy a rerun in a month or so?
March 10th, 2010
I liked tihs project because I am a stay at home mom and my day is so busy running after kids, driving too and from school, caring for an infant, prepping meals, breaking up fights, reading books, etc... I really don't have free time to take pictures unless they are of my kids. I wanted to something that was for me. The only way I CAN do anything is by planning it so this has really worked for me. It has also given me a sense of self. As a mom to 3 children under age 5, I many times ONLY feel like a mom and nothing else. Taking pictures of my children doesn't break me of that. I am still a mom taking pictures of her children and wasn't learning more about photography, wasn't feeling as fullfilled. Don't get me wrong...I am loving staying at home with my kids and I love them dearly, but I was getting lonely and wanting more in life. The ABC challenge gave me just that. It gave me something to look forward to every single day, something to think about that was about ME. I really needed that.
March 11th, 2010
because I am so NOT a photographer, doing this made me look at the world in an entirely different way especially with looking for letter of the day type things. I'm no where near as good as some but I like what I'm doing. Its something I've never even tried before.
March 11th, 2010
I have had a lot of fun with this & have taken some shots that I probably never would have taken w/o the letter challenge! I am still trying to stick to my 365 goal by capturing a moment that happens during or plays a part in my day, so that ups the challenge a bit!. lol. BUT....I am also ready for the letter Z to be here and go back to shooting things that catch my eye during our day and random fun pics of my fam! :)
March 11th, 2010
While there were some frustrating letters (and more to come) i still found this to be a pretty fun project. I have to admit, I'm not going to miss the hours of frustration of trying to think "WHAT STARTS WITH THE LETTER Q?!?!!" lol

overall it made me think of my pictures more...lighting, set up and really...just how much effort I put into the 365.

When I started, a friend of mine who had just completed it commented to me that I shouldn't do it because [she implied that] I was going to half ass it and completely take away it's integrity...I disagree totally.

This challenge also opened up my eyes to a lot of the other amazing photographers on this site as well :)

So good luck with everyone with the last half of the alphabet!
March 11th, 2010
I started this challenge later than most (I just did J-azz), after seeing some of the great shots that others had taken. I hadn't taken on a theme previously, so it has been a new experience for me.

I'm so glad I took it on because I have been experimenting with different techniques, as a result. Part of my goal of taking on the 365 project was to learn more about photography and my camera. Previous to starting the alphabet theme, I was simply documenting something about my day. Now, I'm planning and preparing -- and reading my camera manual regularly to figure out how to play with the settings!

Another added benefit is that I've become aware of many other talented members of this community. I'm reading the forums and checking out the daily shots.
March 11th, 2010
Noticing i'm getting frustrated more. I ordinary just walk around nature taking pic's of what i find. So it gets more looking for old foto's. And that ruins the 365 and letter theme both. Not good at arranging or planning. A good theme for those who want to challange their skill and imagination, but for me photo is finding moments and emotions. And that i can't do on order.
March 11th, 2010
Congrats to all of you who have managed to keep this up. For me, Life simply got in the way and I have bombed out. I was upset at first, but now I am okay with it and accepted that I have only managed to take 2 photos this week and 2 last week. Well I still have 3 days left of this week...My brother is visiting here this weekend and I'm hoping to take some cute photos of the cousins together- so I hope that it'll get my mojo back again.
March 11th, 2010
I've half enjoyed the ABC challenge... I started this project to record my life in what I suppose it's the project's main ethos, but as I also want to improve my eye, my photography blah blah blah I thought I'd give it a go...

Thing was, I didn't just want to take A is for Apple, B is for Boat etc images and have tried my best to fit in both an image of the day and an alphabet image at the same time... sometimes it's hard tho and like Chris (see way above) I've dragged out the ol' Thesaurus a couple of times...

If I'm honest, I'll be gald when it's over... especially as U, V, Y and Z are coming up :-)
March 11th, 2010
It has been a challenge for the most part. I find myself going to sleep and waking up with it on my mind. I at times think several days in advance for something, and sometimes it doesn't hit me till mid afternoon of the day of the letter. I will not say that I will miss it when done, but it has been fun. Now I have to get busy and find something with (r) I usually look at who has done what after I submit, so I don't work on some else's idea.
March 12th, 2010
I WANT IT TO BE OVER! :-) Before the abc challenge I carried my camera around looking for a photo opportunity for the day. Now, during this challenge, I start planning the day before and when I get up in the morning I usually know what my pic of the day will be. The added challenge of taking all the photos within my house has made it more difficult it to expand my photographic abilities. I will admit that composition and some aspects of still photography have become easier for me, but I can't wait to get back outside to take a photo of something that doesn't necessarily begin with a specific letter.

