Eye of the Beholder Round 133

June 7th, 2021
Thank you to @merrelyn for hosting the last round of Eye Of The Beholder (EOTB) and to all who participated and voted.

Now it’s on to round 133!

If you're not familiar with Eye of The Beholder, it's all about finding something extraordinary in the ordinary. You want to find a subject that if people were watching you taking the shot, they would be wondering what on earth has possessed you to photograph something which seems so ordinarily, plain, bland, boring or ugly.

You will need to find a way to portray your subject so that it comes across differently and aesthetically pleasing. This challenge is about using light, the rules of competition and your photographer's eye to find the beauty in your subject. A bit of post-processing is okay, but please go lightly with edits - there are other challenges for editing.

Challenge Tag EOTB-133
Start Date Monday 7th June.
End Date Wednesday 30th June, midnight in your time zone.
Your photos must be taken within this time frame.

I will select the finalists and set up the voting as soon as possible after the deadline. The winner will have the honor of hosting the next challenge.

Current entries can be seen here:

Please consider posting your images to this thread to inspire others. I’m looking forward to seeing what catches your eye. Have fun!
June 7th, 2021
June 8th, 2021
@kuva Hello! Megan, would you please check the start and end dates? Neither 7 or 30 of June are Sundays :D Please update here and I will pick it up for the SH*T list. Thank you!
June 8th, 2021
@monikozi Thank you! Good catch! Updated - dates were correct, days of the week were not. :)
June 8th, 2021
@kuva thank you very much!!! You rule!
July 5th, 2021
@kuva Hello! I was looking for the voting thread of this challenge and I can't find it. In case you forgot about it, would you please set it up? Thank you so much!
July 9th, 2021
@monikozi I did forget! Thank you for the reminder! Will post a link once it's up!
July 9th, 2021
@kuva thank you!!
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