New ETSOOI Challenge ~ Fire Up Your Software!!

July 4th, 2023
Many thanks to @30pics4jackiesdiamond for hosting the last ETSOOI Challenge ~ #152. Apparently I'll be hosting the new ETSOOI Challenge ~ #153.

First, for the uninitiated (like I was), here's a little history of how this challenge began:

The ETSOOI phrase was coined by Mary Beth Dailey. When a photo she took didn’t turn out as Mary Beth expected she "Edited the Shenanigans Out Of It" (or as others have translated it as "Editing the 'Sorryness' Out Of It"). Repairing what she thought of as a failure with a huge amount of post-processing Mary Beth was able to come up with a satisfactory outcome. She then turned this experience into a challenge for the 365 community and now many challenges later, you are invited to participate in ETSOOI #153

There are only two rules for this challenge:

1) Your starting image MUST be taken within the designated time frame and

2) You MUST have taken the picture yourself.

There are no boundaries on the way you edit your picture. So, be creative! And the more creative, the better!

If you're new to this challenge and need some help there are plenty of programs available to upload to your computer: Affinity, Photoshop, Lightroom, Topaz and more. There are free on-line programs at websites such as,, . For the phone and tablet there are many apps: Snapseed, PicsArt, Pencil Sketch, Free Camera360, Deep Art Effects, Distressed FX+, Hyperspektiv, and ToonCamera.

If you wish to do so, feel free to divulge your step by step process and the program(s) you used in your narrative; it may assist others new to this challenge.

You may enter as many images as you like, but only one entry will be chosen if you are selected as a finalist. The winner receives the honor of hosting the next ETSOOI challenge.

The starting date for ETSOOI #153 is June 28, 2023
The end date is July 28, 2023
Tag entries: etsooi-153 (note the hyphen between letters and number)

Entries can be seen here:

If veterans of this Challenge see any errors in this communication, let me know and I will correct them. I'm a newbie. :-))
July 4th, 2023
perfect job of setting up the new challenge!
July 4th, 2023
Perfectly phrased!! May this be first of many challenges you host 😁
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