Another challenge? Maybe, if it is only a week.

I have enjoyed the small community that developed within the challenge and enjoy looking at everyone's entries, commenting on them and reading comments on mine.

Bring on X, Y and Z!!
March 12th, 2010
I think I love it so much because I do not preplan my photos and it hasn't really changed what I take photos of....I just play with the words to match the letter and the picture I am posting for the day. That way it still expresses my actual life and I am still taking just as many shots. It has sparked my creativity in my use of adjectives, that is for sure! I also didn't take pictures of something that began with the letter, like A is for Apple. I thought outside the box a bit. For example, the day I started I had to get several injections to travel to China and so I did A is for Antibodies and posted a collage of me getting my shots and icing my arm later. Just a different approach than some people took but I found that, for me, it made the project more enjoyable and gave me more creative freedom! =)
March 12th, 2010
I signed up for the 356 Project just in time for the alphabet challenge. and it was exactly that! a challenge!! i'm always behind...if i have a concept in my mind, i don't have the time...and if i do have the time, i draw complete blanks. i had fun stalking profiles, even if majority of the photos i see gives me inferiority complex =) this challenge is such a work out on one's creativity and i struggled because i haven't even stretched yet. Anyways, good luck to everyone with the remaining letters...i gotta go see if i can find a xeroxed xray of a xylophone, a yak on a yacht yanking a yoyo and a zebra zigzagging in zimbabwe.
March 12th, 2010
Rainee, thanks, you took my ideas from me... now back to the drawing board... some people... geeessshhh.
March 13th, 2010
*sigh* I guess I'll cancel my trip to Zimbabwe, now.
March 13th, 2010
I've had to get out the ol' Webster's a few times haha. I tried to not "set up" shots. I had to think a little bit more, but lucky for us, there are a ton of words.

And since most of our pics are better then 1,000 words, it was kinda easy to find a pic that just said one word..

March 13th, 2010
The abc project caused me to be much more aware of the environment and take a look at simple things to make photographically interesting. I've loved every minute.
March 13th, 2010
This challenge renewed my interest in this project. I had been doing 365 just long enough to feel really uninspired. It made me realize that I was stuck on a photo rut and there are a lot more options out there. Not all of my photos turned out but it was fun trying. I find that it is impossible to take one photo that encapsulates a day anyway so I don't really bother with that.

I still take my camera with me everywhere and I still take all of those shots that I see. I have learned from 365 that if you see a perfect photo take the picture! I've tried going back the next day to get one for a new day and the photo is gone. I want to be comfortable with my camera, I am not limited to one photo a day, just how many I post.
March 13th, 2010
I bailed out pretty early on the challenge for mainly the reason everyone said - I missed the spontaneity of finding something random to photograph throughout my day. Instead I was thinking and planning all day, "Okay... now what can I take a picture of that starts with E?" which is not necessarily a bad thing, but just not what I wanted to do every day for 26 days.
March 13th, 2010
Roll on Friday when it's finally 'Z' ... So not enjoying this now! But having got as far (and done) T, I'm not quitting now!
March 14th, 2010
congrats to everyone who managed to get all this way with the alphabet theme! is it T already?!
I didn't take part, as i wanted the project to be more about capturing something that happens to me each day, rather than pre-planning a photo, and have enjoyed taking part in the weekly challenges instead, as this normally seems to fit in with my day a little more easily. but have loved following everyones progress.. some very creative ideas! :o)
March 14th, 2010
I have really enjoyed the challenge. I usually have an idea of a particular letter but by the end of the day another opportunity will have presented itself and I end up using that photo instead. For me, I have been able to keep it spontaneous.
March 15th, 2010
The lesson I've learnt, is that some letters are extremely lacking in any cool adjectives *lol*
Except for 2 shots which I had ideas for, the rest of the time I just took photos of what caught my attention, then at the end of the day, tried to fit them to the letter. The dictionary definitely got a work out. A couple of days I would have preferred to use a different photo, but there was just no way to fit it into the day's letter. But it's definitely been interesting to be constrained by what letter it was that day.
March 15th, 2010
The abc has been quite a challenge to me in that I often feel restricted to the letter and then get photographers block, but on the other hand I am forced into being more creative. It does take up my time so on some occasions I take what pics I want then find a title that starts with the day's letter. I am constantly catching up on myself as I find it takes more time. Will continue with the abc but also will be glad when its over and I can take a break....until the next challenge!
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