Non-Domestic Animals Outside #16

July 13th, 2023
Thanks to all who voted for my "Thirsty Squirrel" image last round, to all the people who entered and to @princessicajessica for stepping in to run the last round.

So, without further ado, on to round 16!

The requirements for this challenge are really simple. Take and post a picture of a non-domestic animal outside, within the dates of the challenge.

The subject range is quite extensive and can include wild animals or birds, farm or zoo animals, insects, amphibians, and many more. The ONLY rule about your subject is it must be something from the animal kingdom EXCEPT domestic pets.

Start date- July 9 (backdated to end of last challenge)
End date - 31 July (Monday)

Please tag your entries NDAO16

You can enter as many images as you wish, but I may only select one entry per photographer for the shortlist.

Link to view entries:

Please also post them, if you wish, in the thread below to keep the post active in the Latest Discussions!

Looking forward to seeing what animals you find; please be safe, respectful, and legal!
July 28th, 2023
Time is running short, get your entries in by Monday!
August 1st, 2023
NDO16 is Closed for entries. I'll get the slate of finaists up ASAP.

Funny aside: it seems I forgot I was running this challenge, and entered a photo. I didn't realize until I was starting to review the entries! Naturally, I'm disqualifying myself... Still, SOOOOO many great entries, it will be hard to select finalists.
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