New Macro Challenge Found in Nature

July 23rd, 2020
Thank you to Adi @adi314 for doing a fantastic job of hosting the macro challenge-gears, thanks also to all who took part and those who voted,

Past subjects included: brushes, bubbles, bugs, buttons, candy, car, Christmas decorations, Christmas table settings, coins, color, crafts, cutlery, drinking straws, Easter, eye, feather, flowers (2x), food, food packaging, fruit, game pieces, gears, glass, hands, herbs/spices, jewelry, key, knobs, leaf, metal, money, motion, motion, music (2x), plumbing, rust, seeds, shells, shoes, stationary, stone, St. Patrick’s Day, textures, time, tools, toys, water drops, wood, cups, personal bathroom, technology, kitchen universe, mundane, guess, nuts, decay, morning and stamps.

Macro shots don’t necessarily have to be taken with a macro lens- any photo that makes small objects look larger than life can be considered a macro.

This round of the macro challenge will run from 23rd July 2020 to midnight on 9th August 2020
The subject will be “found in nature”, hopefully that will give plenty of subjects/scope to take, I look forward to seeing what you can come up with.

Tag your pictures: macro-innature
Finalists will be selected on the 10th and voting will occur shortly after.
July 24th, 2020
Fabulous theme.
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